I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 657 A Clear Conscience

Chapter 657 A Clear Conscience (1)

"Daughter, why are you so stupid!"

Long Jiu was so angry that he almost slapped him.

"That's right, if you leave with me today, you will be convicted of being mad at Gong Shouri, but you can clarify the matter by staying here?! The Gong family is willing to listen to your explanation and believe that you are innocent? Gong Shou Is Ri's death an accident, or is there another real culprit?"

Su Qiao lowered her head: "No, they decided that the murderer was me, and they won't change their mind."

"That's it! If you stay, you will only have a dead end!"

Long Jiuzhong persuaded Su Qiao earnestly, saying: "The old saying is good, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood. You have to save your life to prove your innocence!"


Su Qiao was in a conflicted mood.

The whole thing was framed one after another. From the moment she received Gong Xinjie's call, she--

But will Gong Xinjie use Gong Shouri's life as a price to frame herself and let her die without a place to die?
Su Qiao, who didn't believe that Gong Xinjie's heart could be so cruel, fell into a maze.

Long Jiu looked at her daughter's thoughtful expression, and said to Su Qiao, "Could it be that you thought of something?"

Su Qiao shook her head and said, "No, nothing, I... I was just thinking, who can kill someone so viciously without leaving any traces."

"This...he should be a highly educated person with a high IQ." Long Jiuzhong said, "And his inner quality is also very good. After a murder, he can calmly contact the family of the deceased."

"Not only is she mentally good, she's also a master of manipulation..."

A strange look rolled over Su Qiao's face.

Long Jiuzhong said, "Could it be that you have something in your heart..."

"No! There is no one to choose!"

Su Qiao glanced outside and said, "Let's go!"


All the way from the "cell" to the gate of the hospital, everyone was knocked down by the dragon group, lying on the ground, grunting.

Under the leadership of Long Jiuzhong, Su Qiao walked out of the hospital graciously and walked to the helicopter.

At this time, a figure appeared.

Gong Yueming.

He looked at Su Qiao and said, "Bon voyage."

"You don't want to keep me?" Su Qiao asked Gong Yueming, "Do you also think that there is no possibility of turning things over this time except for escaping?"

Gong Yueming said: "Yes, there is no possibility of a comeback, but I will do my best to stop the Gong family killing."

He looked around and said, "Let's go! It's too late!"

Su Qiao's eyes were a little moist.

Ever since she tore her face, she could only feel this man's domineering and self-righteousness, and she maintained a relationship with him purely for physical and reproductive needs.But at this moment, she felt his masculinity and his charm inexplicably.

"Check out Gong Xinjie," she said, "it was Gong Xinjie who called me to the hospital."


When getting off the helicopter, Su Qiao saw the worried young master Yu.

Su Qiao suddenly felt sorry. She walked up to Young Master Yu and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have disobeyed you and went to see Gong Shouri. I... made you worry!"

As he spoke, tears flowed out.

Gongzi Yu stretched out his arms to hug her and said, "Silly woman, how could I be angry with you for such a trivial matter! I am only angry that I am not strong enough to give you a world where there is absolutely no danger."

"But this time... this time it's true..."

Su Qiao felt very ashamed. It was all because of her that the matter had come to this point.

Gongzi Yu said: "The Gong family will officially announce Gong Shouri's death in three days' time. You can consider whether you want to attend."

"...What are you talking about! You want me to..."

Su Qiao was so frightened that her hairs flew off.

(End of this chapter)

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