I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 667 Opening a Studio Independently

Chapter 667 Opening a Studio Independently

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. I sent Qiuqiu to the zoo because I thought tigers should stay in the zoo... Anyway, it's foster care. You can get it back later, right?"

Sun Ningli squeezed out a pitiful smile.

Su Qiao sneered: "Did you know that tigers are national protected animals and are not allowed to be kept privately! Also, any animals donated to zoos will be automatically collected as state property and cannot be redeemed!"

"...I'm not donating, I'm fostering..."

Sun Ningli began to pretend to be pitiful.

"it's the same!"

Su Qiao said to the assistant: "Help me contact Cheng Dong immediately, let her go to the zoo, and leave with a Bengal tiger that will respond to shouting 'Qiuqiu'! Hurry up!"


After the assistant went down, Sun Ningli looked at Su Qiao with an aggrieved face: "Qiaoqiao, I didn't mean it, I... I don't understand..."

"I know, you don't have the guts to trick me on purpose!"

Su Qiao's voice was stern.

Sun Ningli said pitifully: "Qiaoqiao, I won't make mistakes again, this time...don't..."

"I don't blame you," Su Qiao said, "I'm even grateful for you. If the second elder brother is really alone in marrying you, what he will face now is definitely not such a little cold face."

"... pretty..."

Sun Ningli's plain makeup is already good, but at this time her eyes are full of tears, I really feel pity for her.

It's a pity that the one Su Qiao dislikes the most is Bai Lian bitch.

She said: "Student Sun, you and I have only been classmates for one year. It is love for you, but it is not an obligation. I don't need to take this matter to heart. I hope you learn your lesson and take care of yourself!"

"Why is it good to do it for yourself? What have I done wrong?"

Sun Ningli's expression carried the bitch that Su Qiao hated the most.

Su Qiao said: "This question... you'll know when you've been with Yang Ye for a long time! I've really been kind enough to you."

At this time, the assistant came back and said to Su Qiao: "Cheng Dong promised to help, and if there is no accident, we can get the ball out before dark."

"After getting Qiuqiu out, she will be fostered in the apartment temporarily, and Sister Jin will be in charge of the food," Su Qiao said, "I will leave the safety issue to Long Nan, and he will find someone to take care of Qiuqiu."

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

The assistant left again, and Su Qiao said to Sun Ningli: "Because we are all classmates, I will give you a poisonous chicken soup. The entertainment industry is a place to make money, but it is also a big quagmire. If you are not careful, you will die without a trace." land."

"I know... I will be careful..."

Sun Ningli left aggrieved.

Not far away, He Sheng walked out and said to Su Qiao, "Why are you so cruel to her, isn't she your classmate?"

Su Qiao smiled and asked: "Why are you here? Didn't you leave Qiao Jiaren and start your own studio?"

He Sheng laughed dryly and said, "This film is starring my brother, so I'm here to visit the set, can't I?"

"Okay, okay! Of course!"

Su Qiao turned her head, looked at He Zai who was feeding the pigeons with Yang Ye in the square, and said, "Do you need me to introduce a girlfriend?"

"This... I don't lack women," He Sheng said, "I don't lack women at the moment, and I don't want to have a girlfriend again... A blood-sucking woman like Zhang Keren, one is enough!"

"But the ancestral chromosomes of your old He family..."

Su Qiao couldn't believe that He Sheng didn't know about his brother and Yang Ye.

He Sheng smiled and said, "There are many ways to reproduce, and you don't have to marry a woman."

(End of this chapter)

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