I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 669 Because of Love

Chapter 669 Because of Love
"Are you moved?" Young Master Yu asked Su Qiao.

Su Qiao said: "I'm not moved. Your people have always regarded me as a thorn in their side, but now they probably regard me as the reincarnation of Daji Baosi!"

"Isn't it good? It just confirms your allure."

Young Master Yu seems to be very interested in the Hunjun character design.

Su Qiao was speechless, and said, "Aren't you afraid that if you keep messing around like this, the people below will be unhappy?"

"When will they be happy? From the moment I started liking you, they only hate you!"

Gongzi Yu threw the ring into the clean water, and the crimson jam dispersed, revealing a gem as deep as a star.

He took out the ring, put it on Su Qiao, and said as he put it on: "This gem is called Blue Star, which was transformed from the relic of a Dharma monk 500 years ago. The color is not as clear as real sapphire, but the texture But it is more layered. And it is rumored that this thing can ward off evil spirits. It just so happens that you have been entangled in sorcery during this period of time, and you were also picked on by Gumantong..."

"You are too hardworking." Su Qiao said, she lowered her head, her slender fingers looked even whiter against the blue stone, and the stone also added a bit of mystery and magic.

While looking at the ring with her, Gongzi Yu said in a low voice: "I don't hesitate to think about anything related to you."

"But how do you know that I will definitely like this stone?" Su Qiao asked back, "Don't most people give women gifts like diamonds?"

"It turns out that you want diamonds more, well, I'll let someone—"

Before she finished speaking, Su Qiao sealed Young Master Yu's lips with her hand: "Say whatever you want, don't take it to heart!"

Gongzi Yu grabbed her hand, kissed her ambiguously, and asked softly, "Can you let me stay tonight?"
"This one……"

Su Qiao showed a troubled look.

Gongzi Yu said: "It's okay, I'm just asking, you don't need to give me an answer. By the way, the cake has been cut, eat it early."


Gongzi Yu left the room with the customer service manager and the chef.

Su Qiao looked at the words written with gold leaf on the white cream, but thought of some past events with Gong Yueming in her heart.

At the playground, he was brutal, excessive and jealous, as if an out-of-control beast was venting too much energy on her.

At that time, she actually hated him very much. She regarded the affairs with him as the price that must be paid for success, and served him as earnestly as an actress serves a benefactor, but it was just a service.

But now, when she thinks back on the past, she actually feels that she has begun to miss his strength and savagery, obviously...

It is clear that the gentleness of Mr. Yu is what she wants most, but why does she miss Gong Yueming's savagery? Is this the so-called long-term love? It is difficult for a woman's body to break free from the control of desire. Can't help but think of...

The more she thought about it, the more frightened Su Qiao cut off a piece of cake covered with edible gold leaf and stuffed it into her mouth, but she couldn't taste it at all.

She began to fear, doubt, and dread...

Am I actually in love with him...

Thinking of this, she smiled wryly.

She said to herself in the mirror: "Su Qiao, Su Qiao, why do you like to be mean and make trouble for yourself so much? After all, the people who treated you harshly in the previous life were willing to treat you gently and give you everything you wanted most, but you Hate accepting his favor, thinking about another fire pit? What's wrong with you?"

Deep in my heart, a voice secretly replied: Because of love...

(End of this chapter)

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