Chapter 672 Poisoning (3)

Fuck, the dialect is all out, and you said you can't act!
Su Qiao slandered, let the field manager take the person away, and sat in the rest area to continue reading the script.

At this time, a glass of water was handed behind her. Su Qiao turned around and saw an unexpected face: "Zong Hai? Why do you..."

"I was filming in the crew next door. I heard from the crew that Mr. He and Mr. Yang had a rival scene today, so I asked for leave to study and observe."

Zong Hai showed a greasy smile like a wax figure.

Su Qiao looked a little nauseated, and said, "But this is the rest area. You want to watch them act, go to the set."

"The studio is closed," Zong Hai said frivolously, brushing Su Qiao's shoulder with his fingers, "The director said that no one else is allowed to enter the studio."

"...Director Sun does have this problem."

After Su Qiao finished answering Zong Hai's question, she saw that his hands were trying to be unruly, so she slapped them down and said, "Where are you touching your hands?"

Zong Hai said aggrievedly: "There is a bug on your shoulder."

"small bug?"

Zong Hai stretched out his palm, and there was indeed a small black dot on the palm.

Su Qiao was helpless, took out a tissue for him, and said, "Wipe it!"

Zong Hai wiped his hands and said, "Miss Mo, why are you always so indifferent to me? It's because I kissed you forcefully, or because—"

"You are handsome, but not the one I admire." Su Qiao said, "Besides, I hate frivolous men."

A greasy smile appeared on Zong Hai's face, and he said, "Where am I so frivolous?"

"Your expression makes me feel frivolous," Su Qiao said, "Also, this is the rest area of ​​Huaxing's crew, not Huanmu's crew—"

She paused for a moment, and pointed her finger out: "If you can't respect yourself, just leave immediately!"

"Miss Mo—"

Zong Hai didn't dare to be tough, and pretended to be pitiful with a bitter face, and said, "Don't be like this...I just want to get close to you."

"But I'm not interested in getting close to you."

Su Qiao is firm.

The sudden raised voice made the assistants and staff who thought the two were friends and deliberately avoided them realize that something was wrong, surrounded them, and tried to persuade Zong Hai to leave.

Su Qiao leaned back on the chair and said, "From now on, no one will allow him to join the crew!"


The assistant felt that Su Qiao was a little too strict.

Su Qiao said: "This person has bad intentions and vicious methods. If he is allowed to enter and leave the film crew, there will be endless troubles!"


The aftermath came quickly.

Around five o'clock, a short video of Su Qiao slapping Zong Hai's hand was posted on the Internet. Due to the special shooting angle of the short video, it looked like Su Qiao slapped Zong Hai maliciously.

The video Weibo didn't have captions, and the sound and picture in the video were blurry, but it was enough to make Zong Hai's fans explode!
They posted "Mo Qiaoqiao get out of the entertainment circle" and "Mo Qiaoqiao is arrogant and unreasonable" on all major social platforms... Ordinary people who spoke to Mo Qiaoqiao were drowned in the siege of private messages from Zonghai's fan group just after they spoke!

There were even a few girls who defended Mo Qiaoqiao by saying that Zong Hai also had a dark history, and they were brutally tortured.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Zong Hai's brainless fans put all their personal information including private photos on the Internet. In just three hours, they received at least a hundred insulting calls from Zong Hai's fans, as well as messages from wretched men. Ghost voice harassment.

Seeing these news, Su Qiao's face turned cold, and she asked her assistant to contact Zong Hai's manager immediately: "Your artist has caused this kind of thing again, you can figure it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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