I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 674 The Beating Video

Chapter 674 The Beating Video (2)

"What if it can't be resolved peacefully?"

"If not, I have no choice but to..."

Su Qiao showed a cold smile.

Originally, Zong Hai was unreasonable, he was careless about himself, but his fans beat him up and insisted that he beat Zong Hai for no reason. The matter has reached the stage of a human flesh search, and there have been victims, but Zong Hai still pretended to be dead. I don't know!

"It's a pity that this guy is famously thick-skinned, otherwise..."

Yi Xi didn't like Zong Hai at all, and the source of this dissatisfaction was their previous cooperation, although that cooperation made their real CP explode once.

"Actually, I also find it strange that he is a dumb actor, he likes to cut pictures and use a stand-in, he looks like an ordinary handsome guy, and he has such a bad personality. Why do he keep getting endorsements and TV dramas?"

Because he is not at the level of a celebrity, He Zai has heard of Zong Hai's notoriety in the industry but has never taken the initiative to understand him.

"Because the marketing is in place, and his agent is very good at grabbing roles and endorsements at low prices." Ximen said with a smile, "His agent is very good at making data, and the packaging and publicity capabilities are also in place. It is not easy to be caught by his in the industry." The data is falsified."

"I see."

He Zai suddenly realized.

Yang Ye said: "But won't doing so ruin the atmosphere of the industry? Always offering endorsements at a low price will make colleagues..."

"They don't care," Ximen added, "Zong Hai himself has a bad record, and most of the industry is unwilling to give him a good role, even if they compete at a low price. That's why his agent keeps robbing endorsements at low prices to expand Zong Hai's national popularity." Degree, and then use the so-called 'nationality' to convince the investors that he is the most suitable person for this role, and put reverse pressure on the crew."

"This is really..."

Yang Ye and He Zai were very angry.

Yi Xi said: "However, although their calculations are good, they can't stop God's will. His statistics are all fake red, and his fans' spending power is very limited. Although he has more than 30 endorsements under his name, most of them are just one season. Urgent replacement, currently there are only nine endorsements... and none of them have been renewed..."

"It's embarrassing."

The two film kings showed understanding smiles.

Su Qiao said: "There is no way, the price is low, the rate of return is lower, and the merchant does not want to waste resources on him."

"This guy... is also amazing..."

Several elders in the crew expressed emotion in unison.

Yi Xi said: "It's not that I curse him. With his attitude and ability, he will be abandoned by the industry within five years at most."

"I believe you." Su Qiao said.

At this time the phone buzzed, Su Qiao picked it up, it was a string of data sent by Gu Hai.

Su Qiao hastily pulled Ximen aside and showed him the data: "What is this? Garbled characters?"

"This is Moore's code. It seems to be a piece of ID number and home address when translated." Ximen said, "Give me your phone, and I'll find a professional to translate it."

"Thank you," Su Qiao said, "But having said that, why did Gu Hai play such a tricky game, can't he just send the message to my phone?"

"Is this..."

Simon showed an indescribable expression.

Su Qiao vaguely understood, and said, "How long will it take for the result?"

"Half an hour at most." Simon looked around and said, "You work first, and I will come to you with the results later."

"It's troublesome."

Ximen left with her mobile phone, and Su Qiao was called by the director to prepare a memory scene with Yi Xi's childhood sweetheart.

"Remember, in this memory scene, you have to show a small amount of recklessness and impulsiveness, and at the same time obey her."

(End of this chapter)

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