Chapter 682

Su Qiao didn't refuse, she knew that Yi Xi's feelings for her were somewhere between men and women and friendship.When his lips touched her eyelids, she could even feel the national boy weeping secretly.

He kissed her eyelids, almost out of control.

"It's impossible for me to reach your height in my life," he said with a sob, "Do you know, I used to be jealous of you, even hated you, I hate that you have only been on the international stage for a year since your debut, I It’s your talent to hate your success. Because I hate it too much, I once faintly hinted at Brother Chu and asked him to find the navy to label your success as the result of background and marketing. Because I’m jealous, so jealous blacken!"

He raised his head, looked at Su Qiao, and said, "Do you think I'm disgusting, let the navy black you, and still be friends with you?"

"Jealousy is instinct," Su Qiao said, "I was once jealous too, when I faced a competitor that I couldn't catch up with in my whole life! The kind that even if I tried my best, I could only watch me and The feeling that his distance is getting farther and farther will make people feel so uncomfortable that they will kneel down and cry!"

She was talking about her past self.

In her previous life, she was discovered by scouts when she was working in a coffee shop, signed a contract with a company, and became a trainee.

However, it turned out that she didn't have the talent to be a singer, she was average in singing and dancing, and she was allowed to stand in the first row only because her face was more photogenic.

Almost every time she performed, she was complained that the girl's radio gymnastics were beautiful because her dance was too stiff, or because her singing was not as good as the same period, she was ridiculed by otaku fans and said that she should be a cover girl!
The saddest thing is that she comes to the dance classroom at the earliest every day and returns to the collective apartment at the latest, but...

"Everyone has something they are good at." Su Qiao said, "I envy you that you can sing and dance, and I especially envy your beautiful martial arts moves."

"But my acting skills... Forget it, talent... I'm thinking about it too. If you don't have talent, you don't have talent. I'm not a god, so how can I be perfect?!"

Yi Xi laughed at herself, but because of his words, Su Qiao couldn't help but think of Gong Yueming and Gongzi Yu.

They were the closest to perfect men she had ever seen, but their ruthlessness in the emotional field also perfectly proved that no one is perfect.

It would be great if the personalities of the two could be neutralized...

The sudden thought startled Su Qiao, she pressed her heart guiltily and said, "I didn't show any strange expression just now, did I?"

"That sentence of yours is strange enough."

Yi Xi looked at Su Qiao inexplicably.

Su Qiao took a long breath and said, "It's nothing, I was a little cranky just now."

She looked up at the sky, yawned, and said, "It's getting late, we have to film tomorrow!"

"I send you--"

Before she finished speaking, Yi Xi saw a man with mysterious purple eyes beside Su Qiao.

The man made a "shh" gesture to Yi Xi, and then he stretched out his hand, and the cashmere windbreaker brushed against Su Qiao's shoulder, and the woman felt her face itchy, and said angrily while stretching out her hand, "What are you doing! You—— "

"Come to take you home!"

Young Master Yu stretched out his hand to pull Su Qiao into his arms.

Su Qiao looked at Yi Xi shyly and said, "Promise me, I didn't see anything!"

Yi Xi glanced at Young Master Yu and said, "Do I like to die that much?"

Gongzi Yu showed a deep smile.

(End of this chapter)

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