I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 684 Give birth to a child

Chapter 684 Give birth to a child (2)

In the evening, after finishing work and returning to the hotel, Su Qiao saw something greasy on the table and immediately felt nauseous, and said, "This dish is too oily, it doesn't look appetizing."

"Then don't eat it."

Gong Ziyu asked people to bring down the dishes she didn't like, picked some bland things, and put them in her bowl: "Your situation is different now, you need to pay more attention to balanced nutrition."

Su Qiao smelled something different in Young Master Yu's words, and asked, "Why do I have to pay attention to nutritional balance? The movie I'm accepting this time has no action scenes or dangerous moves, so why..."

"Your health is not just yours, you have to think more about everyone."

Gong Ziyu didn't want to admit the fact that she was pregnant and that she was pregnant with Gong Ziyu's child, so he inevitably hesitated when speaking.

"Just say what you want to say, don't go around the corner," Su Qiao said, "Are you pregnant?"


"I know I'm pregnant," Su Qiao said, "I took a pregnancy test today, with two bars. Maybe I should take time off and go to the hospital for an examination."

Gongzi Yu's face became stiff.

He said: "Why do you have to tell me the last thing I want to say? You know how much effort it took me to accept your decision to have a child who is pregnant with a harem, and how much effort it took to accept that the child is already pregnant. fact?"

The sudden confession silenced Su Qiao.

She looked at Young Master Yu guiltily: "I'm sorry, I only cared about myself and forgot to consider your feelings..."

Gongzi Yu said: "It's okay. In the past, I only cared about myself and never considered your feelings. It is God's will to be treated like this by you now."

"Actually, you don't have to blame yourself like this..."

Su Qiao said in a low voice.

Gongzi Yu grabbed her hand with earnest eyes: "Give up this child! Giving birth to this evil seed will only make you more painful."

"No..." Su Qiao lowered her head, "I gave up the chance to become a mother twice, and this is the third pregnancy... As the saying goes, there are only three things, if I give up again this time, I will surely provoke the sky... ..."

"Who said that! Who..."

"That's what God said," Su Qiao said, "It's God's will that I'll be born again, and let me become your niece... This is God's will, and God doesn't allow us to continue our relationship... The same is true for children, God is sure Knowing that I have lost my child twice in my previous life and this life...this is the third chance it gave me, I can't live up to it..."

"You are too superstitious!"

"So many things have happened, why don't you let me not be superstitious?" Su Qiao asked Young Master Yu, "Rebirth can happen, let alone... the child's matter... I hope you can let me...let me..."

There were tears in the corners of her eyes.

Gongzi Yu felt ashamed, so he could only say: "Okay, the child can stay, but you can't let him know who his father is! You can't let him meet with the Gong family, especially you can't let Gong Yueming know of his existence! Understand!"

"I see."

Su Qiao knew that this was Young Master Yu's last concession.

After all, he is a man, even if he once said against his will that he doesn't mind her breaking up with other men, when he really faces the fact of being pregnant, he will be jealous and angry, and he will be so angry that he wants to kill someone.

"It's good to know."

Young Master Yu squeezed the space between his eyebrows and said, "After the movie is finished, I will go back to raise the baby with me, and you are not allowed to take care of other things. The same is true for film appointments, let them wait or change! Do you understand!"

"But I think..."

"After the baby is born, you can do whatever you want!"

Su Qiao remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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