I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 690 Shameless Gu Hai

Chapter 690 Shameless Gu Hai
"It takes a woman ten months and 20 years of nurturing to create a life, but it only takes ten seconds of suffocation to take a human life." He said to himself, "Sometimes I also You will feel that my existence itself is a crime, and I actually make a living by killing people!"

"I don't think you are guilty," Su Qiao said, "You kill people just to live, you never—"

"I have done many, many bad things and killed many, many people," Long Nan said. "One time on the road, someone yelled at me, you murderer! I thought about it for a long time and didn't remember who he was , and finally confirmed that he had found the wrong person through the documents dug out from his body."

"That's what he deserves." Su Qiao said, "It's he who wants to kill you, so you're justified in defending yourself."

"But killing... is wrong after all!"

Long Nan stood up and said, "When I retire, I will find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, dig a pit for myself and make a tomb for myself. When the time comes, I will lie in it by myself, so as not to bother others to collect my body."

"Don't be so pessimistic," Su Qiao said, "You won't die alone! You are my friend, my most important friend!"

Hearing this, the tip of Long Nan's tongue trembled, and it took him a long time to say two words: "Thank you."


With Tiger and Long Nan by her side, Su Qiao slept soundly all night.

At dawn, she felt that her whole body was reborn.

"It's so comfortable!" he said. "I haven't slept so well in a long time! Thank you."

"It's as if my existence is your safe pillow."

Long Nan's mouth was unhappy, but his expression was very happy.

The doorbell rang, and it was the waiter who brought breakfast.

Su Qiao then invited Long Nan to go to the living room to have dinner with her, but she didn't expect that there was already a person sitting at the dining table in the living room, eating by herself.

Seeing this, Long Nan patted the tiger, and the tiger swept away like the wind, holding down the uninvited guy!

He also strode forward and said to the man, "Who told you—"

"Why can't I eat it!"

Gu Hai looked at Su Qiao behind the tiger, and hurriedly shouted, "Qiao Qiao, can you tell this guy to move his paws away a little...it's going to strangle me to death!"

The head as big as a washbasin was close at hand, and the mouth of the blood basin was constantly spraying out hot air, which made him have difficulty breathing for a while.

Su Qiao looked at Long Nan: "He is my friend, not someone else."

"Then why did he come over for dinner without saying hello?"

Long Nan had an instinctive dislike for Gu Hai.

Gu Hai was extremely wronged, and said: "...I have been working for Ms. Mo recently, and she said that I will cover my board and lodging! That's why I come here for dinner every morning..."

When Su Qiao heard this, the veins in the back of her head popped up: When did I promise to have all meals and lodging included!

But seeing his pitiful appearance under the pressure of the tiger, she couldn't bear to expose him immediately, and turned to Long Nan and said, "I really invited him here. He's a hacker."

"Hacker? No wonder his physical fitness is so good!"

Long Nan disdainfully let Qiuqiu move his claws away, and Gu Hai got up in a state of embarrassment.

Su Qiao said, "Is the matter settled?"

Gu Hai chuckled, and said, "Who am I, how can I not be able to figure it out, but that guy is really tricky, and it took me a long time to manage to get things done! Sigh, I'm really tired just thinking about it!"

As he spoke, he kept his eyes on the sandwich ham on the table.

Su Qiao was speechless and said, "Eat first, and then report when you are full!"

(End of this chapter)

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