Chapter 693

After seeing off the plague gods, Yi Xi asked Su Qiao: "You just said tomorrow's entertainment headlines? What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, my hacker friend caught some gossip about Zong Hai when he was bored, and he plans to throw it out tomorrow."

When she said this, Su Qiao's smile was so cold that everyone present felt a chill behind her back.

He Zai scratched his shoulder and said, "Qiaoqiao, have you been too involved in the drama recently, and you always feel that your smile is a bit dark."

Su Qiao said: "Is there? Did I get into the drama too deeply? I think I am still very normal!"

However, even if she spoke like this, everyone still looked at her. Su Qiao shrank her neck, took out the script, and said, "Director, tell me about the play!"

"Which scene?"

The director came over.


In the evening, when Su Qiao returned to the hotel, she was bombarded with phone calls from Zhang Caiying as soon as she sat down.

"Mo Qiaoqiao! You heartless and inhuman guy! You just left us alone! Do you know that they are going to sell me and your sister Nini to Mexico to be pigs! Fortunately, we escaped with our lives Come out and send a car to pick us up!"

He can still call and swear, he seems to be in good spirits.

Su Qiao thought to herself, rolled her eyes, and said, "Give me the exact location."

Zhang Caiying reported her location to Su Qiao, with a bit of disgust in her tone: "Qiao Qiao, you must come here quickly, it's pitch black here, and you can't go to the village or back to the and I Sister Nini is too cold!"

"Don't worry, there will be a car coming to pick you up soon, so prepare the change."

After speaking, Su Qiao immediately hung up the phone and asked her assistant to call a private car for Zhang Caiying and her daughter using the car-hailing software.

The joy of letting out a small breath made her smile all over her face. She touched the big white cat beside her and said, "Qiaoqiu, what expression do you think Zhang Caiying has now? Is she so angry that she wants to catch me and chop me up, and is afraid of losing a giant cat?" machine?"

"Meow meow meow."

The ball made a soft and cute cry.

Su Qiao pinched its big face and said, "It's a pity that you can't speak... No, it should be said that it's fortunate that you can't speak, so I can hug you and talk casually."

She picked up Qiuqiu, looked at the bright moon outside the window, and said: "I am very conflicted now, and I don't know what to do next. Gongzi Yu is very good to me, so good that I can't find a reason to let him down, but I It is absolutely impossible to be with him..."

Speaking of this, she sighed: "To Gong Yueming, I have no love at all. I didn't have any feelings in the past, and I don't plan to waste a dime on him in the future, even if we already have a child."


Qiuqiu clung to Su Qiao's face obediently, the barbed tongue made the skin feel numb.

"Actually, it's not that I have no feelings for him at all... When I was reborn, I was very disappointed with Young Master Yu, and I was a little attached to Gong Yueming who took the initiative to treat me... Later, because I knew the relationship with Young Master Yu Doomed to no results, I instinctively want to find someone to vent... and then... I..."

She couldn't continue, she let go of Qiuqiu, and Qiuqiu ran to the door with its tail flicking, its fluffy tail constantly sweeping around the man's feet.

Su Qiao turned around and met Young Master Yu's eyes: ""

She felt so ashamed that she wished she could dig a hole and go down there.

Gongzi Yu's expression was indifferent, he said: "I finally know what you really think."

(End of this chapter)

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