I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 696 Beat Bian Zonghai

Chapter 696 Beat Bian Zonghai (3)

"Hey Hey hey!"

Zong Hai had never seen such a simple and rude slap in the face, so he yelled on the spot.

It's a pity that before he finished shouting, the security guards voluntarily walked up to Zong Hai under the lure of Su Qiao's money, and beat him up fiercely.The customer service manager was terrified but helpless.

Su Qiao even connected to Gu Hai on the spot and said, "I'm having someone beat Zong Hai, please hack into the hotel's surveillance system and help me deal with it."

"no problem."

Gu Hai agreed very readily.

Su Qiao said to Zong Hai, who turned into a pig's head in a blink of an eye: "Now do you know what it means to mess with someone you can't mess with? Although my backer is inconvenient to accompany me to public events, it's not you who has the influence on the entertainment industry." It's conceivable. Also, the relationship between him and me is not an ordinary relationship between a funder and an artist, we have a deeper connection."

Zong Hai's nose was bruised and his face was swollen at this time. He just wanted to go back to the hotel to apply medicine immediately, so he dared to say no, and said one after another: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"You don't dare to do it on purpose."

Su Qiao looked at Zhen Qiu who was still under Long Nan's coercion, and said, "I know you have a background in the underworld, because I also have one. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, but if it is a real dragon that crosses the border, the local snake is just a small earthworm." Snake, that - if it is crushed, it is crushed. Do you understand!"

In just a few words, Zhen Qiu was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and tremblingly said: "I will pay attention next time! Let me go!"

Su Qiao gave Long Nan a look, and the latter drew a line on Zhen Qiu's neck with his fingers, and said in a low voice, "Next time I'm not honest, I'll just scrape it with a knife."

How could Zhen Qiu dare to say "no", his neck tightened, and he kept saying, "Understand! Understood!"

"Since you understand, then get out!"

Su Qiao gave an order, and both of them got out.

Su Qiao waved off the guest room manager again, and said to Mr. Yu, who had arrived early in the morning but remained silent, "How was my performance just now?"

"That's right, it can be seen that she is the eldest brother's biological daughter." Gongzi Yu said, "But bravado is not enough to suppress the outlaws of the Dragon Group."

"I never thought about taking his place." Su Qiao said, "I just feel that now, as Long Jiuzhong's daughter, I can no longer be bullied casually. Whether it's for me or for my child."

Young Master Yu's expression changed again, and he said, "You... are still for the child after all!"

Su Qiao quickly said: "Don't think too much, I am purely for the child, not even the father of the child..."

"I know you dare not."

Young Master Yu had a cold face.

Su Qiao laughed and said, "I know you understand me best in the whole world."

"Don't just flatter me, I'm in a very bad mood right now." Gongzi Yu said, "Don't go to the set today, stay and chat with me."

"How is this possible? I have a lot of scenes today—"

"I said yes, yes!"

The man said arrogantly and forced her to ask for leave.


Sun Ningli walked into the room carrying the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and saw Su Qiao and Gongzi Yu sitting on the sofa chatting, laughing from time to time.

She put the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the table and said, "I just made it and it's still hot! Do you want to try it?"

"Let it go!"

Su Qiao is not Mo Qiaoqiao, she doesn't have much feeling for pastries.

Sun Ningli was a little uncomfortable, and said, "Can't you just take a bite? This was your favorite food in the past."

"I'm not hungry yet." Su Qiao said, "I don't like to eat—"

Before he finished speaking, Mao Qiuqiu jumped onto the coffee table, put his little head against the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and sniffed it, stuck out his tongue, and licked the surface of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake! !

(End of this chapter)

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