I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 715 Chairman of the Imperial Board of Directors

Chapter 715 Chairman of the Imperial Board of Directors (3)

Ou Zifan looked at her slightly raised belly: "You really don't intend to let the palace family know that you are pregnant with his child?"

Su Qiao said, "Why do you want them to know?"

Ou Zifan was stunned, and he said, "This is a child of the Gong family after all."

"But it's also my child," Su Qiao said, "I gave it life in ten months, and lived with him. If the Gong family dared to take him away by force, I would rather take him away in front of the Gong family. strangle this child to death!"

"You're too extreme." Ou Zifan said.

Su Qiao said: "You are not a woman, you don't understand this feeling. It is not only a child, but also a part of my body, I...I can't bear it..."

"Then have you ever thought about the birth of a child? Whether it's a boy or a girl, they all need a father."

Ou Zifan looked at Su Qiao expectantly, and he almost said "Let me be the father of the child".

Su Qiao knew what he was thinking, so she was not easy to answer. She lowered her head and said, "At the reception just now, Mr. Li showed courtesy to me."

"Him? How old is he!"

Ou Zifan was very angry.

Su Qiao said: "I think so too, so I rejected him, but judging by his appearance, he probably won't give up."

"Then refuse again?!"

Su Qiao shook her head and said, "He's a financial tycoon, it might be bad for you to refuse too directly. Why don't you ask him out for me, introduce a few girls to him, and get what you want without hurting face. "

"You are thinking of me."

Ou Zifan knew that Su Qiao didn't reject Li Jianan directly because of him.

Su Qiao said: "You have done so much for me, I should do something for you."

"But you know what I want most is..."

Ou Zifan tried to confess his love again.

Su Qiao smiled and said, "Don't say those three words, I don't want you to get hurt again."

"but I--"

Ou Zifan was in pain.

Su Qiao said, "Stop talking about it, uncle will be unhappy if he finds out."


Ou Zifan stayed for a few minutes before realizing that "uncle" referred to the young master Yu. He laughed dryly and said, "Your uncle doesn't treat you like an uncle treats your niece."

"He can't have children, so he takes special care of me," Su Qiao said, "He also treats my children as his own."

"You know that's not what I meant."

Ou Zifan looked at Su Qiao: "He treats you..."

"Stop talking, his and my affairs have nothing to do with you!"

The hurtful words blurted out, and after she finished speaking, Su Qiao realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She hastily apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I..."

"I know, I know what you mean."

Ou Zifan cursed silently in his heart, "Why are you so cheap", with a usual smile on his face.

"I will not be your trouble," he said, "I will continue to be your brother."


Su Qiao returned to the crew, suppressed Li Jian'an's courtship, continued to film quietly, and obediently raised the baby under the urging of her son Yu.

But she wanted to make this matter smaller, but Li Jianan was unwilling.

On the third day after the reception, the crew received a gift package of 99 roses. Among the piles of roses was an exquisitely packaged gift box. When opened, there was an exquisite greeting card and a pair of exquisitely cut roses. The greeting card stated that the gift was for Mo Qiaoqiao. The diamond earrings were composed of two huge light yellow pear-cut diamonds and more than 30 4C grade white diamonds, with a total carat weight of more than [-] carats!

(End of this chapter)

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