I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 720 Car Accident Escape

Chapter 720 Car Accident Escape (1)

Xiao Bao's illness was not serious, after being treated by Gu Hai's laboratory, he basically recovered after three days.

Seeing Xiao Bao who could laugh and crawl again, Su Qiao's depressed mood suddenly eased.

When she searched for the ring along Xiaobao's neck, her hand was empty.

"Where's the ring?" Su Qiao looked at Gu Hai, "Where did the ring go?"

Gu Hai scratched his scalp in embarrassment: "The old people in the research institute heard that the blue stone on the ring was a monk's relic, so they buckled the ring... I tried my best to help you get it back, But you know they're bigots..."


Su Qiao felt so speechless.

She took a breath and said, "I see, please tell them, remember to return the item after the research, it is a gift from someone else, it means a lot!"

"I'll do my best." Gu Hai promised absent-mindedly.

Seeing that Xiaobao's condition has indeed improved significantly, Su Qiao handed the child to the assistant and said, "Mr. Ou will come to take the child away in a few days, please help me take care of him again."

"no problem."

The assistant took Xiaobao with a smile.

Seeing that everything was in order, Su Qiao also returned to the set.


After one day of filming, Su Qiao returned to the hotel exhausted, and when she entered the entrance, she saw a waiter walking towards her with a cart full of roses.

Having encountered Li Jian'an's flower sea offensive, she quickly dodges and goes upstairs quickly, but the waiter pushes a whole cart of roses, walks straight up to her, and says to Su Qiao, "Miss Mo, these flowers are for you." your."

"Flowers for me? Who sent them?"

Su Qiao's face was inexplicable.

Could it be Li Jianan again...

Thinking of this possibility, she hurriedly said to the waiter: "I don't want this car of roses anymore, you can take it!"

"But these are roses for you, why are you refusing them?" The waiter said with an aggrieved face, "All of them were chartered from Bulgaria..."

"I am not interested."

Su Qiao took out a few bills and gave the waiter: "This is a tip, you take the roses away!"

"This one……"

Seeing the tip, the waiter was immediately full of energy, quickly moved the roses back to the car, and exited the room.

Looking at the remaining rose petals on the ground, Su Qiao's mood was a little complicated.

Just when she was thinking about whether to tell Long Jiuzhong or Gongzi Yu about this, the phone rang suddenly. Su Qiao picked up the phone and it showed an unfamiliar number.

Su Qiao pinched the phone subconsciously.

But within three seconds, another call came in, it was the number of the field manager.

Su Qiao answered the phone: "What's the matter?"

"It's a small matter, maybe I need to trouble Miss Mo," the field manager said shyly, "The people from the municipal administration came here to check the fire prevention facilities just now, and they suddenly said that they received an alarm...that someone hit Miss Mo's car. Driving away after the death..."

"What shit!"

Su Qiao was annoyed for a while, and blurted out swear words.

The field manager has dealt with celebrities for many years, and knows that many celebrities are gentlemen and ladies in front of the public, and swearing a lot in the public. Hearing Su Qiao's swearing, he didn't take it to heart, and said: "Of course I don't believe that Ms. Mo would run away in a car accident." However, it is clearly shown on the surveillance video, but on the night when the incident happened, you were indeed not on the set, Ms. Mo..."

"Which night?!" Su Qiao asked warily.

"It was the night when you and Ou Shao went out. You left the set in your own car, but when you came back, you took Ou Shao's car. There are surveillance cameras to prove it."

(End of this chapter)

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