I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 722 Car Accident Escape

Chapter 722 Car Accident Escape (3)

Su Qiao said again: "I temporarily stored the car in the parking lot, and asked my assistant to drive the car back the next day. I also saw blood on the car, but Xiao Jin said it was dog blood. She accidentally hit it to death on the way back. a dog."

"So you don't know where the blood came from?"

Su Qiao nodded and said, "I'm busy filming every day, so I don't have time to take care of such small things."

"But now that someone is killed, it's no small matter."

The policeman looked at her seriously: "The person who was killed was Ye Xiaowen, the aunt of Ye Qiao and Ye Li."


Su Qiao was shocked.

The policeman said: "If it was just an ordinary car accident, after you provided so many alibi, Ms. Mo, we would definitely not suspect you anymore, and we would regard this as a car accident caused by an ordinary attempted car theft. But the identity of the deceased ... If I remember correctly, Ye Li is Ms. Mo's competitor at the same time. Ye Qiao paid a lot of money to the retoucher of "A Gentleman's Life" to deliberately make your cover photo ugly, and Jiang Meihua, their sister's manager, is you A relative of the adoptive father's ex-wife."

"What do you want to say?" Su Qiao asked the policeman back.

The police said: "Miss Mo's Lamborghini configuration is very good!"

"Yes, the configuration is very good, the anti-theft system is difficult."

Speaking of this, Su Qiao came to her senses and said, "You don't suspect me... this... this... how stupid am I to let the killer drive my car and hit someone for me!"

"It's impossible under normal circumstances, but Ms. Mo's IQ is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people."

The police officer obviously had a prejudice against her. He looked at her indifferently and said, "Miss Mo, just admit it honestly!"

"Admit what?" Su Qiao asked back, "Unfounded charges?!"

"Miss Mo, all the evidence is against you now, please cooperate with our investigation!"

The policewoman who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke in a very unfriendly tone.

Su Qiao remembered that she was the one who wanted to go to the hospital to see Li Jian'an by herself, and her attitude turned cold, she said, "Officer Zhang, can the police bring their personal emotions into work?"

"Business is public, private is private, but the police are also human, so it is inevitable that they will act emotionally," the policeman leading the questioning said, "Why, Ms. Mo and Xiaolian know each other?"

"Not just acquaintance."

Su Qiao smiled, and said, "A few days ago, she and a male colleague came to the set to look for me and asked me to promise them something—"

"whats the matter!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, Su Qiao smiled softly and said, "In the name of the police, they want me to go to the hospital to visit a stalker! Because the stalker once set up a foundation to support the families of the police officers who died in the line of duty."

"Boss, Mr. Li is not a stalker! He just likes you and gave you several gifts!"

The policewoman was in a hurry and shouted loudly.

Su Qiao said: "Knowing that I don't like him, but forcing me to accept his gift, what is this if it's not a stalker?"

"Miss Mo..."

The police officer was also helpless, and looked at Su Qiao with a wry smile.

Su Qiao said: "I respect the police, and I respect you for doing the great work of maintaining world peace with meager salaries. Angry! After all, everyone is limited by favors. But I hope you can maintain a fair and just attitude in this car accident case, and don't handle the case with personal emotions!"

"These are reasonable requests and we will not reject them."

With the police's promise, Su Qiao stood up and said, "I wish us a happy cooperation! I also hope you catch the real culprit as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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