I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 725 Car Accident Escape

Chapter 725 Car Accident Escape (6)

"But you know that she also paid a price for her success. Her marriage to Gong Yueming——"

"What is the price of marrying someone!" Yang Mengying said, "If I can achieve such a great success by marrying a man I don't like, I am willing to marry someone every day!"

"You really are very conscious."

On the other side of the phone, the voice became cold.

Yang Mengying felt chills for a while, and said, "My lord, why did your voice suddenly become—"

"It's cold, isn't it?"

Yang Mengying nodded quickly.

The voice said, "Because today is the last time I talk to you."

After speaking, the man hung up the phone.

Listening to the continuous blind voice coming from the other end of the phone, Yang Mengying couldn't help but shudder!
What the hell is this guy doing!What he said to himself—

While thinking about it, Yang Mengying suddenly felt a burst of heat beneath her body. She lowered her head and saw that the Turkish carpet had been reduced to ashes at some point, and the smell of sulfur and flames wafted from the living room.

She pinched her nose and shouted to the sky: "Baby, stop making trouble! Mom will take you out for dinner!"

As soon as the words were finished, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came from the air, and then Yang Mengying felt her shoulders sink, and she almost lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Her precious kid has grown up again, becoming heavier, greedier and bloodthirsty, but relatively more powerful...

As long as you can succeed, you will have no regrets even if you sell your soul to the devil!
Yang Mengying thought to herself, changing clothes and getting ready to go out.

But as soon as she opened the door, she felt dizzy for a while. There was a baby-faced man squatting on the beam of the door, chewing gum incessantly.

Seeing Yang Mengying, he spit out gum and said hello: "Miss, you look so cute!"

"Who are you! Why are you here! What are you going to do!"

Yang Mengying was extremely nervous.

She could smell the smell of death wafting from the man, and the kid on her shoulder became extremely excited and scared because of his arrival.

Long Nan smiled slightly and said: "I am your fan! Miss Yang, I like your performance very much. I have been your loyal fan since you were just an Internet celebrity anchor! Your performance is perfect , One second they were sisters, and the next second they started to fight! Why can you switch between the modes of green tea bitch and white lotus bitch so naturally?"

"Who the hell are you!"

Yang Mengying felt the murderous intent, and kept backing away.

Long Nan walked up with a smile, one hand across the woman's chin, the blade hidden between the nails left a sharp red on her face.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is not to forget who you are! No matter how high you climb or how far you go, don't forget what your success is based on! That thing can fulfill you, and It can easily destroy you! By the way, you'd better go to the police station and explain clearly about the parking lot, otherwise—”

"Otherwise, how about it! Could it be that you can still..."

Yang Mengying looked stern, and this little man exuded an aura that made her tremble.

"I won't kill you. I want to see you being dragged into hell by the kid and burned to ashes by the brimstone fire. That is the most suitable ending for you!"

After speaking, Long Nan let go of her and walked away.

Yang Mengying, whose shoulders suddenly relaxed, clutched at her heart, still in shock.


After Long Nan went downstairs, got into the nanny car, and said to Su Qiao, "Guess what I just did?"

Su Qiao said, "Did you have a showdown with Yang Mengying?"

(End of this chapter)

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