I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 741 Live in the moment

Chapter 741 Live in the moment
Su Qiao thought for a long time before she remembered the face of the person Long Nan mentioned. In her memory, Su Xi was very scheming, but her assistant was just an ordinary business expert.

"But that night, besides the wig, there was the assassin..."

Su Qiao was more concerned about this.

Long Nan said, "Because those people came here for Young Master Yu."

"What's the meaning?!"

Su Qiao was very surprised. She thought that everything in Cannes was aimed at her.

"Your religion believes in reincarnation practice. After thousands of years of inheritance, the doctrine has long developed into two schools. Gongzi Yu represents the main school, but there are other people who agree with rebirth but don't agree with your religion's concept of rebirth and reincarnation. These people are marginal people in the church, but they have a strong tendency to use force to achieve their goals."

"I know about the extremists," Su Qiao said, "Don't you mean they want to kill me?!"

"Yes, in Cannes, they were the ones who attacked the hotel and tried to kill you," Long Nan said, "and Susie's assistant was also theirs. Susie used the foundation to launder money for them, so that she could also pass the time in advance." to a better life.”

"No wonder she changed her face so completely."

Su Qiao felt depressed.

Long Nan said: "In addition, the people who ordered Sun Ningli to harm you several times are also people from this school. They want to erase your existence, and your rebirth will make their beliefs worthless."

"No wonder..."

Su Qiao has always wondered why since her rebirth, she has been assassinated again and again, and many of them are unconventional means.It turned out that in addition to offending the Song family, she also offended the radical faction of your religion.

"Does Young Master Yu know that I was targeted by the extremists of your religion?" Su Qiao asked.

Long Nan said: "My task is to protect you, not to help you with intelligence."


Su Qiao leaned on the sofa and said, "What's the situation with you and Gong Qianming now?"

"...Can you not mention him?!" Long Nan said dejectedly.

Su Qiao said, "Why can't you mention him? Isn't he your man?"

"He himself doesn't want to admit that he is gay, and it is even more impossible for the Gong family to admit that I am," Long Nan said, "No matter how hard you refuse to let the Gong family recognize him, at least he is a well-known person with good looks and can bear children. What about me? ? I am... Unidentified, with a dirty job, and a man! The Gong family can take [-] steps back and hold your nose to accept you, but to accept me, you have to take at least [-] million steps back!"

"What you said makes sense." Su Qiao said, "Then what should we do now? Could it be that you plan to just let it go?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do?" Long Nan asked back.

Su Qiao scratched her scalp and said, "That's right!"

Long Nan said: "I live in the moment, my current job is to protect you, other than that, everything has nothing to do with me."

"Protect me... Susie's assistant, what should I do?"

Su Qiao couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when she thought that Su Qian had been with such a dangerous guy all the time.

Long Nan smiled and made a gesture of cutting his throat.

Su Qiao didn't object, she just told her: "It's fine to kill the assistant, Susie...Susie used to be my sister no matter what, it's okay to warn, kill her...don't kill her for now!"

"I know, I have a measure in my heart."

Long Nan spoke cheerfully, and left through the window.


Two days later, Su Qiao had just finished filming her own scene, took the water from the assistant, and before she could drink it, she saw Su Qian pushing away the crowd and rushing to Su Qiao, raising her hand to hit her!
The assistant had sharp eyes and quick hands, and quickly grabbed Su Xi: "Su Dong!"

(End of this chapter)

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