I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 746 Receiving Panxia

Chapter 746 Receiving Panxia (2)

"There are not many men in the whole world who are not inferior to the Gong family and are willing to serve you as a successor." Long Nan said, "It's even more unfortunate that there is such a person by your side who fully meets your requirements, but He cannot be your husband."

"He just wants to be my husband, and I will never agree." Su Qiao said seriously, "I can't make the same mistakes as in my previous life, although I need his power to help me keep this child."

"Look!" Long Nan said a sarcastic remark despite the pain in his back.

Seeing his relaxed and indifferent appearance, Su Qiao suddenly had an idea.

She grabbed Long Nan by the collar and said, "Hey, are you interested in being the heir of the Long Group?"

"Of course I thought about it, but I..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Qiao interrupted and said, "Marry me!"


Long Nan was stunned. He felt that he must have not woken up from a dream, or that Su Qiao was drunk and deliberately teased him.

He rubbed his eyes and said to Su Qiao, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know," Su Qiao said, "I'm proposing to you!"

"But I'm gay, the purely accepting kind. I'm not interested in women at all. Everyone in the Dragon Group knows it, and Gong Yueming also knows it. Marrying you will only make everyone more convinced that your child is..."

"You are wrong, the Gong family has never believed me, and Gong Yueming also believed in me... up to six levels!"

Su Qiao gave up on herself and said: "The main reason why the Gong family don't like me is that I came from an innocent background. They think that women in the entertainment industry are very casual. Even if they give them their baby bump for the first time, there is no guarantee that there will be no more love in the future." He has been in contact with other men and done things that shamed the Gong family."

"But it's with me..."

"You are my bodyguard, and you are almost inseparable from me. If something happened between us, even Gong Yueming would not doubt it," Su Qiao said, "He is a scum, he deserves to wear a cuckold!"

"This...Miss, your words put me under a lot of pressure..."

Long Nan almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

Su Qiao cast him a disgusted look and said, "You're still a man!"

Long Nan said: "I'm an expert when it comes to killing people. I'm really... not as good as Miss, you man..."

"Okay, since that's the case, let's get married!"

Su Qiao said seriously: "After we get married, our child will have a father, and you will have the status of a son-in-law in the dragon group. You can help me and my child in a legitimate way. After all, I am an ordinary woman, and I need your support , so that I can gain a firm foothold in the organization even if my father is not around."

"You're thinking too far away," Long Nan said, "The dragon group is a place where rules are followed, and they won't have bad intentions against you just because the head of the dragon is not around..."

"I know, but past experience tells me that people around me may not be trustworthy, let alone strangers." Su Qiao said, "Where there is power, there will be fights. I trust you, but I can't trust them. Help me fight against all forces that try to work against me, will you?"

"...but I... can I really do it?"

Long Nan didn't have enough confidence in himself.

Su Qiao said: "Do you like children? Do you want a soft and chubby baby to crawl beside you? Do you want to hear it call daddy in a waxy voice?"

Su Qiao's series of assumptions aroused Long Nan's yearning, and his attitude was no longer firm.

He scratched his scalp uneasily, and said, "That's good, but miss, will the dragon head agree to our marriage?"

(End of this chapter)

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