I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 748 Receiving Panxia

Chapter 748 Receiving Panxia (4)

Su Qiao said: "What are you afraid of! When the status is stabilized in the future, it doesn't matter what kind of fresh meat or high-quality attack you want. Why is the Gong family so arrogant? Isn't it because they hold great power and can do whatever they want?"


Long Nan muttered a few times, and finally said to Su Qiao, "I'll listen to you."

Su Qiao said with a smile: "That's right! People like us don't want to get true love in this life. Why don't we find a few male pets who are willing to curry favor with us? At least we don't have to worry about being stabbed if we give our heart One knife."

"It seems that Gong Yueming's injury to you was really serious."

Long Jiuzhong's voice suddenly sounded, and Long Nan shrank aside in fright, saying, "Long Shou, this matter has nothing to do with Missy, it's me—"

Long Jiuzhong gave him a disgusted look, and said, "With this little courage, you want to be my successor?!"

"Dragon Head, I never expected—"

"But the transition of power requires you," Long Jiuzhong said. "Actually, half a month ago, I had a similar idea to Qiaoqiao, but I just considered that Ah Yu would not agree, and Qiaoqiao might not be willing to show up for the child." married, so-"

"That is to say—you also thought about marrying me and Ah Nan to ensure a smooth transition of power?"

Su Qiao was delighted.

Long Jiu nodded emphatically, and said: "After all, you grew up in the world of ordinary people. You don't know the dangers and omnipotence of the dark world. But you want your child to take over my business, which means You must have a man who is strong enough to convince the public and loyal to you as an assistant, and most importantly, this man cannot and does not intend to have children of his own!"


Su Qiao looked straight into Long Jiuzhong's eyes, she suddenly felt that this man was so unfathomable.

Long Jiuzhong said: "I sent Long Nan to your side, because he is not only strong enough to protect you, but also meets all the above requirements. Of course, I did not expect that you plan to marry him."

Hearing this, Su Qiao suddenly felt embarrassed, and said to Long Nan, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect—"

Long Nan smiled and said: "Don't feel sorry, Long has already made it clear to me when he first chose me. I was chosen not only as your bodyguard, but also as your confidant! Long Shou is afraid that you will be in the dragon group Suffer a dark loss in the strife."


Su Qiao realized Long Jiuzhong's deep love for her, and she had mixed feelings in her heart.

Long Jiuzhong patted her head and said, "You and Ah Yu are my only relatives in this world, and all my efforts are just to make you happy! So—whether it's murder or murder, as long as you can You are happy, I am not afraid of anything!"

"Well, I will do what you wish. From today on, I will completely break up with the Gong family and concentrate on being my father's daughter!"

Su Qiao promised, with determination in her eyes.

Long Nan also looked at Long Jiuzhong firmly.

Long Jiuzhong showed a gratified smile.


In the third month of Su Qiao's pregnancy, the filming of the movie ended.

After finishing the closed shooting, she was overwhelmed by overwhelming notices before she had time to enjoy the happiness of being a mother.

Looking at the dozens of contracts piled up on the desk that would only come into effect just waiting for her to sign, Su Qiao cried and said to Ximen: "When will these be the next work! I don't know at all!"

"When you're busy with Yi Xi's childhood sweetheart, Gong Yueming, and Ou Zifan outside the show, it's next."

Ximen sat on the desk with a frowning expression on his face, and slammed Su Qiao hard: "Sign immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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