Chapter 750
Gong Yueming looked at Gong Qianming and said: "The person I like is her, I am very sure and sure, and I can tell anyone publicly."

"Really? Why doesn't she believe what you said, I don't believe it, and Song Rong'er doesn't believe it either?"

Gong Qianming patted him on the shoulder and said, "Do you know why she hates you?"

"Why? Am I not good enough for her? Or—I'm not as good as you to say those false and false sweet words?"

Gong Yueming also had a look of grievance.

He felt that what he did was good enough and considerate, except that he was not enough to fool people with sweet words.

Gong Qianming looked at his scum without knowing it, and once again confirmed that IQ mainly has a negative impact on a person's personality.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense. If you think you are doing well enough, then do well! There is a reception next week, hosted by Mrs. Zuo, are you interested in attending?"

Gong Yueming showed an impatient expression.

Gong Qianming hurriedly said: "Mrs. Zuo's husband is a pretty godfather. If there is no accident, she should also attend the reception—"

"Time! Place! Theme!"

Gong Yueming solemnly interrupted Gong Qianming's rambling.

Gong Qianming was delighted, and said, "Sure enough, you care about her."


After filming the cover of the ad, Su Qiao asked the driver to take her to the private hospital controlled by the Long Family for a prenatal checkup.

In the hospital, a specially invited senior obstetrician and gynecologist accompanied her with a smile on her face. Seven or eight nurses surrounded her tightly. For a giant baby, I couldn't help worrying about whether the fetus was abnormal.

Fortunately, after a series of inspections, the results were very gratifying.

The nurse and chief physician congratulated her and told her: "Your baby is very healthy, healthier than other embryos of the same age, and there is no problem with the fetal position."

"Really? Is there really no problem at all?"

Su Qiao was not used to it.

The doctor said: "Medicine will not lie, your child is indeed very healthy. The only thing we need to worry about is that it will be more difficult than ordinary children to come out because of its development and health."

"It's okay, I can have a caesarean section then!"

Su Qiao wanted a child wholeheartedly, but never thought that she might be injured because of the child's overdevelopment.

The doctor looked at her face full of desire to be a mother and said, "You and the baby will be safe."

Su Qiao held the doctor's hand: "Thank you! Thank you!"


Receptions are always full of vanity, Gong Yueming leaned against a corner of the venue, examining every woman.

He was waiting, waiting for the moment when his goblin would appear.


It has been several hours since the opening of the reception, but the little goblin has not appeared for a long time. On the contrary, there are seven or eight women around him, each of whom ignores his icy eyes and keeps making friends.

"Major General Gong, don't you remember me? I'm Lu Jia. You came to our school to give a speech a few years ago, and the principal asked me to come on stage to give you flowers..."

"Sorry, don't remember!"

Gong Yueming interrupted the chatter of the pink skirt, and said: "If I remember everyone who has presented flowers to me, the face storage area of ​​my brain will definitely be overloaded!"

"Major General Gong..."

The pink skirt was wronged, and she pursed her mouth to act like a baby.

Before she could speak, the tall girl in a goose yellow skirt twisted her waist and pushed her aside, and said to Gong Yueming: "Major General Gong, grandpa plans to arrange for me to go to your base for an internship, can I be your adjutant! "

(End of this chapter)

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