I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 753 Undeterred

Chapter 753 Undeterred (3)

"What! You're pregnant!"

Gong Yueming was shocked and looked at Su Qiao.

Su Qiao said, "Yes, I'm pregnant, his child."

"Nonsense! How could you be pregnant with his child! It must be my child! Qiaoqiao, go! Remarry me!"

Gong Yueming grabbed Su Qiao's hand and wanted to run out.

But Su Qiao let go of him, she grabbed a glass of water beside her and splashed it on Gong Yueming's face.

"Please wake up," she said, "I'm not the dodder flower that you must! I'm excellent, and I've been pursued by many men! On the day I divorced you, Long Nan proposed to me! He has been secretly in love with me, for He only said he was gay when he was by my side, but he actually likes me!"

"You're talking nonsense! You—"

Gong Yueming wiped off the water on his face, his eyes looked like a bullfight.

The commotion at the door attracted the attention of the guests, and many people surrounded them curiously. Su Qiao then said to Long Nan, "Let's enter the venue! Don't pay attention to this crazy person!"

"Okay, Miss."

Long Nan said with a shy face, the baby face that was comparable to a little fresh meat made the surrounding ladies a little bit excited.

Seeing that Su Qiao actually planned to marry Long Nan, Song Rong'er was secretly happy, and took out her handkerchief to comfort Gong Yueming.

However, Gong Yueming was not interested in her hospitality. He pushed her away, and said to Su Qiao who was walking away: "My marriage with Rong'er - I will do it as soon as the old man's anniversary is over! Do you need an invitation card?" !"

When Su Qiao heard this, she looked back and smiled: "You give me the invitation card, and I will participate 100%. By the way, Ah Nan and I may have a wedding on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. Are you interested?"

"Just like you, if you send me an invitation, I will participate 100%!"

Gong Yueming's voice was trembling with anger.


After entering the meeting place and greeting the distinguished guests, Su Qiao found a quiet place to sit down. Long Nan thoughtfully brought her fruits and cakes, and asked while feeding them, "I was really scared to death just now! Miss, are you not afraid?" If Gong Yueming is over-stimulated, he will—”

"His emotional intelligence is very low, but it's not so low that he has an attack regardless of the occasion."

Su Qiao raised her little feet and said, "And Song Rong'er is here."

"Song Ronger is here? What do you mean?"

Long Nan didn't like Song Rong'er's face after plastic surgery. It was very beautiful and noble, but it always felt uncomfortable.

"She is a ruthless person. In order to get Gong Yueming, she can change her face into the face of Gong Yueming's favorite woman," Su Qiao said, "She is so generous, why am I not willing to let it happen!"

"Sure enough, you really let go."

Long Nan sighed a little.

Su Qiao said: "Actually, there is nothing to let go of. I used to think that although he has many shortcomings, he is the only person I can rely on and use without any scruples. In addition, he is married, so I try to do my best. Good. It's a pity that I underestimated his degree of scum, and overestimated my ability to bear it. In the end, everything fell apart, and he and I became strangers."

"You really won't soften your heart and be deceived by his apology?"

Long Nan always felt that Su Qiao was deceiving herself.

Su Qiao said, "I'm not that stupid. I fall into the same pit time and time again."

"But you still like him, otherwise you wouldn't have stimulated him so hard just now." Long Nan said, "If you really didn't love him at all, you would be tired even looking at him more."

Su Qiao smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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