I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 760 Undeterred

Chapter 760 Undeterred (10)

She raised her head and looked at Gong Yueming longingly: "As long as I ask you to do it, you will give me a chance to stay by your side?"


Gong Yueming gave her the answer she wanted, and at the same time gave her a pack of colorless and tasteless medicine: "You are from the chemical engineering department, so you should know what this is!"

Lin Zhengyi took the medicine and stuffed it into the ring of the suspenders: "As long as I can get your praise, I am willing to do anything!"


The "intimacy" between Gong Yueming and Lin Zhengyi fell into the eyes of Su Qiao and Long Nan.

Long Nan, who originally thought that Su Qiao's previous rejection was a little too much, now said to Su Qiao apologetically, "Take back the preface, he is indeed a bit of a scumbag!"

"If he wasn't a scumbag, I wouldn't break up with him." Su Qiao said, "He is so scumbag that he can say in front of my face that he is thinking of another woman when he sleeps with me! But, even if But I didn't expect that he couldn't wait to flirt with other women as soon as he finished sex with me."

"This...maybe it's because I interrupted you before I had enough time with you..."

Long Nan felt that Lin Zhengyi was also very pitiful, and actually worshiped a scumbag as a male god.

Su Qiao said, "That's because he's a scumbag! Otherwise, how could other women take the initiative when they came to your door..."

She shut up suddenly because Lin Zhengyi was walking towards them.

She looked very aggrieved, with unwillingness and tears in her eyes.

She walked up to Su Qiao and Long Nan, and introduced herself, "My name is Lin Zhengyi, and my father is a lieutenant general of the Air Force, a first-class combat hero!"

Long Nan put on a protective posture: "I am Long Nan, this is my eldest lady and my fiancée—"

A slight unhappiness flashed in Lin Zhengyi's eyes.

"I know who you are," she interrupted Long Nan, and said, "I know who she is even more! I like Major General Gong, so I especially don't like you guys!"

"Whether you like it or not, Gong Yueming and I have had a relationship, and we are still inseparable. You have to accept the reality." Su Qiao said coldly, "By the way, Gong Yueming's physical strength and skills are very good. That's right, but he's a bit of a scumbag and often can't control his lower body! My child was aborted by him!"

"Then you still..."

Lin Zhengyi felt that Su Qiao was also an unreasonable woman.

Su Qiao said, "Why not! Don't you know that he is a scumbag and still have a crush on him?"

Su Qiao's words made Lin Zhengyi have nothing to say, so he could only forcibly withdraw his respect: "No wonder the Gong family doesn't want you as a daughter-in-law! It's true that there is no politeness at all!"

"What is the manners of a famous family? Do you know that your husband is stealing food outside and forcefully cover it for him? If this is the manners of a famous family, how is it different from a living widow?"

Su Qiao took Long Nan's arm and prepared to leave.

Thinking of Gong Yueming's instructions, Lin Zhengyi hurriedly filled his glass with medicine, then chased after him, and forcibly clinked glasses with Long Nan: "Mr. Long, I admire your courage. Would you like to have a drink with me?"

Seeing that there were too many people present, Long Nan couldn't refuse, so he said, "Yes."

He casually picked up a glass of wine and lightly touched Lin Zhengyi.

But Lin Zhengyi——

With one step in the air, his body bumped into Long Nan's body, and half of the wine in his hand was spilled into Long Nan's wine glass.

Long Nan's face was a little ugly.

Lin Zhengyi hurriedly stood up straight, and said to Long Nan, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll do it first as a respect!"

After speaking, he drank the whole glass of wine on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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