I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 766 Sending Little Treasure Away

Chapter 766 Sending Little Treasure Away (1)

Gong Qianming thought for a while, and felt that his words made sense.
No matter how cautious a man is, he can't guarantee that he won't throw a single tadpole around in his life.What's more, he does have a lot of girlfriends. If there is a scandal of the child's mother bringing the child to a wedding, he will never be able to raise his head in the circle of friends in this life.

"But if I'm with him, can I guarantee that I won't have a child?" Gong Qianming said, "What if I already have a child!"

"At least you can't have a child with him!" Gong Yueming said, "In addition, if you are with a man, and your ex comes to the door with a child, the old woman is too late to be happy, how could she scold you for messing around! As for his feelings . . . anyway, you're with him purely out of physical necessity, isn't it?"

"Why do your words sound so reasonable, but still have a natural smell of scum!"

Gong Qianming, who claims to be a friend of women, is a little uncomfortable.

Gong Yueming coughed and said, "That's not the point, the point is—do you want me to get back together with Qiaoqiao? Do you want to have some more friendship shots with him?"

"This one……"

Gong Qianming relaxed a bit.

Gong Yueming said: "That's right! You and my uncle and nephew work together, each takes what we need, and helps each other!"



The two of the Gong family have already made up their plan to get what they need, but Su Qiao is still thinking about a serious question: what can I do to dispel Mrs. Zuo's doubts about her!
"The Long family is very prestigious in the world, and Yu is also very prestigious in the religious circle, but the combination of the two forces will make it difficult to confront the Gong family in country A. If Mrs. Zuo wholeheartedly treats me as a potential rival in love ..."

She had a headache, so much so that she read the script in her hand for a long time, but she didn't even turn over the first page.

At this time, the assistant came in and said to Su Qiao, "Boss, Ou Shao's call..."

"Brother Zifan's phone number..."

Su Qiao's tongue was trembling, and she hurriedly said, "Just say that I've already fallen asleep, if I have something to tell you, you will tell me!"

"But I've already pressed the speakerphone..."

The assistant is an honest person, and he looked embarrassed when he said this.

Su Qiao had no choice but to answer the phone: "Brother Zifan..."

"Qiaoqiao, I have something very important to see you right away!"

Ou Zifan's voice was hurried, which made Su Qiao's heart tense unconsciously.

"What happened?" Su Qiao asked, "It can't be Xiaobao..."

"Xiaobao is fine, I came to you for something," Ou Zifan said, "Yan Er found out about Xiaobao, and he wants to adopt Xiaobao!"


Xiaobao is Sun Ningli's son, Su Qiao firmly believes that no third person in this world knows.

"I don't know why he made this request all of a sudden," Ou Zifan said, "I don't even know where he found out about Xiaobao. He took the initiative to find me for this matter!"

"This one……"

Su Qiao frowned.

Ou Zifan said: "Yan Er is a thoughtful man, he will not make such a request for no reason, he made this request, probably because Xiao Bao really has something to do with him... I think he and Xiao Bao hit it off, and he has made his own decision gave him the child..."

"So it was already given to him..."

Su Qiao smiled dryly and said, "Then why do you still tell me?"

"Qiaoqiao, are you angry?!" Ou Zifan asked cautiously, "Why don't I ask Xiaobao back tomorrow... No, go now..."

"No need," Su Qiao said, "It's Xiaobao's luck that the Yan family is willing to have this child. It's better to stay in the Yan family than to go to an orphanage..."

(End of this chapter)

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