Chapter 769

Ximen's proposal is a gambling trap that has recently become popular in the investment world!
"The so-called VAM agreement is an agreement on an uncertain future when the acquirer (including the investor) and the transferor (including the financing party) reach a merger (or financing) agreement. If the agreed conditions are realized, the investment The financing party can exercise a right; if the agreed conditions cannot be realized, the financing party will exercise a right.”

Ximen saw that everyone was confused, so he changed the metaphor and said: "Let's use a simple metaphor! The assistant Xiaojin is going to lose weight. I will tell her when I know that I will obligate you to borrow your gym gold card for a month and 1000 yuan. Money to lose weight. But I have one condition! Xiaojin, you must lose ten catties within a month. If you can do it, the money and fitness card are yours. Three gym gold cards! This is a bet, of course, the actual agreement is much more complicated."

"I understand. VAM is an unequal agreement." Su Qiao said, "But they are not fools. How could it be possible for them to agree to do VAM when you say you want to do VAM?"

"Because people are greedy."

Ximen took out a purchase agreement: "This is a gambling purchase agreement that my brother participated in the year before last. The main content of the agreement is that Pangen Group will use 1000 million cash to acquire Haoran Film and Television, thereby obtaining [-]% of the shares of Haoran Film and Television. But do you know that the registered capital of Haoran Film and Television is only [-] million?"

"Since the registered capital of Haoran Film and Television is only 1000 million, why..."

Long Nan didn't understand what kind of loss-making business Ximen was doing.

"Because there are five first-line stars behind Haoran Film and Television, and the 15.00 million premium acquisition made them stunned. They forgot that behind this premium acquisition contract is the annual net profit of [-] million yuan, and the annual profit must increase by [-]% in the next four years! If you can't If it is achieved, they have to come up with cash to make up the difference!"

"So cruel!"

Cheng Luo, who is good at mental arithmetic, exclaimed.

Ximen said complacently, "Dare not dare, who made them greedy?"

Su Qiao silently read the names of several star investors of Haoran Film and Television in her heart, and said, "No wonder the five of them have been making bad movies to make money for the whole year of last year. Their reputation is so bad that they are still working hard..."

"Because I owe the Pangen Group hundreds of millions in accounts, I can't run away even if I want to!"

Ximen smiled dryly and said, "Do you want to follow suit and let your opponents fall to the bottom of the valley in one breath, floating in the sea of ​​bad movies, with no chance of turning over?"

"But they have no plan to set up a film and television company, and I have such a bad relationship with them, could they be hooked?"

Su Qiao was actually a little moved, although she also felt that Ximen's suggestion had reached a new level of viciousness.

Ximen smiled and said: "As long as you think, I can create opportunities immediately, and let them fall into the trap one by one! Anyway, you now have two super backers, Qiaojiaren and Longzu, and you don't need money for anything. Isn't it?"

"But you don't think it's very…"

Su Qiao showed a guilty conscience.

Ximen said: "You are about to go to country M to have a baby. At least you will fade out of the screen for a whole year. When you come back, you may be forgotten by the entertainment industry! At worst, you will be slammed by your contemporaries! If you don't want to make you hate The guy who stepped on your face and laughed at you, you have to listen to me, and let all the guys who may catch up and replace you have no chance of being in the next few years!"

(End of this chapter)

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