I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 771 Revenge for Mo Qiaoqiao

Chapter 771 Revenge for Mo Qiaoqiao (1)

After ordering Tang Ansi's affairs, Su Qiao changed into Shuya's clothes and drove to the Ou's Cemetery.

She wanted to pay homage to Mo Yanran, and at the same time pay homage to Ou Que, who had been kind to Mo Qiaoqiao.


Deep in the solemn pines and cypresses, Su Qiao saw a touch of whiteness. She waved her hand to stop the bodyguards and walked to the tall man in white: "Sorry, I'm late, I forgot today is—"

"You're not the pretty girl who grew up with Yanran and Ou Que. It's normal not to remember their death dates."

Long Jiuzhong spoke casually, took the white chrysanthemum in her hand, and placed it in front of the monument of Ou Que and his wife.

"Old friend, your daughter is here to see you!"

As he spoke, he lit a cigarette and placed it on the marble table.

Green smoke curled up across Ou Que's photo, and the smiling person in the photo seemed to come alive.

Seeing him smiling kindly at her, Su Qiao couldn't help clasping her hands together and praying silently for them.

Long Jiuzhong watched quietly until she opened her eyes again, then patted her on the shoulder and said, "Come with me!"

Su Qiao bit her lower lip, she knew that the question Long Jiuzhong was about to ask must have something to do with Mo Qiaoqiao's life.


Walking around to the cold pines and cypresses, Long Jiuzhong said coldly, "Apart from Ou Ying, who else participated in the incident at the aquarium?"

Long Jiuzhong's words chilled Su Qiao physically and mentally, and the dark memory of the kidnapping case hit her instantly, making her breathless, so she could only lean on the low wall and said, "Why do you ask this matter? It's been so long It's..."

Seeing her trembling shoulders, Long Jiuzhong knew it must be a painful memory, and said, "I'm sorry to remind you of the painful past, but this past is very important to me! I don't care who the soul in my daughter's body is, but I Can't help but care about the misfortune my daughter has suffered!"

"...Sorry...I thought you..."

Su Qiao felt ashamed of her chicken belly.

Long Jiuzhong said, "It's okay, I'm not angry."

Su Qiao then carefully recalled the past, and said in a low voice: "That time in the aquarium... Fortunately, Ou Ying still has a little humanity, and the thugs are not allowed to mess with Qiao Qiao... But the nanny who was taken away with Qiao Qiao... all It all happened in front of her face, she was so frightened that she curled up in a corner and didn't even dare to cry... After many years, the shadow in her heart has not been dispelled, especially in the years of high school, she even put on makeup I don't even dare to dress up...the whole person is dusty..."

It was also because of that gloomy memory that Mo Qiaoqiao, who was already overworked by being manipulated, died suddenly of a heart attack when Gong Yueming's men grabbed her and stuffed her into a sack in the underground garage.

Long Jiu looked at Su Qiao's complexion darkened by the narration, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. He said, "Do you still remember those guys?!"

Su Qiao straightened her thoughts and said, "Remember!"


The memory goes back to a few years ago.

It was a dilapidated, dilapidated room with a musty smell. Looking up, one could see broken wallpaper. About three meters away from the girl curled up in the corner, a group of thugs were acting recklessly.

The nanny was beaten badly, her face was covered with blood, and her body was covered with bruises, but these rascals happily drank and ate meat, and played poker cross-legged.

The girl hugged her schoolbag tightly in fright. She didn't know what they would do next, but she was so scared that her heart trembled.


The phone rang, and a man with a lot of hair on the back of his hand grabbed the phone and said in a vicious voice: "Boss, what's the matter! Can you kill the little boy too!"

(End of this chapter)

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