I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 790 Tell me, why?

Chapter 790 Tell me, why?
"Too bad I still don't like you!"

Gong Yueming's words made Song Ronger's heart ache.

She looked at this man pleadingly, she couldn't believe that he was so cruel, but she had to accept his cruelty.

"...I know...I've always known..."

She said pleadingly, in a trance.

Gong Yueming obviously didn't notice her abnormality, walking in the ice and snow, feeling extremely unwilling and painful in his heart.


He felt a pain in his ribs, lowered his head, and saw a little blood red on the snow.

When he turned around, it was Song Ronger's smile that had dried up her tears.

Her hands were covered in blood, and she was holding a knife, and the other end of the knife was his blood-stained clothes.

Seeing the shocked expression of the man, the woman smiled sickly: "Look, the blood is red...your blood is as red as mine..."

"You are crazy!"

Gong Yueming said in pain.

The subordinates rushed over at this time, surrounded loosely, wanting to step forward but afraid that Song Rong'er would hurt Gong Yueming even more after being stimulated.

Song Rong'er kept laughing at Gong Yue, she said: "I really like you, I like you very, very much... For you, I can give up myself... Why don't you still like me? That What's so good about women? Why...why...why!"

At the end, she cried.

Tears turned to ice on the face and fell to the ground.

"Please love me, please!" She said humblely, "Please...love me... please..."

"not good!"

After Gong Yueming finished speaking calmly, he suddenly grabbed Song Ronger's hand holding the knife——

"don't want!"

Song Rong'er exclaimed, but it was too late.

Gong Yueming abruptly pulled the knife out of his body, and returned it to Song Rong'er.

The blood is warm and doesn't become cold until it hits the ground.

Looking at every drop of warm blood flowing out of Gong Yueming's body, she only felt that her body was getting colder and colder from the inside, and it was so cold that her breath didn't exist anymore.


She looked at him imploringly, longing for an answer.

"Please tell me, why? Why would you rather hurt yourself more than rely on me...I am the one who loves you the most in this world...I love you more than anyone else..."

"But I don't love you, never have."

Gong Yueming pushed Song Rong'er away, clutching his wound and walked away step by step.

The blood fell on the snow and turned into a blood-red road. Song Ronger felt that she was dead, her heartbeat was gone, her body temperature was gone, and her feeling was gone...

I love you so much, why can't I get a little answer from you...

While mumbling to himself, his body was pulled away...


Gong Qianming looked at Gong Yueming on the hospital bed dumbfounded.

"I was so messed up that I didn't get stabbed by a woman and sent to the hospital. You actually did it."

"For my mother's sake, I won't sue Song Rong'er," Gong Yueming said coldly, "But I will never forgive her either! I want her to live in pain forever! Forever! Forever!"

"If you don't love her, she is suffering enough."

Gong Qianming was a little weak.

Gong Yueming said: "Does she know that I'm hurt?"

"Her? Which her?"

Gong Qianming asked knowingly.

Gong Yueming smiled bitterly: "I still care about her until now, who else can I have besides her? When Song Rong'er stabbed me, I felt very relaxed, because after that, they can't continue to force me to marry the Gong family I can stand in front of her and tell her that whether the father of the child is me or not, I will..."

"Her plane tonight..."

Gong Qianming spoke in distress, breaking Gong Yueming's self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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