I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 793 I Don't Love Him Anymore

Chapter 793 I Don't Love Him Anymore

The plane takes off in half an hour.

In the VIP room, Su Qiao is closing her eyes to refresh herself.

"This time when I go to country M, in addition to preparing for the wedding, I will introduce you to the elders of the organization. From now on, you will be the princess of the dragon group and the future godmother. You must learn to deal with all kinds of accidents, and become more and more hard-hearted .”

Long Jiuzhong's words lingered in Su Qiao's ears. She knew that when she set foot on the land of Country M, what she would face was something completely new!
Long Jiuzhong patted her shoulder pitifully, and continued: "You have to give up kindness, gentleness, and softness of women, because these are not necessary to become a godmother."

"I know."

Su Qiao said in a low voice.

"And love," he said. "Love is the most unnecessary thing. Fortunately, you have awakened, which saves us a lot of effort."

"I will continue to love my son Yu with family affection, and I will continue to trip over Gong Yueming with old love, but I will never give my heart to any of them." Su Qiao said, "For the rest of my life, I will only pursue Something I want..."

"This is my good daughter."

Long Jiuzhong said happily.

Su Qiao raised her eyes and asked Long Jiuchong: "Father, why don't you mind that Young Master Yu loves me, but you hope that I don't love Young Master Yu?"


Long Jiuzhong sighed, and said: "Your love, the initiative is in the hands of women. As long as you don't love him, he won't do deviant things. What's more, I'm always... I can't stand up to him in front of him." It started at the beginning, so I can only promise in front of him that I don't mind, but in private, I hope you can..."

"I understand!"

Su Qiao clasped her fingers and stopped talking.

At this time, there were still 10 minutes before the plane took off.

Long Jiuzhong signaled Su Qiao to prepare to board the plane.

The servants picked up the suitcases one by one, and Su Qiao also stood up. At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the distance.

Su Qiao turned around and saw Gong Qianming!

He came in casual clothes and was arguing with the other people who stopped him, but when he saw Su Qiao turn around, he immediately shouted: "Hey, hey! Wait a minute! Qiaoqiao, I have something very important for you explain!"

"What important things can you do?"

Su Qiao laughed at herself and turned to leave.

Gong Qianming was in a hurry, picked up the microphone of the staff, and shouted loudly: "Qiaoqiao, if you just leave today, you will see a super big news tomorrow! Many people will die because of you! "

The big microphone was connected to the public address system, and most of the airport heard Gong Qianming's roar.

Su Qiao was speechless, and said to Long Jiuzhong: "...Why is this guy so clueless!"

Long Jiuzhong looked at Long Nan: "Go and get rid of him!"


Long Nan turned around and walked towards Gong Qianming.

Gong Qianming saw Long Nan walking towards him with a murderous look, his complexion changed drastically, and then he shouted: "Qiaoqiao, I... Gong Yueming let me tell you, she has seen her heart clearly! The person he likes It has always been you, from the beginning to the end! He has already been stabbed by Song Rong'er, and he will definitely divorce the Song family! Please don't board the plane today! Give him another chance! He—"

Before he finished speaking, his body was already tilted, and Long Nan's smiling face was the last scenery he saw before he fainted.

Su Qiao watched helplessly as Long Nan put Gong Qianming on the chair, and then said to Long Jiuzhong, "Let's go!"

"You really don't need to worry about him?" Long Jiuzhong asked, "Gong Yueming—"

Su Qiao said, "I don't love him anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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