I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 901 The Love Rivals Face to Face

Chapter 901 The Love Rivals Face to Face (3)

Su Qiao wiped her tears and said: "When I was just a little assistant, you fell from the sky, saved me from the bottomless world, and gave me a chance to realize my dreams...Although you were a bit domineering at that time It's a bit unreasonable, but I naturally have feelings for you..."

"Then why did you..."

Gong Yueming was very nervous.

Su Qiao said: "Later I found out that everything was a lie, everything was a hoax. You didn't love me and you didn't save me for the sake of loving me... Everything you did was only for yourself. Why should I love someone who only loves me?" A man who loves me, and this man is also trying to kill my dearest and most important person in this world?"

"Is that person Young Master Yu?"

Gong Yueming was full of vinegar.

Su Qiao said: "It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is that you have lied to me, hurt me, and made me despair from beginning to end! I don't want to go on like this! Let me be free! There are so many alternatives around you , every one of them is willing to continue to love you knowing that you are a scum and you are only looking for profit! Why do you have to be tied to me!"

Gong Yueming was silent.

Song Rong'er showed a resentful expression: "Did you just say the truth or..."

"Every sentence is true. I don't like you, but I don't like him even more."

Su Qiao smiled and took out her mobile phone: "Mind if I answer the call?"


Su Qiao answered the phone and said to her son, "Susu, don't worry, Mommy will be home with you in half an hour."

Then she hung up, saying, "Can you give me a clean answer? My son is calling me home."

Gong Yueming's throat rolled: "Is that why you don't want to see me?"

Su Qiao said, "I don't want to see you from the beginning to the end."

Song Rong'er said: "Are you really quitting completely this time, are you playing hard to get?"

Su Qiao said: "Why do I want to play hard to get! He is not Tang Monk meat, everyone wants to eat it."

"This one……"

Being teased by his wife like this, one can imagine Gong Yueming's mood.

Su Qiao said, "I don't love you, and you don't love me either. Let's each take a step back and give each other a size, okay?"

Gong Yueming didn't speak.

Su Qiao said: "I beg you, please! Susu is not an ordinary child, he doesn't need you!"

"But I need you."

Gong Yueming spoke quietly and calmly.

Su Qiao looked at Song Rong'er weakly: "Now I'm sure, you are indeed a weak mistress."

Song Ronger burst her forehead and said, "You are the mistress! I am not!"

"But I don't want him now, why can't you catch him?"

Su Qiao said mockingly, then turned and walked out of the private room.

Gong Yueming wanted to catch up, but Song Rong'er hurriedly hugged him from behind, crying, "I know I'm not worthy to be your wife, but my heart for you... is unique in the whole world... I beg you, just take it as sympathy for me." , don't love me...I really love you very much...I am willing to do anything for you, except leave you..."

"But I don't love you! Ever since you stabbed me, we've died with every last bit of possibility!"

Gong Yueming said hurtful words, and forcibly pushed Song Rong'er away.

Song Rong'er cried until her facial features were deformed.

She sat on the ground and kept howling: "Why! Why did you treat me like this! What did I do wrong! What...is inferior to her!"

"You are inferior to her in nothing." Gong Yueming said, "Whether it is birth, character or appearance, you are inferior in nothing!"

"No... no! No—"

(End of this chapter)

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