I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 912 Susie's Wedding

Chapter 912 Susie's Wedding (3)

"In the past... what happened to me in the past? Why don't I know?"

Su Qiao knew what she was going to ask, but she pretended to be ignorant.

The host smiled and said: "I heard that Ms. Mo once fell in love with a machismo wealthy man and even married secretly, but in the end—"

"Yes, I was married and then divorced." Su Qiao said casually, but frightened the photography and editing at the side.

The host also turned pale, and asked in surprise, "Miss Mo, you—"

"This is something that will be exposed sooner or later, and there is nothing to avoid."

Su Qiao smiled like a flower.

The host said with a pale face, "Ms. Mo really has an active mind and a strange angle."

Su Qiao said: "I'm just used to seeing entertainment journalists going all out and breaking the news first."

"In that case, can you tell us who is the father of your only son? Is he still in touch with you? Is it possible for you to remarry?"

The host rushed to Su Qiao with a series of questions.

Su Qiao said: "His identity - I can only say that I have no comment for the time being, whether we will continue to be in contact... We will occasionally talk on the phone because of our son. As for whether to remarry... Only time will give everyone the answer. "

"Ah, what do you mean—you still maintain a relationship and continue to communicate?"

Su Qiao smiled slightly and said, "Host, you pay too much attention to my private life."

The host laughed dryly and said, "No, no, I just—"

"Moderator, please respect my life and the topic of today's conversation."

Su Qiao's aura was strong, and with just a few words, she forcibly pulled back the topic that was gradually becoming a gossip.

It was also the first time for the host to be reprimanded face to face. He felt uncomfortable and had to endure, saying: "Miss Mo, let's continue talking about movies!"

"Okay, do you have any questions?" Su Qiao asked.

The host asked: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​making a pseudo-documentary film with the Women's Army and honor killings as the main subjects?"

"Because of a trip."

Su Qiao's expression became serious.

"Four years ago, I traveled to the Middle East. I was shocked by the dogma there, and at the same time, I was shocked by the freshness of living hard under so many dogmas. They were educated in slavery and were not allowed to touch the outside world. But they are still strong and unwilling to submit to fate. I was invited to watch a stoning... Do you know what stoning is?"

"I've heard that it is a very primitive and barbaric punishment."

Su Qiao nodded and said: "Yes, stoning was born thousands of years ago, but it is still practiced in some countries until the 21st century. I saw that not all the men who participated in the execution lifted up stones. I think To the woman who was half-buried in the soil and did not ask for repentance until she died... After that, I was lucky enough to meet the Kurdish Detachment Army and live together for a month. That was the happiest month I had in the Middle East, and they all experienced things we could not imagine Injury, but still healthy and optimistic active life..."

"And then you came up with the idea of ​​making a movie to record all this?"

"It can be said that, although the actual process is more complicated than this." Su Qiao said, "But they showed a possibility, which made me believe that people are born free, even if they were sealed in a can and forcibly accepted the slavery of others since childhood, Deep down, I still yearn for freedom and are willing to sacrifice everything for freedom.”

The Kurdish Detachment of Women, collectively referred to as the female armed forces active in the Middle East, has several organizations including the Kurdish Women's Self-Defense Force and the Second Kurdish Freedom Battalion. The members are mainly Kurdish women and rescued MSL female slaves. The average age is 20-25 years old. They like strong women. Check out their documentaries and reports.Compared with the strong women who rely on cheating in the fantasy world, I prefer this kind of strong women who hold guns to defend the nation in the real world.

In addition, Israel, a Middle Eastern country, also joins the army. One-third of the regular army is female soldiers. When traveling in Israel, you will often see female soldiers on vacation wearing casual clothes with guns on their backs passing by. Bikinis and machine guns coexist on the beach.

(End of this chapter)

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