I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 925 With capital and interest

Chapter 925 With capital and interest (4)

"But even if we have all the evidence, theoretically we still can't touch the Song family."

Cheng Luo walked into the room and gave a military salute: "Sir!"

"You finally know and come back and report to me!"

Gong Yueming said coldly, then suddenly stood up, walked up to Cheng Luo, and said, "How is she doing now?"

"Madam is all well in Country M."

Cheng Luo put on a businesslike attitude.

Gong Yueming said, "Did you say when you'll be back?"

"No," Cheng Luo said, "There is no rumor at all."

"Is that so...then..."

Gong Yueming showed a conflicted expression.

"In the current situation, I hope that she will return to the country and I am afraid that she will not return to the country. She wants to achieve certain achievements in politics, but she does not know that once a person is involved in politics, it is difficult to get out of the whirlpool! No, it is this life. There is no chance of getting out of the whirlpool. I don't want to see her being swallowed by the political whirlpool..."

"Then persuade her... Madame to quit, or let her fail from the beginning, without a chance to go further!"

Lin Zhengyi put forward her own ideas. She still has a crush on Gong Yueming and cannot say the word "madam" calmly.

Gong Yueming said: "You are wrong. She will never lose in the first round. She has enough political capital and personal charm. It is almost certain that she will be elected mayor."

"But you also said that she..."

At this time, Cheng Luo gave Lin Zhengyi a hard look.

Lin Zhengyi could only shut up.

Cheng Luo said: "Perhaps we should help Madam and let her go on step by step."

"Oh? Can you tell me your specific thoughts?"

Gong Yueming asked back, Cheng Luo's suggestion was too out of the ordinary.

Cheng Luo said: "My wife wants to make a difference in politics. This is a natural understanding after the double ups and downs of the entertainment industry and the extreme. No matter how high she is in the entertainment industry, or how prosperous she leads the Dragon Team , I can't bear a few words on politics!"

"Yes, the military and politics determine everything." Lin Zhengyi echoed.

Cheng Luo said: "This is the reason Madam wants to drink tea with the President. She needs political support, but her relationship with the Gong family is too bad, and she and the Zuo family distrust each other and use each other, let alone the Song family... ..."

"I see, she is indeed my good student..."

Gong Yueming's expression was a little subtle.

Cheng Luo said, "Sir, are you willing to fulfill Madam's ambition?"

Gong Yueming smiled slightly and said, "Of course I don't want to! But there is no other better choice, is there?"

Cheng Luo was silent.

Gong Yueming said: "Maybe I should go to country M, she definitely hopes to have a man by her side now..."

"Yes, sir, if you appear by her side at this time, she will definitely..."

Cheng Luo flattered Gong Yue more and more.

But Gong Yueming said: "She will definitely be very unhappy. She already has Mr. Yu by her side, how could she want me! This woman... this hateful woman!"

Cheng Luo showed a helpless expression.

Lin Zhengyi was secretly happy.

It's a pity that before the two women had time to secretly fight, Gong Yueming suddenly said: "Say hello to the relevant personnel in country M, I will land on their border within the next 24 hours!"

"Sir, this is not..."

Lin Zhengyi has a toothache.

Cheng Luo smiled: "Understood! I will serve you immediately!"

Then, both of them left the room.

Gong Yueming leaned against the desk and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

He feels tired at the moment, but deep inside he is filled with the passion called love that is about to meet the person he likes!
"Qiaoqiao...you are such a silly woman..."

(End of this chapter)

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