I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 935 Parent-child Dating

Chapter 935 Parent-child Dating (2)

Su Qiao was very uncomfortable.

Gong Yueming said: "There are still many things I am good at, do you want to know about them one by one?"

Su Qiao shook her head and said, "I don't have any interest in you anymore!"


He asked for a kiss again!
What Su Qiao couldn't touch, she was breathless and blushed by his kiss, and when she was about to hit him, the kiss ended.

"This is a deposit!"

Su Qiao wiped her mouth fiercely, and said, "Okay, you are the boss and you decide!"


The weekend is sunny.

On the grass in the park were young lovers or young couples in twos and threes. Su Qiao led Long Su and walked beside Gong Yueming in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "I never knew you were still so—"

"Why can't I be romantic?" Gong Yueming said in a low voice, "Don't always think that I'm an excessive man, in fact, I also have a romantic side."

"You can also be romantic, is it a romance you learned from school temporarily!"

She was not used to Gong Yueming being so romantic all of a sudden.

Gong Yueming said: "It wasn't taught by the school. I don't have time to go to school to make up lessons on how to chase girls. I found it online. It said on the Internet that the best way to pursue a woman with children is to talk to her more about children and how to do it." Something reminiscent of family warmth."


Su Qiao was very angry at his frankness, and said speechlessly: "Sure enough, I shouldn't expect anything from you!"

Gong Yueming said: "So, did you have high expectations for me just now?"

"...No! I just... just wavered for a second!"

Su Qiao said awkwardly, Gong Yueming's subtle changes made her at a loss.

Gong Yueming smiled slightly and said, "I love you."

Su Qiao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I...I don't love you! I...I promised to date you...because I owe you, and Susu also wants to have one..."

The more she talked, the more embarrassing she became, but Gong Yueming didn't point it out, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I don't care."

Su Qiao said, "It's not...it's not..."

Her face was getting redder and hotter. At this moment, Long Su suddenly shouted: "Goose! Swan! Black!"

When Su Qiao heard this, she looked up, and she saw a large number of black swans in the lake, and these black swans were in groups, with a large group of plush goslings beside her mother.

"It's so warm..." Su Qiao said enviously, "Mom is afraid that the children will get wet by the lake, so she lets them hide under her wings."

"If it's a human being, it's the man who unfolds his clothes to protect the women and children from the rain at this time..."

Gong Yueming said without losing the opportunity, intending to make himself feel good.

But he forgot that Long Su was as unromantic as he was.

I saw the little boy frowning and holding his face, and said: "It's a pity that Qiuqiu can't be brought into the park, otherwise it will be a disaster, so many fat geese..."

Su Qiao was speechless: "...Susu, the reason you yelled about feelings just now is because—"

"Yes, otherwise?"

Su Qiao was speechless for a while.

The son's mind is really not so easy to guess.

After Long Su screamed happily at the black swans in the river, he said to Su Qiao, "Mommy, why do black swans look better than white swans? I think they are really beautiful!"

"It's just that you think that most people still prefer white swans." Su Qiao patiently explained to her son.

Long Su looked at it for a while, and then said: "But I still think that the white swan is not as good-looking as the black swan. The feathers of the black swan are very beautiful and sparkling."

"So you like the feeling of glitter." Su Qiao suddenly realized.

Long Su said: "It's dark and bright, it looks like Yiyi's eyes."

"You like Yiyi very much?"

Gong Yueming opened his mouth suddenly, making Su Qiao confused for a while.

What does this man want to do!
(End of this chapter)

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