Chapter 940

"Send you to see God's expression."

Long Su took out a small tube and said triumphantly: "This is the venom of the black mamba snake. Just a little bit can kill you. Auntie, do you feel that your eyes are blurred and you can't use your energy, as if you were drunk?" Fluttering?"

"……you you……"

Ou Jiaoqian never dreamed that she would fall into the hands of Maozi.

Long Su continued: "Don't be afraid, the black mamba's venom is very short, you can go to see God in an hour at most."

"Nonsense...I...I won't..."

"Actually, it's meaningless to live like you, Aunt Ou! Your face has been ruined by someone, and even if you take back your property, you'll be shamed for the rest of your life. It's better to die early, and everyone will be relieved..."

Long Su laughed badly.

Ou Qianjiao was terrified.

She couldn't stand still, grabbed Long Su's foot and said, "Don't... don't... give me the serum... as long as you give me the serum, I will tell you a super big secret... super big... super big ..."

"What secret can you have?"

Unmoved, Long Su took out his mobile phone to announce the good news to his mother.

Ou Jiaoqian was anxious and shouted with all her strength: "I know who killed Gong Shouri!"


On the other end of the phone, Su Qiao heard Ou Jiaoqian's roar and almost dropped the phone in shock.

Seeing this, Gong Yueming hurried forward and said, "What happened?"

"Something super big happened!"

Su Qiao grabbed the phone and said to Long Su: "Stay where you are, I'll come right over! Right away!"

Then she said to Gong Yueming: "Prepare the plane immediately, Ou Jiaoqian knows who killed the old man!"

"What did you say!"

Gong Yueming was also stunned.

Su Qiao said: "Ou Jiaoqian just said that she wants to exchange this secret for the serum of black mamba snake venom."

"She really knows who killed the old man!"

Gong Yueming's voice trembled with excitement!
Su Qiao gave him a white look, and said, "So excited! Could it be that you always thought that I was mad at Gong Shouri?"

"No, I've always believed in you..."

Gong Yueming slapped the table anxiously: "Why hasn't the plane arrived yet! In case Ou Jiaoqian can't wait for us—"

"Susu gave her the common viper venom." Su Qiao said, "The black mamba is such a dangerous thing, even if I have ten guts, I dare not give it to him!"

"That's about the same. Wait! That's enough viper venom!"

Gong Yueming felt that sooner or later he would be scared to death by his wife and children.

"It's okay, Susu has her own measure."

At this time, the secretary came in to report that the helicopter had been deployed, and the two of them went up to the top floor together with the medical staff.



Ou Qianjiao woke up on the bed, feeling weak all over.She opened her eyes and saw a vast expanse of whiteness, and immediately thought she was dead.

At this time, the nurse came in and said to her: "You are very lucky, and you are still okay after being poisoned by the adder, but that's the end of luck."

Ou Qianjiao was stunned. She struggled to get up, but although the serum had worked, her body was still weak, and she collapsed after walking two steps.

A pair of red-soled shoes stopped in front of her.

"Long time no see, big sister."

Ou Qianjiao raised her head and saw her most disgusting face in the world - Mo Qiaoqiao.

Unlike her who is embarrassed, Mo Qiaoqiao is covered with limited-edition famous brands all over her body, and her low-key and luxurious attire is no more than that of a red carpet actress.

"How long do you want to torture me! Even if I have done something sorry to you, you should relieve yourself after seeing me like this!" Ou Qianjiao was very angry. She struggled to stand up, but she couldn't do it at all. less than.

(End of this chapter)

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