I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 950 Teaching the Palace Family to Be a Man

Chapter 950 Teaching the Palace Family to Be a Man (8)

"Five years ago, I was able to survive, it was indeed a gift from the Gong family! But without your son, how could I have been involved in the disputes of the Gong family and injured myself?" Su Qiao asked slowly, " Gong Qianhao, you heard me clearly! I am a woman, and even more a mother! I will never compromise on anything related to my son! Even if I use all the power to suppress me!"

"Really? Do you really know what you're talking about?"

Gong Qianhao was not a good person at all, Su Qiao's words angered him, and his expression naturally cooled down.

Su Qiao said: "I know exactly what I'm talking about! Please don't provoke me!"

Gong Qianhao's voice became cold: "I think you may not know what I'm talking about!"

Su Qiao said: "I know, I know what you're talking about! But I still have to say, it's absolutely impossible! I will never give my son to other people! It's impossible for anyone!"

"...Then you can only—"

Gong Qianhao became murderous.

Su Qiao had already noticed the change in the atmosphere.

When Gong Qianhao's killing intent came out, she smiled resolutely and said, "I'm sorry! I won't sit still!"

"I'm not going to watch my woman sit and die."

Gong Yueming's voice suddenly sounded, Gong Qianhao couldn't help but look up!
At the moment when he was shaken, Su Qiao suddenly stepped forward, and the spikes of the alloy umbrella pressed against the old man's neck: "Sorry, you lost!"

"You didn't win either!"

Gong Qianhao smiled, and pointed the gun at Su Qiao's heart: "Do you think the bullet is faster or the umbrella is faster?"

Su Qiao said: "There is no difference, it's all the same result, we all die together!"

"...You really are ruthless!"

Gong Qianhao sneered.

Su Qiao said: "It's not that I'm cruel. It's because you want to hurt my child. I must be cruel! No woman can bear the pain of a child being held in someone else's hands! My son is my baby. If you want to hurt him, Just step over my corpse first!"

"...You are amazing!" Gong Qianhao said, "But I still feel—"

"Stop talking, you can't beat me!" Su Qiao said, "I will never let you have a chance to win me!"

Miyazaki's expression became even more subtle.

Su Qiao said: "Please remember this moment, how a woman can defeat an invincible strong man with her emotions! Gong Qianhao, I know you are strong, to an extent that ordinary people can't imagine, but—an old saying goes, when a man When your wisdom is useless, you should turn to a woman for help!"

While speaking, the tip of the umbrella pierced Gong Qianhao's skin, and a small amount of blood flowed out. Su Qiao said, "See, I'm not bluffing! If you insist on me choosing between my life and my son, then my The decision is - both, or give up!"

"Just keep at it!"

Su Qiao puffed her chest out and said, "Yes, just stick to it!"

"Then we can only—"


Gong Yueming's voice sounded again, but Gong Qianhao would not be confused by Su Qiao's methods this time, he firmly pulled the trigger——

The moment the gun was fired, Su Qiao quickly backed away, but the bullet still scratched the surface of her clothes, and her whole body was hit by the impact and almost fell into a certain embrace behind her.

After finally stabilizing her body, Su Qiao said to Gong Qianhao: "I thought I might be pointed at by you with a gun today, so I specially wore bulletproof clothes. The shot just now—I'm really sorry, I let you down !"

Gong Qianhao stared with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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