I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 965 I want to get married

Chapter 965 I want to get married (2)

Long Su threw himself into Gong Qianhao's arms and said, "Grandpa Husky brought me here. He said Grandma Zeng was sick and wanted to see me."

"Then did he tell you that your grandma Zeng was sick and hospitalized because of your mother's anger?" Gong Qianhao asked in a bad voice.

Long Su twisted his head: "I didn't say it, but I guessed it."

"Then do you think this matter is your mother's fault?" Gong Qianhao asked Long Su, with an instinctive kindness on her serious face.

Long Su shook his head like a rattle: "Mom doesn't make mistakes. It must be Grandma Zeng who said something unpleasant, so Mom scolded her! As for why she was so angry that she went to the hospital after a few words... the elderly should not My heart will not be able to bear it if I learn from young people to fight fiercely!"

What he said was old-fashioned, and the miniature version of Gong Yueming, who was alive and well, made Gong Qianhao want to be angry, but he couldn't bear to be angry, so he could only mention the little brat and throw it to the guards behind, saying: "Take Young Master Sun back!"

"Yes, sir!"

The guards wrapped Long Su into rice dumplings, and Long Su cried out in anxiety, "I want Mommy! I want Mommy! This is kidnapping! Woooooo! I want to call the police! I want to sue you for child abuse! Whoooooooo!"

"If calling the police is useful, your mother won't be able to get rid of the Gong family by now." Long Nan couldn't stand it and complained.

Because of this, Gong Qianhao noticed Long Nan and said, "Young man, you look familiar!"

Long Nan said: "I am the eldest lady's personal bodyguard, and I have also acted as her temporary fiancee."

"Oh, you belong to the dragon group," Gong Qianhao glanced at Gong Qianming, and said, "Do you know the person who gouged out my brother's eyes?"

Gong Qianming smelled the murderous intent, and hurried forward to smooth things over: "Brother, this is all about the year before last...you just..."

"shut up!"

Gong Qianhao pushed Gong Qianming away and said, "Tell me, who is he!"

Long Nan took a deep breath and said, "I can see him every morning when I look in the mirror."

"Ha! Hehe!"

Gong Qianhao sneered.

Gong Qianming hurriedly stood in front of Long Nan, explaining: "Brother, I have reconciled with him, so you don't need to—"

"Reconciliation?! The hatred of gouging eyes can be reconciled, what is the relationship between you two!"

Gong Qianhao looked at Long Nan with a sneer: "If I remember correctly, your sexual orientation is a man, and it just so happened that someone heard my younger brother tell my little mother that he was going to come out... Tsk tsk, his coming out partner Could it be you!"

There was tension in the room.

Gong Qianming looked at Gong Qianhao almost beggingly: "Brother, I don't mind anymore! Can you stop—"

"I didn't ask you a question! Get out of the way!"

Gong Qianhao looked into Long Su's eyes: "Tell me, what are you going to pay for my brother's eyes!"

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," Long Su said, "Isn't it the eyes, I'll dig them out and give them back to you right now!"

While speaking, he was already holding a knife in one hand, ready to goug out his eyes and pay Gong Qianhao.


When the sharp knife was only one centimeter away from the eyeball, Gong Qianhao grabbed Long Su's hand and said, "One is not enough! At least two more!"

"I only have two eyes that I can pay to the Gong family."

Long Nan glanced at Gong Qianming and said, "Why are you so sad, give me a smile! I don't want the last face I see in this life to be your sad face!"

"Big brother!"

Gong Qianming couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed between Long Nan and Gong Qianhao, grabbed Long Nan's hand, and said, "I said it! I don't mind anymore! You don't need to help me collect debts!"

(End of this chapter)

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