I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 975 Weeping and Fainting in the Toilet

Chapter 975 Weeping and Fainting in the Toilet (1)

"Yes yes yes! Similar things will never happen again!"

The doctors promised tremblingly.

Song Chengying waved them away, and said to Gong Yuelan: "Send Xinjie and Rong'er back to the old house immediately! Remember, there should be no news about this matter! Especially not let the old palace know!"

"I know, Mom."

Gong Yuelan wiped away tears and said.

Song Chengying picked up Long Su and said, "Susu, promise grandma that you will rot today's matter in your stomach, and you are not allowed to tell anyone who asks!"

"Okay," Long Su blinked, "Susu won't tell anyone about this!"

"Susu is so cute!"

Song Chengying breathed a sigh of relief.


After confirming that the old lady had turned the corner, Song Chengying and Gong Yuelan returned to Gong's house.

Gong Xinjie had a ghost in her heart. When she saw her mother and grandmother entering the house, she quickly stood up and said in a low voice, "Grandma, mom!"

Song Rong'er also yelled, "Hello aunt, hello cousin."

"You guys still know that I'm your grandma and your aunt! If I'm so angry that I go to the hospital one day, will you put some nitrogen in my oxygen tube and send me to heaven!"

Song Chengying was so angry that she cursed whenever she opened her mouth.

Gong Xinjie said in a low voice: "Grandma, I didn't mean it... I... I definitely didn't mean to harm my great-grandmother! I really just want to..."

But Song Rong'er stood up stiffly and said, "Auntie, this has nothing to do with Xinjie! It's my idea! Mo Qiaoqiao gave birth to a grandson for the Gong family, and I'm afraid that she will formally enter the Gong family sooner or later, so... I know that the old lady has the best doctor in the country by her side, and nothing will happen to her, so I did this!"

"You know! What do you know!"

Song Chengying wanted to slap Song Rong'er awake.

"Rong'er, Rong'er, you are so smart and powerful, why do you get confused when it comes to feelings!"


"Don't call me aunt, I don't have such a stupid niece like you!" Song Chengying said, "And you, you are crying all day long, and those who don't know think that the palace family abused you and forced you to marry a scumbag!"


Gong Xinjie, who was scolded for no reason, looked aggrieved.

"Now you know you're getting close to me?! You two... really... really piss me off!"

"But Auntie, we really have no choice but to do this... But if there is any other choice, we will never..."

Song Ronger began to play the role of White Lotus: "Auntie...we really just want to prevent Mo Qiaoqiao from entering the palace! We...Auntie, how much I love my cousin, I hate her so much...I really have... There is no turning back! I... for him I made myself into the inhuman form I am now...I..."

"Hey! If I knew today, why bother!"

After all, Song Chengying couldn't tear Song Rong'er cruelly, and after a sigh, he said: "Five years ago, you stabbed him, and then you should understand that he will never love you in his life. Why do you know that he can't love you?" I love you, and I still refuse to give up until now!"

"Because... emotional matters are always... fate... not in control... I also want to stop loving him, and I also want to find someone to marry, but I can't do it!"

Song Rong'er burst into tears: "In the past five years, my family has introduced me to at least a hundred young talents! Every one of them is excellent, and they are all suitable men for me! It's a pity that my eyes are full of him, I can't see To anyone but him! It's the same this time... I know that no matter what I do now, I won't get his love, but at least I can prevent Mo Qiaoqiao from entering the palace! I would rather die than Mo Qiaoqiao Become the mistress of the palace family!"

(End of this chapter)

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