I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 984 Destined to Win

Chapter 984 Destined to Win (2)

Two days later, news came from Hawaii: things have been done.

Along with the news came more than a dozen photos and videos.

Su Qiao looked at the vivid women and children in the photo, as well as the trembling adults and children in the video who kept cursing and cursing, and said in a low voice, "If I had known today, why bother, there is a price to be paid for doing three things."

Gong Yueming said: "She feels that with the president's backing, no one will ever dare to touch her."

"But the Lu family never took her seriously," Su Qiao said, "I've actually known this other woman all along. She is Master Pod's favorite illegitimate daughter."

"Master Bode has an illegitimate daughter? Doesn't it mean that all eminent monks who practice the Tao have no descendants?"

Gu Hai was shocked.

He originally thought that after many years of double cultivation to forcibly control desires and valves, these eminent monks had hardened prostate glands and were infertile.

Su Qiao said: "Theoretically, it is impossible for an eminent monk to have offspring. No matter how many women he has double-cultivated with, humans are naturally emotional, so there will always be some fish that slip through the net. Danxia is like this. But I didn't expect She actually took the initiative to be a mistress, and even set up a bridge between her father and his lover."

"Maybe it's the deep love?" Gu Hai thought he was affectionate, "Lu Zhongyong is indeed a very attractive man."

"Perhaps. Anyway, people are dead, so it doesn't matter how you explain it."

Su Qiao handed the video to Gong Yueming: "Take it."

Gong Yueming was surprised: "What? Don't want to exchange the other half of the information?"

Su Qiao said: "Who knows what Lin Baizhen will do after he gets the video? I'd better prepare a few extra copies just in case."

Lin Baizhen has never been a kind person, and Su Qiao is afraid that she will be killed.

Gong Yueming took the video and said, "You made a very smart decision."

Su Qiao said, "I've been with you for a long time, and it's hard not to be smart."

"That's right... for a while, I didn't know whether you were praising me or hurting me?"

Gong Yueming looked at Gu Hai: "You are a bystander, do you think she is praising me or hurting me?"

Gu Hai laughed: "I don't understand women's minds, let alone officers' minds, so don't ask!"


Lin Baizhen received the video of Xiaosan and Xiezhong's tragic death, and immediately gave them the key evidence to bring down the Song family as agreed!
However, she didn't know that she and her husband had always been Su Qiao's targets.

After the Song family's evidence was obtained, another plan began immediately.


Cheng Luo walked into the room, saw the two making out, and asked, "Do you have time?"


"A fun thing."

Gong Yueming took over the flash drive.

"This is……"

"A very ambitious reporter spent five years making a detailed report, with pictures, audio recordings and videos, and the evidence is very solid," Cheng Luo said. "Our president is a very clean and upright person. But his family..."

While Su Qiao was feeling emotional, Gong Yueming had already read the report at a glance and said, "Once this report is published, the president will face severe impeachment!"

Cheng Luo said: "Yes, that's why I gave the things to the boss and let you make a decision. Whether to announce it to the public or destroy it!"

"It's impossible not to miss the newspaper," Gong Yueming said. "A reporter has spent five years tracking a piece of news, and he must have prepared for the worst. If he dies, these reports will be the first on the websites of various countries." Time erupted and went on to become a massive storm—"

(End of this chapter)

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