I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 989 The Dust Falls

Chapter 989 The Dust Falls
Young Master Yu soon found out about Yang Mengying.

"It deserves it," the man said sarcastically, "Do you think Gong Yueming is as soft-hearted as I am?"

"I don't see where you are being soft-hearted," Song Rong'er said angrily, "You just don't kill people with your own hands."

Young Master Yu turned around and looked at Song Ronger who was uncomfortable: "The situation has changed, you will not end well if you stay here! Hurry up and go back for the final reunion before the Song family is destroyed!"

"What? You want to kill me? I've always been your ally!"

Song Rong'er was very upset.

She obeyed the young master Yu's words, and cut her face into such a messy appearance, but the other party actually talked to her like this!
Gongzi Yu glanced at her, his purple eyes pierced his heart.

"Don't think that since you are the eldest lady of the Song family, I have to respect you. I can treat you as you treat Gong Xinjie!"

"...What are you talking about! I don't understand!"

Song Rong'er squeezed out a dry laugh.

Gongzi Yu said: "I know everything you have done. I know that you drugged Gong Xinjie, and I know how you killed Gong Shouri. The family hates Su Qiao to death, making it impossible for her to be accepted by the Gong family in this lifetime."

"...What exactly do you want to say, why do you say everything..."

"I have only one meaning to say, I have long since disgusted you!"

"I am Miss Song, what can you do to me!"

Song Rong'er was also frank, and responded to Young Master Yu openly and squarely.

Gongzi Yu said, "Thank you for your frankness."

He snapped his fingers in the air, and immediately someone walked in, surrounding Song Rong'er.

Song Rong'er panicked and said in horror: "What are you doing! I'm—"

"She is bewitched, please help her calm down."

"...you...how do you want to..."

Song Ronger's tongue trembled in fright.

"You don't want me...no! I can't...no..."

Song Rong'er trembled all over, she never knew that she could be so scared!
Young Master Yu lowered his eyes and said, "Send her to Gong Xinjie, she should be very happy to see her former good sister."

The men rushed forward and pulled Song Rong'er down.

Young Master Yu raised his head, looked at the gorgeous wild cherry blossoms in front of his eyes, and said, "Everything is over."


"Don't stop them."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and entered the spiritual state.

The door, slowly closed.

The past is like a cloud of smoke floating in front of my eyes.

What she said was not wrong, their fate was over long ago, it was he who refused to accept the reality, firmly walked on the wrong path, was bound by the emotions that had long since died, struggled, and finally failed.

But let go of this relationship...

"... Yiyi..."

Thinking of his daughter, Gongzi Yu's heart ached. He rolled up his sleeves, and there was a bloodstain on his arm that would never heal.

"Humans have always had three mentalities of fear, hatred, and use of uncontrollable forces. I don't regret dying, but Yiyi...she is not even a year old, she shouldn't be controlled by anyone, lose herself, and become someone else's Tools or experiments..."

He stretched out his hand and held the phantom of cherry blossoms floating in the void: "My life will end here, so - from now on, I will sincerely believe that Yiyi does not exist! Gong Yueming's wife is not me Only in this way can they be safe!"

Forgetting is painful, but he has no regrets...

(End of this chapter)

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