Special masters on campus

Chapter 101 Accidental Rebirth

Chapter 101 Accidental Rebirth
"Brother Dong! Great, Brother Dong is here!"

"Big Instructor, you are finally here!"

Seeing Chen Dong approaching his own class, the boys and girls in Class 1 of the medical school who had been worried all this time finally felt relieved.After the series of things that happened in the first few days of school, they felt that as long as Chen Dong was with them, everything would be fine.

"Morning, everyone!" Chen Dong walked to the phalanx of his class as if nothing had happened.

"It's still early, it's our class's turn soon..."

"Our big instructor, you are not sleeping late, are you! I heard from Bai Bufan that you still sleep sitting up!"

"Hee hee..." The girls in class 1 laughed for a while, which also showed that after seeing Chen Dong's arrival, their original nervous mood eased down.

"Eh..." Chen Dong blushed. In fact, he had been practicing "Nine Suns Collection" all morning to achieve some breakthroughs. These students were ordinary people, so of course they didn't know that Chen Dong was meditating.

"No...no! I have absolute confidence in everyone! That's why I'm planning to keep things safe." Chen Dong chuckled.

"But what you said is quite correct. Our class was trained so well by you yesterday, so it must be fine today!" said a tall, well-developed girl.

"Hey, not bad..." Chen Dong smiled honestly.

"But you didn't see Brother Chen just now. Class 1 of the Finance Department is the class of the sloppy snake. They performed very well, and the audience applauded them!" Chu Shanshan was still a little worried.

"That's right. After all, there are still many girls in our class. Didn't you see that Class 1 of the Finance Department is all boys!" The other girls also became a little worried.After all, girls are girls. Even though their internal strength and physique have been greatly improved by Chen Dong's transfer, they still dare not compare themselves with boys psychologically.

"No, on the contrary, it is precisely because there are more girls in our class that we have an advantage!" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Because there are more girls in our class, we have an advantage?" Most of the girls frowned when they heard Chen Dong's words.

"I know haha, Brother Dong is like this. Although there are more girls in our class, if our class performs as well as them, it will be more memorable than him just because there are more girls in our class!" Zhang Xing He slapped his head and said.

"That's right!" Chen Dong nodded. Yesterday's incident made Chen Dong know Zhang Xing again. This person is a bit of a fool, but he is very loyal and not particularly stupid.

"Great! This way Brother Chen doesn't have to drop out of school!" Naturally, Chu Shanshan was the happiest.

Xu Jiaying, who was standing behind the crowd, also looked at Chen Dong secretly, and she let go of her worries when the audience said this.

"Hey Fang Yan, what's wrong with you!" At this moment, there was a panic at the back of the team in Class 1.

"what happened?"

"I don't know that Fang Yan suddenly fainted!"

"Xu Qian, you don't seem to be looking very well either."

Chen Dong walked over and saw a pale girl fainted on the ground, Zhang Xing and several boys rushed over to help her up.

Chen Dong saw that there were quite a few girls around, and their expressions were not very good. He probably would have a problem after a while.

"Hey, what's the matter with you guys? Wasn't it fine yesterday?"

"That's right, it's our class's turn to play soon, what should we do now?"

Faced with this sudden incident, these boys and girls panicked all at once.

"Brother Chen, what should I do?" Chu Shanshan pulled Chen Dong's arm anxiously, her two big blue eyes were already a little rosy.

"It's okay, trust Brother Chen." Chen Dong comforted Chu Shanshan by stroking Chu Shanshan's head.

"Everyone, let me take a look." Chen Dong walked up to the fainted girl, only to see that the girl's complexion was pale and her lips were black.

"She was poisoned." Chen Dong frowned slightly.

"What poisoning? How could Fang Yan be poisoned?" As soon as Chen Dong said this, everyone in Class 1 of the medical school exploded.

At this time, it was two classes away and it was the turn of Class 1 of the medical school to come out and accept the review.

"What are they doing?" Zhang Yaxi, who was sitting in the stands not far from the east, saw that the class she was leading was still a mess at this time, she couldn't sit still all of a sudden, she got up and walked towards the field.

Liu Yashu, who was sitting in the student union of the medical school not far away, of course also saw the situation of Class 1 of the medical school, because the chaotic Class 1 phalanx was too conspicuous in the stadium where the other phalanxes were waiting in line.

Liu Yashu's mood is very complicated now, she hates Chen Dong because every time she meets Chen Dong, she is always the one who suffers.But she didn't know why she was unconsciously worried about the current situation of Class 1, even though she kept reminding herself whether Chen Dong lost or not, and whether she dropped out or not had nothing to do with her.

"Hey, what happened to me, how did I become a mother-in-law!"

"By the way, why didn't you see Wang Hao?" At this moment, Liu Yashu suddenly realized that Wang Hao, who was supposed to be sitting in the stands of the student union, was not there.

"Vice President Wang said that he has some business to leave, and he has been away for a while." The student union cadre next to him said.

"Don't you think that's Vice President Wang?" At this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the panicked team of Class 1 of the medical school.

Liu Yashu looked up, and sure enough, he saw that the tall and thin Wang Hao, wearing a white shirt, black trousers and a pair of eyes, had already walked to the side of the team of Class 1.

"Vice President Wang is really generous. He made a bet with Chen Dong from Class 1, saying that if Class 1 doesn't get the No. Vice President. I didn’t expect to go to condolences at the first time when I saw the situation in Class 1.”

"Maybe he's here to gloat..." Liu Yashu muttered to himself.

On the stadium, in the team of Class 1 of the medical school.

The entire class 1 was in a mess in Luancheng. Who would have thought that someone in their class would be poisoned.

"Who knows what Fang Yan ate last night?" Chen Dong asked.

"The few of us went to eat supper together last night." This is a girl who said.

"Yes, I just ate a supper, how could I be poisoned?"

Chen Dong noticed that the faces of the girls who spoke were also ugly, obviously their eyes were also poisoned, but they might not be as poisoned as deeply as Fang Yan.

"Did you meet anyone?" Chen Dong asked, if the girls had an ordinary supper last night, this situation would not have happened.They must have been poisoned without knowing it.

"By the way, we met a handsome guy yesterday, and the handsome guy generously bought us a small cocktail!" The girl suddenly thought of it.

 Thank you Yujiajun, love has become a death!Thanks for the tip, thank you for the position blacklist.reward!There are a lot of vacancies in the fish bean group 484134597. Brothers who like this book can join the group to chat with everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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