Special masters on campus

Chapter 114 Tunghai University produces talents

Chapter 114 Tunghai University produces talents
"Yes, don't you want my contact information? It contains my QQ, WeChat, and my phone number." When Situ Xiadan said this, he was obviously shy, but she forcibly covered it up Living.

"WeChat? Is it the magic tool that the fat man told me about finding girls?" Chen Dong muttered to himself. He said that he wanted Situ Xiadan's contact information just casually, but he didn't expect this girl to remember it.

"However, if you dare to hug me again without my consent, I will let you try to become the Donghai Women's Sanda Champion!" Situ Xiadan lowered his head and said in Chen Dong's ear.

"..." Chen Dong tightened his legs in embarrassment, he had already learned how powerful this policeman is.

"No, I can't act too cowardly!" Chen Dong rolled his eyes and lowered his head in Situ Xiadan's ear and said, "Isn't it just a hug? Don't forget that I carried you to the hospital !"

"You still say!" Situ Xiadan blushed, he had never been hugged by a man other than his father when he grew up so old!
"Why do you dare to attack me in front of so many people? Aren't you afraid that I will shout molestation!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"You're courting death!" Situ Xiadan stretched out his hand suddenly.

"I'll go! You are too tough!" Chen Dong jumped back in fright, dodging Situ Xiadan's female self-defense technique.

"How dare you say I'm tough!" Situ Xia Dan's chest heaved in anger.

"This..." Everyone on the rostrum looked at each other in blank dismay. Could it be that this policewoman is very familiar with Chen Dong?The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"It's so disgusting!" Seeing Chen Dong flirting with this good-looking policewoman in public, Liu Yashu's jealousy immediately exploded.

"Isn't it that there is a little bigger there, and there is a little warped! This girl won't be warped if she is too small? Why am I thinking wildly again? What does Chen Dong have to do with me!"


"Okay! Tunghai University has talented people!" Fortunately, Captain Zhao was the first to applaud when he saw that his subordinates were about to run away.

"Wow, wow!" Immediately afterwards, everyone else on the rostrum, including Principal Lin and Director Huang of the Education Bureau, started applauding.

"Mr. Lin, it seems that we have all misunderstood Chen Dong. Chen Dong is not only capable of being an instructor, but also a good student with excellent character and learning!" Director Huang smiled brightly. It is also the honor of their Education Bureau for a college student to receive such an honor. .

"Hehe, yes! I think those report letters are nothing, someone is framing Chen Dong!"

Everyone looked at Li Tenglong who had been helped up by several bodyguards and the man in the plaid shirt at the same time.

"Student Li Tenglong, right? Can you explain to me?" Principal Lin looked at Li Tenglong.

"Young Master Long, wake up, the principal is asking you something!" The two bodyguards beside Li Tenglong called out.

But Li Tenglong was still in a coma with his eyes closed, even more serious than the previous time.

"Then tell me what's going on?" Principal Lin asked the man in the plaid shirt when he saw that Li Tenglong was unconscious.

Everyone in the stands, including Captain Zhao of the Criminal Police Brigade, also looked at him.

"I... I don't know... Comrades in the police really have nothing to do with me, it's all Young Master Long or not, it's Li Tenglong who asked me to say that! He told me to pay me 2000 yuan!" The police uniform on Captain Zhao's body, how dare this little bastard not tell the truth, he was so frightened that he said everything.


"So it was Li Tenglong who did it!"

"The character is really bad, it's far worse than Chen Dong!"

"It's a shame..." The dean of the finance department suddenly turned dark, and was embarrassed to speak.

"Principal Lin, what's going on?" Captain Zhao looked at Principal Lin.

"Well, it's like this. Someone sent me an anonymous report letter just now, saying that Chen Dong violated the school rules and disciplines, and also got involved with idlers in the society." Principal Lin said with a frown.

"Nonsense! I can see Chen Dong's behavior. This is completely framed! You kid, tell me the truth!" Captain Zhao glared at the man in the plaid shirt.

"The police comrade really has nothing to do with me. Li Tenglong instructed me to do this. I was indeed beaten by Chen Dong, but it was because we harassed the girls first..."

This Hua Gezi is the most inconspicuous little brother under Mao Jiu. He usually collects protection fees at the gates of elementary and junior high schools. It's time to move all the tricks that should be done!
"Shut up!" At this time, the two bodyguards beside Li Tenglong were naturally not fools. One of the bodyguards moved and punched the checkered man.

"If this kid keeps talking, I'm afraid we will lose our jobs when Young Master Long wakes up!"

This gangster usually dared to bully elementary school students and students in the first and second grades of junior high school. When he met the students in the third grade of junior high school, he would call several people to join him. Where had he seen such a posture of professional bodyguards around Li Tenglong?The bodyguards hadn't even reached the blow of the fist, so frightened him that he froze there and didn't even know how to dodge, and it was impossible to dodge.

"Not good!" By the time Captain Zhao and Situ Xiadan came to their senses, the bodyguard's fist was about to hit the little bastard in the face because the distance was too close.

But the leaders of other schools didn't react at all. They never thought that a "student" would dare to beat someone in front of so many teachers!

"It's outrageous!" Principal Lin's face turned green with anger.

"Hmph! I'm not a student at all, so I'm afraid of you old men? Besides, I just beat up an idler in society. At most, it was a fight and I didn't commit any crime. Even you policemen can't do anything to me! And I just started working but I can do a great job in front of Young Master Long haha!" I saw the bodyguard punch Huage with a smile on his face.

And just when everyone thought that the plaid gangster would definitely be hit by this punch, a voice suddenly appeared behind the bodyguard.

"Brother, let me teach you how to write a word..." Accompanied by an understatement, a hand was placed on the shoulder of the bodyguard.

"Do you bully me because I don't study enough? Or scare me!" The bodyguard showed a sneer, and he didn't pay attention to the meaning behind him. In his eyes, it is impossible for anyone in Donghai University to be his opponent. He was hired as Li Tenglong's bodyguard through layers of selection by his family. He has this power!
Then almost at the same moment, the bodyguard's sneering expression suddenly became unbelievable!
"Who!" He was surprised to find that his hand could not advance half a point!
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(End of this chapter)

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