Special masters on campus

Chapter 123 Centaur

Chapter 123 Centaur

In the corner of the Crescent Bar, students in Class 1 of Tunghai University School of Medicine are drinking juice and eating desserts and chatting.

"Miss, a gentleman ordered you a glass of Baileys." At this moment, a male waiter walked up to Chu Shanshan's work, picked up a glass of wine and placed it in front of Chu Shanshan's table.

"Wow! Shanshan is really good. We just got a handsome guy to order wine for him. We are not so lucky!"

"Shanshan is the class flower of our class!"

Seeing someone ordering wine for Chu Shanshan, all the girls in the class became envious.

"But...but I don't know anyone else either!" Chu Shanshan's big water-blue eyes opened wide.

"Hehe, that gentleman gave you the order, and I'm just in charge of delivering it to you." The waiter smiled politely and pointed in the direction of the bar.

I saw that handsome red-haired boy in a white suit smiling slightly in Chu Shanshan's direction.

"Who is this person..." Chu Shanshan looked puzzled.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"This is the legendary tall, rich and handsome!"

"How happy he would be if he could order me a glass of wine..."

It's no wonder that with Chu Shanshan's face of Chinese-European mixed race and her good figure, it's hard not to attract the attention of other men.

Chen Dong glanced at the boy, and it was undeniable that this boy was indeed handsome and even a bit feminine.

"However, his pale face is not very healthy. If he is not sick, it is caused by some insidious exercises. It seems that this humble little bar is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon..." Chen Dong smiled, this It's fine if people don't have any crooked ideas, but if they dare to make any crooked ideas to Chu Shanshan, he doesn't mind letting him change his face, such as a pig's face.

"Crack!" At this moment, the red-haired boy in front of the bar clapped his hands and the whole bar fell silent.The band on the stage also fell silent.

"Hoo hoo!" A male lead singer in a black leather jacket picked up the microphone on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

"Tonight our distinguished Mr. Lin Feiyu ordered a song "I have to love" for one of our beautiful ladies, and the next song "I have to love" is dedicated to..."

"Boom!" All the lights in the bar suddenly went out.

"What's wrong!"

"Did the power go out?"

"Woo!" Then suddenly a beam of light came on!
At this time, all the lights in the bar were still off, and only one beam of light was on, shining on a girl.

This girl is none other than the mixed-race beauty Chu Shanshan.At this moment, Chu Shanshan was completely blindfolded, her big water-blue eyes were wide open.


"Give it to this beautiful lady first!" The resident singer on the stage pointed in Chu Shanshan's direction.


"It's so romantic!"

At this point the other girls almost screamed.

The music sounded, the other lights in the bar were turned on again, and the band on the stage sang again, which was the familiar song "Have to Love" by Wilber Pan.

At this time, I saw the red-haired boy in front of the bar walking towards Chu Shanshan with a wine glass and smiling, followed by four strong boys in black suits.

"Brother Chen, what should I do? He didn't come to look for me, did he?" Chu Shanshan had seen this kind of scene there, and couldn't stop looking at Chen Dong.

"It's okay, Brother Chen is here."

"Chen Dong doesn't look easy, let's go." Zhang Yaxi
The red-haired boy walked to Chu Shanshan's place with a smile. Judging from his demeanor, he was a nightclub veteran. If it was an ordinary little girl, he would definitely be fascinated by his appearance and demeanor.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"It looks like a Korean Oppa!"

Seeing this red-haired boy come to Chu Shanshan's side, the other girls in Class 1 were all envious. They had only seen this kind of scene in Korean dramas before.

"Hello, my name is Lin Feiyu, beautiful lady. Can we have a drink together?" At this moment, the red-haired man said softly to Chu Shanshan with a smile on his pale face.

"I...I..." Chu Shanshan blushed and clenched her hands tightly.

"Bring someone else to drink, especially this kind of beautiful girl, do you think you can get a glass of Baileys?" Chen Dong, who was sitting next to Chu Shanshan, twitched his lips.

"What are you? Brother Yu, it's your turn to speak..." said a man in black behind the red-haired man.

"Hey! Can Ah San know how to talk? We're not hooligans. This brother must be this lady's friend. Let's be more polite, understand?" The red-haired man's eyes were fixed on Chu Shanshan.

"Yes!" The man in black bowed his head and stepped back.

"This brother should be this lady's friend." The red-haired man looked at Chen Dong with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"That's right, I'm her classmate and her brother." Chen Dong didn't change his face.

"Oh! Then my subordinate was really rude just now. Since brother, you think a glass of Baileys is not sincere, you can order whatever you want, and I will pay the bill. I just want to have a drink with this beautiful lady and that's all."

"Did you say so?" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Hehe, don't say that if you order a few glasses of wine, it means that you ordered the whole bar, it's a little kiss to us Young Master Yu!" The red-haired man's subordinates said with disdain just now.From their point of view, Chen Dong and his group were nothing more than a group of poor students with no money, who could only drink some fruit juice when they came to the bar.

"Why are you talking to Brother Dong!" Hearing this man's tone, Zhang Xing and the boys all stood up.

"Do you want to fight, brat?" The four bodyguards behind the red-haired man also stood up.

The atmosphere became very tense for a while, and the girls in Class 1 were so frightened that they were afraid to speak.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are so courageous. It seems that you are not willing to part with the several times the price of the wine." Chen Dong still sat there without changing his expression.

"Back off!" The red-haired man still kept a smile on his face.

"But Young Master Yu and his bastards..."

"Back off!" A chill suddenly burst out from the red-haired man. This chill could not be felt by Chen Dong, but could be clearly seen by others.

"It seems that he is not an ordinary person. Judging from the cold air, he has already cultivated his inner strength to a certain extent." Chen Dong still smiled.

"Yes, yes!" This time, the bodyguards behind the red-haired man were obviously scared, and they all retreated behind him at once.

"Xingzi, what did I call you? We are college students. If you can do it, don't make noise. Sit down." Chen Dong still said with a smile on his face.

"Understood, Brother Dong!" Zhang Xing also smiled and called the fat man to sit down.

"Since this brother is a classmate of this girl, the money for tonight's drinks will be on my head. I just want to..."

"Okay! Bright enough!" Before the red-haired man finished speaking, Chen Dong interrupted him, making the red-haired man stunned, but he didn't want to lose face in front of Chu Shanshan. keep that smile.

"Waiter!" Chen Dong called the waiter over.

"Hi sir, may I help you?" A male waiter dressed in black and white bartender came over.

"Some drinks." Chen Dong looked at the red-haired man and smiled.

"Okay sir, what would you like sir?"

"Remy Martin Louis XIII."

(End of this chapter)

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