Special masters on campus

Chapter 129 The situation is critical

Chapter 129 The situation is critical

"Boy! How crazy are you this time!" Lin Feiyu in the woods stroked his red hair seductively, and then licked his tongue on his mouth, "When you see such a beautiful girl, you must pay attention to your image!"

"Here we come!" Of course, Chen Dong sensed the murderous intent behind him.But when he was about to exercise his skills, he discovered something strange in his body!
"Damn it, there is a chilly yin in my body. If I don't use the pure yang energy to suppress it now, it will probably spread to my heart! It should be the palm I gave Hongmao at the bar just now!" Chen Dong suddenly recalled stand up.

"It's such a vicious and cold technique, I blame myself for being too careless just now and not thinking too much!" After coming to Donghai, the comfortable life, and such an ordinary opponent made Chen Dong temporarily relax his vigilance, but today he was plotted against .

But now the situation is critical, this group of people has surrounded the two of them!Especially when Chu Shanshan is still by her side, she can't allow herself to think too much!
"What's the matter? Have you found out that you can't exercise? Do you still want to resist? Hurry up and suppress the cold poison!" At this time, the red-haired Lin Feiyu walked out of the green belt with a strange tone of yin and yang.

"Brother Chen..." Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong's worried face. Although she couldn't fully understand Lin Feiyu's words, she could vaguely feel that Chen Dong's current situation was not good.

"Have you forgotten what brother Chen told you just now?" Chen Dong smiled slightly at Chu Shanshan.

"I haven't forgotten, but but..." Chu Shanshan's big blue eyes were already rosy, and tears were about to flow out.

"Damn it! Ah! That's the woman I want! My prey, my stove!" Lin Feiyu was so angry when he saw that Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan were so sensual at this time.

"Give me a hand!"


"Go to hell boy!"

"Without internal strength, you are a useless person!"

Before the words were finished, the two men in black who were standing closest to each other held a dagger and attacked back and forth. One stabbed at Chen Dong's heart, and the other came straight for the back of Chen Dong's head!

"Hmph, dare to touch my Lin Feiyu's prey! None of the women I, Lin Feiyu wants, can escape from my grasp!" Lin Feiyu sneered when he saw Chen Dong falling into death.


And almost in an instant, I saw Chen Dong raise both hands at the same time, grabbing towards the front and back at the same time!


I saw the movements of the two men in black stopped at the same time!The daggers in their hands were actually taken by Chen Dong empty-handed!
"This is impossible!"

"He obviously has no internal strength!"


"Crack!" And in the next moment, the two daggers were snapped off almost simultaneously!

"Who told you that you need internal strength to deal with you!" Chen Dong's voice had a strong murderous aura coming from countless blood and killings!
"Hmph! Give it to me before! He is at the end of his battle if he can't use his internal strength now!" Lin Feiyu was startled and then immediately shouted.


"Go together!"

At this time, more than a dozen strong men in black suits who surrounded Chen Dong and the two of them stabbed at Chen Dong with their daggers at the same time!

"Brother Chen!" Chu Shanshan screamed in fright.

"If you're scared, close your eyes, girl, stand up now, and sit down in three seconds!" Chen Dong's face was serious. This was the most critical time he had ever been in Donghai City, and he was using pure Yang Qi to dissolve the cold in his body Poison, I can't move my skills for the time being, the most important thing is that the red-haired man hasn't made a move yet!
"Okay!" At this moment, Chu Shanshan could only agree subconsciously, and she covered her eyes with her hands and stood up from the bench.

"Hmph! Let's see where you are hiding this time!" The red-haired man Lin Feiyu sneered. In his opinion, facing the siege of more than a dozen foreign experts, if he couldn't use his internal strength, he would have no chance of winning. !

"Get out!" At this moment, Chen Dong swung the two daggers that had been broken by him and threw them out!


"Ah! My eyes!" Accompanied by two screams, the two men in black who attacked Chen Dong first fell down one after another!

And these Lin Feiyu's men were obviously not vegetarians, they were all masters with blood on the tip of their knives. Seeing his two companions being stabbed by the dagger, they didn't stop attacking at all, but still rushed towards Chen Dong!
"You guys made me a little angry!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed coldly, and he grabbed the wooden bench under him with one hand!
"Crack!" The wooden bench in the green belt along the river was nailed to the ground with a metal base, but at this moment, Chen Dong directly pulled it up!
"Hoo hoo!" At almost the same moment, Chen Dong swung the bench in his hand all of a sudden!



This wooden bench plus the metal base weighs at least several tens of kilograms, and it is even stronger after being rounded up by Chen Dong!
"Huhu!" A gust of howling wind swept by!

Hearing muffled groans and screams, before the dozens of people in black suits had time to react, they all fell backwards like fairies scattered flowers!

"Boom!" Chen Dong put the bench in his hand back to its original place.

But just three seconds later, Chu Shanshan sat down and opened her eyes.

"Brother Chen, are you not injured? It's all Shanshan's fault, I will never go to a place like a bar again!" Chu Shanshan opened her eyes and saw people lying there screaming, crying anxiously Out.

"Hmph! Don't worry, you will be my woman and you won't go to the bar again!" But at this moment, Lin Feiyu sneered, with a cold gleam in his eyes, and rushed towards Chen Dong!

What Chen Dong was most worried about happened, Lin Feiyu did it!
"Hmph! You have lost your inner strength and you are a lamb for me to slaughter!" Lin Feiyu smiled disdainfully, and saw that a force that ordinary people cannot see on his left fist was rapidly condensing!
"How about me, the cold yin palm tastes good!"

"Brother Chen!"

"Girl, back off!"

"Okay!" Chu Shanshan knew that she couldn't make trouble for Chen Dong at this time and hurriedly stepped aside. Fortunately, at this time, Lin Feiyu's subordinates were all disabled by Chen Dong's chair just now.

At this time, Chen Dong's face was solemn. Although the red-haired internal force was not very strong, at most it was a few times stronger than that of the white wolf, but now he was suppressing the cold poison in his body, unable to use the internal force and true energy, plus this Hanyin Palm is a sinister exercise, so he must devote 100% of his attention to it!
"Go to hell!" Chen Dong couldn't bear to think that Lin Feiyu's palm had already struck at this moment!
"When my brother killed someone, you couldn't even walk!" Chen Dong snorted coldly. He killed people on the battlefield in East Africa when he was ten years old. At that time, he had no internal strength at all, let alone a higher level of zhenqi!
But Chen Dong jumped up and kicked Lin Feiyu's palm!

Lin Feiyu's original contemptuous expression suddenly changed again!

"This power!"

Seeing that the soles of his feet collided, Lin Feiyu didn't get the slightest advantage, but took two steps back!

 Thank you 沵湜嘉の槇秇, romantic, expelled yourself, go to another sky ~ for the reward!Yudou Happy Group 484134597, welcome brothers to join us!

(End of this chapter)

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