Special masters on campus

Chapter 132 Su Hong and Chu Shanshan's Home

Chapter 132 Su Hong and Chu Shanshan's Home
"Why is Master also looking for a student from Tunghai University named Chen?"

"That's right, this time as a teacher, I was entrusted with a lot of money by a senior member of the Dragon Head Association, that is, the chairman of the Tenglong Group, to come to Donghai City to deal with a difficult role." The old man said in a low voice.

"Tenglong Group? A tricky role?"

"Hmph, the one who can beat you like this is a student from Tunghai University surnamed Chen, so it seems that he is the Chen Dong I'm looking for!"

"Haha...cough..." Lin Feiyu laughed loudly, but coughed violently because of his injuries, "That's really great! This way, we can fulfill the great trust of the Tenglong Group, avenge the apprentice, and accept that The yin energy of the extremely cold physique really kills three birds with one stone!"

"In the past few days, the dogs under your command must find out the detailed information of Chen Dong, his class and department! Where does he live! The task of the Dragon Head Meeting must be completed as soon as possible!" The old man looked at the rolling Dongjiang. Said in a gloomy voice.

"Yes!" Lin Feiyu also sneered, he believed that no matter how strong this kid surnamed Chen was, he couldn't be his master's opponent.

"Chen Dong, right! You have to be trained to do it!"

After a while, the river embankment, which was originally a mess, regained its calm again...

Donghai City, Donghai Emperor View Garden.

This is the most high-end residential area in Donghai City. It is full of garden-style single-family villas. The people who can live here are either rich or expensive.

"The driver stops here." Chu Shanshan signaled the driver to stop at the gate of the garden.

"You really live here!" The uncle driver was taken aback.

"Of course why did you lie to you?"

"Hey, don't mind what uncle said just now!" The driver smiled and thought that he really ran into a rich second generation today. It is really rare for a rich second generation to take a taxi these days.

After getting off the taxi, Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan walked into the garden.From the gate of the garden to the residential area inside, there are two guards.After Chu Shanshan took out the special owner's chip, Chen Dong also registered his ID card before allowing them to enter the residential area.

"Brother Chen is my home!" Chu Shanshan pointed to a three-story single-family house not far away.

"Okay, let's go home quickly, or your sister will be in a hurry." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Girl." Walking downstairs, Chen Dong stopped Chu Shanshan.

"What's wrong, Brother Chen?" Chu Shanshan's eyes were wide open and watery.

"When I see your sister later, don't talk about what happened tonight, okay?" Chen Dong looked at Chu Shanshan and smiled slightly.

"Oh! But Brother Chen was injured trying to save me..." Chu Shanshan pouted.

"This injury is really nothing. If your sister finds out, she will worry about us." Chen Dong scratched the tip of Chu Shanshan's nose.

"Oh all right! I'm going to ring the bell then."

"Well, let's go." Chen Dong smiled. The reason why he didn't tell Su Hong about this matter like Chu Shanshan was because he was afraid that Su Hong would worry about Chu Shanshan. There will be backers behind him. He doesn't want to involve Su Hong sisters too deeply.

Chu Shanshan rang the doorbell, and after a while, the door of the villa opened, and the two walked in.

"Squeak..." The anti-theft door on the first floor opened, and Su Hong was already standing inside the door.

Today Su Hong wore a wine red silk pajamas, no makeup, her long hair was casually draped behind her.

"Sister!" Chu Shanshan saw her sister happily running forward and throwing herself into Su Hong's arms.

One is a pure mixed-race little beauty, and the other is a female president who is full of the beauty of mature women. This pair of sisters is really killing people!

Seeing the two sisters embracing each other, Chen Dong touched his nose unconsciously, but luckily nothing came out.

"Sister, I miss you so much! The annoying military training is finally over, and our class won No.1!"

"So awesome!"

"That's right, that's right, Brother Chen is the best. He trained us, that's why we're so good!" Chu Shanshan wrapped her arms around Su Hong's neck, and pressed her body against Su Hong's.

"Ahem..." Chen Dong swallowed while watching.

"Xiaodong is so powerful!" Su Hong looked at Chen Dong who was standing outside the door and kept swallowing his saliva with a charming smile, and the smiling Chen Dong shuddered.

"It's nothing, I'm serving everyone!" Chen Dong smiled awkwardly.

"I'm so curious. I know that most of the girls in your medical school are young girls, all of them are as delicate as Shanshan. How did Xiaodong train these young girls so well, and even won the no. .1!" She knows her sister Su Hong best, it is already a miracle that she can persist until the end of military training, and now her class has won No.1, do you think she is not surprised?

"The training method is very simple!" Chu Shanshan said immediately.

"Uh...that's bad!" Chen Dong blushed, it would be too embarrassing if Su Hong knew that his training method was hugging.

"Tell my sister how Xiaodong trains." Su Hong is also a girl after all, so she asked curiously.

"That's... that's..." But Chu Shanshan blushed when she said this, as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Oh, it's a secret hee hee, I'm going to take a shower first!" Chu Shanshan acted like a baby in Su Hong's arms, made a funny face and ran into the house.

"Hey! What a secret! Even my sister can't tell it! Let's see how my sister treats you tonight!" Su Hong was taken aback, and Chu Shanshan ran into the room before realizing it.

"Slow down! You are still so crazy at this age!"

"Shanshan is so lively." Chen Dong breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know why every time he faced Su Hong, he had the feeling that a little boy met a big sister next door.

"Look, after talking for so long, you are still asked to stand outside and come in and sit." Su Hong looked at Chen Dong and smiled charmingly.

"No, no, I won't go in when it's getting late." Chen Dong scratched his head, he almost lost his body of pure yang that night, and thinking about it now, he's still afraid.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go home? Is there any beautiful woman waiting for you at home?" Su Hong smiled.

"Eh..." Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment, if there was a beautiful woman in the family, it would be true.

"Why are you shy after being guessed by your sister?"

"No, then I'll go in and sit for a while, and I'll leave after a while." Chen Dong had no choice but to go in and deal with it.

"Hehe, let's see if your sister who is nervous about you can still eat you up?"

Seeing Su Hong dressed in silky pajamas today, Chen Dong thought to himself, I'm really afraid that you will eat me, and I won't spit out the bones after eating it.

"no no……"

"Come in!" Su Hong smiled and stretched out her hand to pull Chen Dong into the room.

 Continuing from the previous chapter

  I heard that Chen Dong's request for recommendation tickets and rewards does not rely on cuteness but coquettishness, Yu Dou almost squirts old blood all over the screen.

  "The protagonist of the book asks for recommendations and rewards by showing cuteness, you rely on coquettishness! Do you still have a limit, morality! Coquettish your sister!"

  "Sister? You're talking about that girl Shanshan?" Chen Dong turned around, "Well, although she's a little younger, she's old enough, if it's for recommendations and rewards, it's okay to let her be coquettish like me ! Why do some readers have this demand?"

  "Is there?" Yu Dou looked at the people in front of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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