Special masters on campus

Chapter 135 Drag racing with your life, do you dare to play?

Chapter 135 Drag racing with your life, do you dare to play?
But the driver was sweating coldly. This was in the bustling Donghai City. Even though it was already close to the suburbs, he was really scared by such a speeding and overtaking.

"Haha! Chen Dong, do you think you can escape my grasp!" Lin Feiyu became arrogant when he saw his sports car approaching Chen Dong again.

"Well, not bad! These few times the car has surpassed the level!"

"Hehe, thank you for your compliment, young master! To tell you the truth, young master, I was a soldier before, and I was an auto soldier in the army. I'm pretty good at driving, otherwise I wouldn't dare to drive for you, young master, haha." The driver hurriedly wiped the cold sweat off his face and said.

"Yes, very good! I'll give you a raise when you go back!" Lin Feiyu said happily, as long as he catches up with Chen Dong today, his master will personally take care of Chen Dong!
Chen Dong saw in the rearview mirror in front that the Ferrari behind him was chasing up again, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Hey, it's not bad, I was able to catch up." Chen Dong smiled and slowly closed the window.

"Then the game begins now!"

"Swoosh!" The next moment, Maserati accelerated again!
"Whoosh!" A gorgeous overtaking passed three or four cars in front in a row.

"I'm going! What are you kidding! I thought it was a racetrack!" The driver who was overtaken by Chen Dong opened the window and cursed loudly.

"Yeah! How does this kid drive! Can he really drive!" But as soon as he said the words, the driver realized that there was something wrong with his words. How can you say that you can't drive? This is simply too good!
"The rich second generation is amazing, and being rich is amazing!"

Naturally, Chen Dong would not hear the scolding and shouting behind him, but skillfully controlled the steering wheel, humming a ditty while overtaking a car again.

"What flew past?" The driver of the overtaken car flew past with a whizzing sound in front of the driver of the overtaken car, without seeing clearly at all.

At this moment, the smile on Lin Feiyu's face, who thought he had caught up with Chen Dong, suddenly froze.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so smart, but your car can't compare to my Ferrari! What are you waiting for? Let me chase you!" Lin Feiyu yelled at the driver.

"But the young master is already 100 mph now, and he will be speeding anytime sooner!" The driver broke out in cold sweat again, thinking that you thought he was playing a game, but this is Donghai City!

"Ma De, do you need to worry about how much you will be fined for speeding? Chase me! Quick! You will know the consequences if you lose track!"

"Yes... yes!" The driver's eyes were full of horror, obviously he knew how powerful his young master was.

"Crazy! Crazy is crazy!" I had no choice but to see the driver bite and bite, and then hit the gas pedal cruelly!

"Damn it, hurry up! Put it on right away!"

"Yes, yes!" The driver's face was covered with cold sweat.

"Damn it, can you drive? On the left! No, there are cars on the right!" Lin Feiyu also turned pale with fright, and was almost on the verge of crashing a few times!

At this time, the speed has reached 140 mph, let alone on this road with vehicles, even on the empty highway, few people dare to drive so fast!


"Look at the car! You're going to scare me to death!"

I saw the two people in the Ferrari at this time, one was holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, his face was ashen and scared to death, and the other was screaming all the time.

As for the two Audi A6s behind the Ferrari, they could barely keep up at the beginning, but they have long since disappeared.

Look at the white Maserati at the front, but it still keeps overtaking and changing speeds like a horse watching flowers at such a high speed per hour!
"This isn't driving, it's risking your life..." the driver in the Ferrari said with a frightened face.

"Quick! Faster! I'm a Ferrari, why can't I catch up with that shitty Maserati!"

"Young Master, we can't go any faster. If we go any faster, we'll die!" The driver of the Ferrari looked like he was about to cry, was he filming a TV series? He never dreamed that he would actually meet someone on the road in Donghai City. Drag racing!
That Lin Feiyu is bound to win this time, he really can't swallow this breath!And this time he came with his master's order, no one knew better than him how powerful his master's old monster was, so he had to catch up with Chen Dong today!

"Dead! If you can't catch up, believe it or not, I will let you die now!" Lin Feiyu shouted with a grim expression.

"Okay! Okay!" The driver trembled and almost closed his eyes and gave the gas pedal again!
"Boom!" The Ferrari's four-finger wheels sped up and turned sharply, creating a puff of smoke and dust on the road, and the pointer on the speedometer jumped again, 140 miles! 150 miles! 160 miles!The driver was driving with his life almost with his eyes closed!

"Swoosh!" If you looked from mid-air at this time, you would see two luxury cars, one white and one red, speeding along the road from Donghai City to the western suburbs as if they were filming a movie.

The entire road was almost paralyzed because the two cars were constantly changing directions, accelerating and overtaking.

At this time, the Donghai City Traffic Brigade's phone was almost ringing off the hook.

The command hall of Donghai Traffic Brigade.

At this moment, on the large electronic screen in the traffic control hall, two red dots are moving rapidly on a line that symbolizes the main road.

A middle-aged man in a blue traffic police uniform was staring at the big screen with a solemn expression.

At this time, a young policeman walked up to the middle-aged man and said, "Captain! The speed of the two cars has exceeded 240 kilometers per hour, and they are still accelerating!"

"260 kilometers per hour! Crazy, crazy, they think they are driving a car or a high-speed rail! This is Donghai City! These two cars must be stopped immediately, otherwise there will be a big accident!" The middle-aged traffic brigade captain cold sweat.

"Did you get the license plate numbers of these two cars?"

"Only one car was photographed..." said the young traffic policeman.

"Why did you only get one?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"The white Maserati in front of us has retrieved images from multiple monitors, but we didn't find his license plate number. He should be on the road without a license plate!"

"What! Going on the road without a license! Crazy! Are the rich second generations all pig-headed? What about the one behind?"

"The one behind..." The young traffic policeman hesitated at this point.

"Say it! Don't tell me that this one or two is also going on the road without a license!"

"No! The license plates of the two behind are Dong NB88888!"

"Ahem..." The middle-aged captain was stunned for a moment and then coughed a few times. It seems that this is really not an ordinary rich second generation. Can the license plate be more awesome!
"Don't care how many 8s he has, these two people must be caught, otherwise we will be punished by the traffic police brigade!"


"Hey, I'm Zhu Zhenyou, the captain of the traffic police brigade! Please pay attention to the first and second teams on duty!" The middle-aged man shouted into the walkie-talkie.

"The first team received instructions!"

"The second team received instructions!"

"Stop those two cars for me immediately! The target is a white Maserati and a red Ferrari with the license plate number Dong NB88888!"

"Roger that!"


"Did beep, beep!" The sound of police sirens was heard on the main road leading to the western suburbs of Donghai City.

(End of this chapter)

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