Special masters on campus

Chapter 137 Just Detain 1 Car

Chapter 137 Just Detain a Car
I saw Ferrari starting to slow down hundreds of meters away from the roadblock.

"Chi Chi!" Ferrari's four tires rubbed against the road violently, emitting a pungent white smoke.

Finally the Ferrari stopped a few meters from the barricade.

"Open the door! Donghai City Traffic Police Brigade!" As soon as Ferrari stopped, a dozen or so traffic policemen rushed up.

"What should I do, young master?" The driver felt much more comfortable surrounded by a group of policemen than before.

"What can I do with nonsense? Let's get out of the car! Cough cough!" Lin Feiyu coughed violently. Originally, his injury was an internal injury and he hadn't healed yet. In addition, the stasis of Qi and blood in his body that was played by Chen Dong just now began to cough violently.

"Oh!" The driver opened the car door with an ooh.

"You are suspected of speeding, and your behavior is extremely bad. Please cooperate and go to the traffic police brigade!" At this time, a traffic policeman said.

"Hehe, do you know who I am?" Lin Feiyu smiled disdainfully at the traffic policeman.

"Ahem!" But just after laughing, he began to cough violently.

"Hmph! I don't care who you are, even if your father is the mayor of Donghai City, you can't run away today!" The traffic policeman also smiled, thinking that you don't have such cool driving skills, what are you doing, and you can fly over if you are capable. !
"You! Cough cough!" When did Lin Feiyu suffer this kind of anger? Today, not only was he pissed off by Chen Dong, but now even a small traffic policeman dared to talk to him like that.

"I don't need you, go to the traffic police brigade first, and then the people from the police station will come back to invite you, wait for you to enter the police station and talk about it! Your behavior has already constituted a crime of endangering public order!"


"Hey, the second team, please answer!" At this time, a voice came from the walkie-talkie at the waist of the traffic policeman.

"The second team received the command center."

"Well, the task was completed well. First, bring the two violating drivers back to the traffic police brigade for filing. After a while, the criminal police brigade will come and take the two seriously speeding drivers back to the police station. You will drive the speeding vehicle back to the traffic police brigade!"

"The captain only... has only one driver..." the traffic policeman said a little embarrassedly.

"What? There is only one driver? I clearly saw that the two speeding cars have all slowed down to normal speed?" The traffic police brigade leader on the walkie-talkie asked suspiciously.

"Yes, both vehicles have recovered to a safe speed, but we only detained one illegal vehicle, and I lost the other one!"

"Lost, you mean that the car behind saw the car in front was impounded and turned around and ran away?" This is the only plausible situation that the traffic police chief can think of.

"No, no..."

"What? No? What's the situation?"

"It was the speeding vehicle in front that didn't stop it, but only the vehicle behind it!"

"What! The more I listened, the more confused I became. You stopped the car behind but not the one in front? Where did the car in front go? Didn't you set up a roadblock in front? There is no fork in that section of the road. Is it possible to return him? I can still fly over!"

"He... he did fly over..." This traffic policeman has been a traffic policeman for several years and this is the first time he has seen such a car skill. Up to now he feels like he is in a movie.

"Fly...flyed over? Are you kidding me? Now we are working together, not playing cards!" The captain on the other end obviously didn't believe what the traffic policeman said, how much speed and skill does it take to get on the flat ground?This is too unreal!

"Captain, I can't tell you clearly for a while, I will explain to you after I bring him back to the team first..." The traffic policeman didn't know how to explain it to his captain. If he hadn't witnessed this kind of thing See, he wouldn't believe it!

"All right!"

"Come on, let's meet the traffic police brigade!" Putting down the walkie-talkie, the traffic policeman looked at Lin Feiyu and said.

"Joke! This young master was invited by you as soon as you asked?" How could Lin Feiyu, who has always been domineering and has internal skills, pay attention to the traffic police with a salary of several thousand yuan a month?If it wasn't for him being seriously injured, he would have done it by now.

"Hehe, right? Just by looking at your hair, I knew you wouldn't be so obedient." At this moment, the traffic policeman smiled, took out a small notebook, and wrote in the notebook, "The violating driver refuses to cooperate. The traffic police on duty are required to take compulsory measures against them! Take these two people away!"

"Who dares to attack me! Cough! Let go!" Lin Feiyu yelled loudly, but it was useless because he was still seriously injured, and was held down by a few strong traffic policemen.

"I cooperate, I cooperate!" But the Ferrari driver was very cooperative. Today he took a life, and it is many times better to get into the game than to lose his life.

Donghai Traffic Police Command Center.

Zhu Zhenyou, the captain of the traffic police brigade, put down the walkie-talkie in his hand and looked puzzled.

"Fly... Fly over? This kid must have drunk too much..."

"What about the captain, the two illegal vehicles have been impounded. Fortunately, no major accidents have occurred, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"No! Only one illegal vehicle was detained."

"What! Only one car was detained? Didn't the second team set up roadblocks to block the road?" The reaction of everyone in the traffic police command center was the same as Captain Zhu's reaction just now.

"Another...flew past..."

Ten p.m.The western suburbs of Donghai City.

A Maserati slowly drove into the courtyard.

The car door opened, and Chen Dong stepped out of the car with a solemn face.

Just now, in order to ensure that the people behind him were completely shaken off, he first turned around and unpacked the car in the northern suburbs, then made a big circle and drove back from the small road. He did all this just to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to Su Hong.

"Now we must quickly find a safe place to force out the cold poison in the body, otherwise the red hair will be more passive once he comes to the door again!" Chen Dong took out the key and walked to the gate of the villa.

"Fortunately, I was careful and asked Zhang Yaxi for a key, otherwise I would have to drive back to school tonight, and the goal would be too obvious."

"It seems that Zhang Yaxi has already fallen asleep." Chen Dong looked up and saw that there was no light on upstairs.

"Squeak~" Chen Dong opened the door, and then locked it.

Turn on the light, the first floor of the villa is still the same as when I left, but the sofa has been cleaned up.

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth smiled slightly, remembering what happened when he just came to Donghai City that day.

"Ms. Zhang? Zhang Yaxi? Beautiful teacher?" Chen Dong tentatively called upstairs a few times, but no one responded, it seemed that he had really fallen asleep.

"Going to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, as expected of a conservative master's student, I think she may become a female doctor..."

After confirming that Zhang Yaxi had fallen asleep, Chen Dong could heal his injuries with peace of mind.

I saw Chen Dong take off his sweatshirt, revealing his perfect muscles, throw the sweatshirt casually on the sofa, and Chen Dong walked towards the bathroom on the first floor.

That's right, Chen Dong said to Xu Jiaying that the treatment effect is better in warm water, not because he wanted to take advantage of other girls.It is because the pure yang kung fu practiced by Chen Dong is strong from the rigidity to the anode, and can be performed more gently in warm water, and the injury he suffered is from the cold poison of yin and cold, so there is no place more suitable than the bathtub Healed.

"Woo~" Sitting in the warm fish tank, Chen Dong squinted his eyes comfortably. It's really comfortable to soak in a hot bath these days, whether it's military training or drag racing.

 Thank you "I am the night", don't be afraid of ℡ darkness, ╭ cover up pain with a smile ╮ぎ only ぃ attachment, thank you for your rewards!I won't say much about romance, it's all in the relationship, and talking too much hurts the relationship!

(End of this chapter)

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