Special masters on campus

Chapter 139 The Man in Black

Chapter 139 The Man in Black

"Could it be that red-haired kid following up again?" Chen Dong snorted coldly, took a few steps to the stairs, and quickly climbed upstairs.

However, although Chen Dong's speed was very fast, like a cheetah attacking, he was as silent as a ghost!This is the skill a killer must master if he wants to survive in the dark world!
In the blink of an eye, Chen Dong had reached the second floor.

"Not the second floor!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed.

"Then it's the third floor!" Chen Dong looked solemnly. I remembered that Zhang Yaxi once told him that the old man didn't allow anyone to go up to the third floor.

There was no time to think about it, since even the old man said that no one should be allowed to go up to the third floor, then it meant that there was something extremely important on the third floor!

I saw Chen Dong stepping up to the third floor.

And just as Chen Dong came to the third floor, a set of black shadows flashed through his eyes, and ran towards the window.

"Hmph! Do you want to run away in front of me!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and his body moved towards the figure.

And just when the black shadow was about to get close to the window and escape, one of Chen Dong's hands was placed on his shoulder, making him unable to move for a while!

"Since your friend is here, stay here!"

And the man in black obviously didn't expect that he would be held down by Chen Dong all of a sudden, and he turned his head suddenly, and a bright short blade appeared in the other hand!
"噗!" The short blade drew a silver light in mid-air, stabbing towards Chen Dong's throat.It was extremely fast and powerful, and the short blade even made a sharp sound of piercing the air.

"It's good that the speed is very fast, but it's a pity that it's too slow in my eyes!" I saw the corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and he stretched out his other hand to grab the other wrist of the man in black before the short blade stabbed him. Also firmly grasped.

"Dang!" Chen Dong exerted force on his hand, and the short blade in the hand of the man in black fell to the ground in an instant.

Only then did Chen Dong see the man in black clearly. The man was not too tall before, wearing a black night clothes similar to that of a ninja servant, and a black veil mask covering his face to hide his appearance.

"What year is this? Do you think you cosplay Hokage and wear a veil! Do you dare to wear a pair of sunglasses!"

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?" Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

But the man in black didn't seem to hear, and didn't answer a word.

"It seems that you won't say it so easily!" Chen Dong snorted coldly. Even if this person is not the red-haired person, he must have a lot of background. He was able to enter the villa quietly without attracting his attention, and came As far as the third floor, where even the old man told no one to enter, there must be some ulterior secret.

However, at this moment, the two arms of the man in black who was grabbed by Chen Dong shrank sharply in a way that ordinary people can't imagine!Get out of the night clothes outside at once!

"Jiu-jitsu!" Chen Dong was startled.

And at this moment, the man in black threw down his night clothes and hit the window directly!
"Crash!" The window was smashed by him, and he also jumped out of the window.

"Want to leave! That depends on whether you have the ability!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he stepped on the short blade that fell on the floor with one foot and kicked it!
"Whoosh!" The short blade flew towards the man in black who jumped out of the window like a silver lightning bolt!
The speed of the short blade was too fast, even though the man in black sensed the danger behind him and tried his best to dodge, the short blade passed directly through the left shoulder!

"Ah!" The man in black groaned miserably, but this man was clearly a master, so he endured the severe pain and continued to fall.

"Woman?" Chen Dong frowned, and jumped out of the broken window with a sway of his body.

"Boom!" Chen Dong jumped directly from the third floor and landed lightly downstairs.

Downstairs is the garden of the villa, and outside is a two-meter-high iron fence, and outside is the road leading to the woods in the suburbs.

At this time, the plants in the garden shook for a while, and a figure had landed beyond the fence and disappeared into the woods.

"Hmph! You're really good at escaping!" Chen Dong smiled, and picked up the blood-stained dagger on the ground.This is a sharp dagger with blood grooves on it, and it passed through the arm of the woman in black just now without leaving a trace of blood.

"Good dagger!"

Chen Dong looked down in the direction where the woman in black disappeared, his gaze was serious.

Simply from the fact that this woman was able to escape from Chen Dong's hands by surprise using jujitsu just now, and she was able to escape proficiently despite being traumatized.The strength of this woman is definitely above that white wolf!
"Donghai City is really getting more and more interesting!" Chen Dong walked back with a smile. He couldn't go after him, because there was another drunk in the room, and Zhang Yaxi would have to break into it when he left. If Zhang Yaxi doesn't enter, then Zhang Yaxi will be in danger, Chen Dong can't take this risk!

Chen Dong didn't go through the main entrance, but jumped directly from the downstairs to the third floor.

The third floor of the villa is quite special, unlike the structure of multiple rooms on the first and second floors, there is only one room on the third floor.

And the target of the woman just now was obviously the door on the third floor.

Chen Dong walked to the door and tentatively pushed the door with his hand, but the door didn't move at all, obviously the door was locked.

"This door is not an ordinary lock. The old man is proficient in mechanism techniques. The door should be equipped with the old man's ghost style 81. Don't say that the woman just now couldn't open it. Even if I have been with the old man for so many years, I can't guarantee it can be locked." Open it." Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth.

"Since the old man specifically told Zhang Yaxi not to go to the third floor, it means that there are not only extremely important things in the third floor, but also dangers. Even if you want to force this door, you will be subject to 81 different mechanisms in different directions. attack!" Chen Dong smiled, and became even more curious about what the old man sells in the gourd, obviously the old man didn't have any good intentions in letting him come to Donghai City and giving him such a big house!

"I thought this old man had found out his conscience before, and he felt sorry for my apprentice and let me have a good rest! I didn't expect it to be another pit! You didn't tell me what was in the pit!"

"Sly and cunning!" Chen Dong pouted, but he didn't continue to try to open the door, but walked downstairs.

"It's not the time to go in, it's time to open the door and it will open..."

When he walked to the first floor and saw Zhang Yaxi lying on the sofa and sound asleep, Chen Dong also breathed a sigh of relief.He didn't want to implicate other innocent people around him because of his own reasons.

The lights in the villa were turned off, and Chen Dong also needed to take a good rest to face the next more dangerous opponent, the opponent hidden in the dark!

 I wish you a nice weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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