Chapter 142
"I don't know. I'm going to report to the dean's office. I won't know which class I'm in in a while." Feng Bingbing smiled, with two dimples on his face.

"Oh well, the dean's office is on the fourth floor. I'll go to the classroom on the first floor first." Chen Dong suddenly remembered the time, and he might be late.

"Okay, thank you, classmate Chen Dong." Feng Bingbing smiled and nodded at Chen Dong.

"You're welcome, it's my honor to serve you." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, thinking that no one else would be as lucky as me if they wanted to help.

"Then I'll go to class first."


Chen Dong turned around and walked towards the classroom on the first floor. He remembered that Chu Shanshan said that this class should be in classroom 105 on the first floor.

"Chen Dong..." Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong's back, smiled slightly, turned and walked upstairs.

Chen Dong walked to classroom 105 and looked in from the back window. Sure enough, he was late, and class had already started in the classroom.

I saw an old professor with gray hair standing on the podium in the classroom at the moment. The senior students all know that the old professor is old-fashioned, so don't skip his class.

"Students, the first class today is about the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine." The old professor said sternly while standing on the podium.

Most of the students in the classroom started to fall asleep as soon as the class started. For them, this kind of class was more sleep-provoking than high school politics class.

"Brother Chen stopped the car for so long, why are you late!" Chu Shanshan, who was in the third row of the classroom, looked anxious.

Seeing that most of the students below looked sleepy, the old professor on the podium frowned, thinking that the current students are really inferior to each other.

"Bangbang..." Just then there was a knock on the door.

The old professor frowned, "Come in!"

At this time, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and Chen Dong walked in with a smile on his face.

"Brother Dong is going to be miserable this time! I heard people say that the old professor is the most rigid, and I'm afraid Dong Ge will be unlucky if he is late for the first class!" Zhang Xing said in a low voice.

"Brother Dong..." Chu Shanshan was even more worried.

"You are late for the first class at the beginning of school! What a disgrace! What is the purpose of the class so that you can learn the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine! Do you know how many acupuncture points there are in the human body? Do you know what the "Huang Di Jia Yi Jing" is? I don’t know how you will be a doctor in the future, how can you save lives and heal the wounded?” The old professor was looking at the group of freshmen who were not pleasing to the eye, and at this time he was spitting all over the sky while talking to Chen Dong.

"Cough cough! There are 365 acupoints in the twelve meridians of the human body plus the two meridians of Ren and Du. Of course, if you calculate carefully, there can be as many as 800 points. As for the 120 volumes and [-] eight chapters of the "Huang Di Jia Yi Jing", it is the basis of acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine. The theory is mature and it was first compiled by Huang Fumi in the Jin Dynasty, teacher, I am right." Chen Dong smiled politely.

At this time, all the students in the class looked at Chen Dong with monster eyes. As for what Chen Dong said just now, most of them didn't understand at all, but they could feel that it seemed very powerful.

Even the old professor on the podium looked at Chen Dong differently, wondering if there will be a good seedling this year?
"That's right, this classmate is right."

"Wow! Brother Chen, what did you just say, I don't understand at all!"

"No way! Brother Dong, you still let people live, you understand this!"

"He's just so good..." Xu Jiaying sat in the corner and looked at Chen Dong silently.

Hearing the old professor say that what Chen Dong said was correct, the whole class was in an uproar.

"Teacher, can I go and sit down now?" Chen Dong smiled slightly. His knowledge of Chinese medicine was taught by the old man, especially acupuncture and massage had really saved Chen Dong many times, so he also had a little superficial understanding.

"En! Go sit down, and remember not to be late in the future." The old professor nodded to Chen Dong.

"Thank you teacher!" Chen Dong turned around and walked into the classroom.

"Brother Chen is here!" Chu Shanshan waved at Chen Dong, it turned out that she had already occupied the seat for Chen Dong.

The whole morning was full of professional classes, and Chen Dong felt drowsy after listening to them, so he closed his eyes and began to practice.

The whole class lasted for two hours, the old professor on the podium was full of enthusiasm, and the students below were very sleepy.Of course, Chen Dong didn't attend the class at all. He didn't come to Tunghai University to learn medical skills. He was originally a killer, not an angel in white who saved lives and healed the wounded.

Finally, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. The old professor was still not satisfied, and said that he would continue the lecture in the next Chinese medicine class, and then walked out of the classroom. The students in the classroom were relieved.

"Professional classes are not as fun as military training..."

"Didn't you say that going to college is like entering heaven? Why does it feel more sleepy than high school math class and political class..."

These students who took the professional class for the first time was a 2-hour long class, complained one after another.

"Haha, I'm already lying on the table and fell asleep!" Zhang Xing looked like he hadn't woken up.

"What are you! You don't look at the boss, you can fall asleep while sitting, can you!" The fat man pointed to Chen Dong who was still doing exercises with his eyes closed next to Chu Shanshan.

"Brother Dong is a god, and I am a mortal..." Zhang Xing said with a look of admiration.

"Students!" At this moment Zhang Yaxi walked into the classroom.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang!"

As soon as they saw Zhang Yaxi, a young instructor who was about the same age as her, walk into the classroom, these students cheered up, at least in a much better mood than facing that old professor.

"Students, we have a new student in our class today, let me introduce you." Zhang Yaxi said with a smile on her face.

"Boy or girl?" Zhang Xing called, but before he finished speaking, his sleepy eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hello everyone!"

At this time, a girl with a height of 1.6 meters [-], wearing a blue ice-colored hollowed-out multi-layered dress, and shoulder-length hair walked into the classroom.

Zhang Xing's mouth remained open and did not close at all, and looking at the other boys, they all looked at the girl at the door with round eyes.

Let's not talk about the figure and clothing, the main reason is that the perfect figure and clothing match this face, full of fairy spirit!
"Sister Immortal..." Zhang Xing said to himself.

"Hado... also... ahem... Yui..." The first thing Bai Fatty thought of was the name.

"Boss, how can you still sleep..."

At this moment, the eyes of all the boys in the class were wide open, but Chen Dong was still sitting on the seat with his eyes closed.

"Students, this is a new student in our class. I thought I missed the military training at the beginning of the school for some reason. I officially came to our class to report today. Come and introduce yourself to everyone."

"Hi everyone, my name is Feng Bingbing, I hope everyone will take care of me in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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