Special masters on campus

Chapter 144 Great body, good skills in picking up girls

Chapter 144 Great body, good skills in picking up girls
Feng Bingbing went straight to Chen Dong's seat and said to Chen Dong with a smile.

"Uh... cough cough..." Chen Dong frowned, thinking that brothers and sisters are really sorry, the charm is irresistible.

Seeing such a beautiful woman as Feng Bingbing take the initiative to ask Chen Dong for dinner, almost all the boys in the classroom were dumbfounded.

"I'll go! Who is this person! Sister Shenxian would take the initiative to ask her out for dinner.

"You don't even know the instructor of Class 1, Chen Dong!"

"That's right, it's him. I heard that he won the shooting competition and was the boss of the instructors. He directly became the instructor of Class 1, and even led Class 1 to win the No.1 in the military training show!"

"The body is great, the skills of picking up girls are not bad, and let people live!"

"Hey, it seems that we really don't have anything to do today. One is such a fierce person and the other is Brother Fei. We can only be spectators. Hey, Diaosi has no human rights!"

"However, although this Chen Dong is very strong, he is too young after all as a freshman. If he dares to compete with Brother Fei for a girl, he must suffer a bit."

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Chen Dong.Guan Fei even looked at Chen Dong with a gloomy face, wondering where this brat could make such a fairy girl take the initiative to meet for dinner, which made me feel so embarrassed.If you dare to promise me, you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow!

Chu Shanshan's two big water-blue eyes also opened wide to look at Chen Dong. She hoped that Chen Dong would not agree to Feng Bingbing.

And Xu Jiaying in the corner was also watching Chen Dong silently. In her mind, Chen Dong was tall and perfect, so naturally she would not agree to Feng Bingbing.

"Ahem... why did you invite me to dinner?" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"It's nothing. I just came to Tunghai University today. Thank you for giving me a parking space and taking me to the medical building. Otherwise, I don't know when I will find it by myself." Feng Bingbing smiled shallowly, and the goddess continued to smile. All so temperamental.

"Ahem...it's nothing! I think any student would do the same today, so why worry about it? Where to eat..."

"Huh?" Chu Shanshan pouted.

"Oh no no, I mean I just have something to do today." Chen Dong said hastily.

"Well, it's okay, then we will have a chance to be together in the future." Feng Bingbing still had the same smile on his face, turned around and walked out of the classroom.

"Hmph! You're a smart boy!" The third-year student named Guan Fei gave Chen Dong a vicious look and immediately chased after Feng Bingbing.

"Sister, brother, I have prepared flowers and red wine for you..."

When the other boys in the classroom saw Feng Bingbing leaving the classroom, they also rushed away.

Xu Jiaying in the corner of the classroom lowered her head and said silently, "I knew he wouldn't agree."

"Hmph! Brother Chen, why do I feel that she is a bad woman? Look how fake her smile is!" Chu Shanshan said with her mouth pouted.

"Um... I think it looks pretty good!" Chen Dong said with a happy face.

"Brother Chen, what did you say?" Chu Shanshan turned around and looked at Chu Shanshan.

"I said you still look good!" Chen Dong said with a natural expression, as if what he said just now was true.

"I hate Brother Chen, there are so many people here!" A blush appeared on Chu Shanshan's white and tender face.

"Have you seen Fatty, learn from Brother Dong." Zhang Xing motioned to Fatty Bai.

"Yeah, I see, the first style of picking up girls, being quick to tell lies and well-organized language, and more importantly, keeping your face and heart beating, this is the essence of picking up girls!"

"En!" The other boys in the class all nodded heavily with serious eyes.

"Ahem." Chen Dong said with a dry cough, "Okay, it's already noon, and we've had a day of classes, so it's time for us to eat!"

"Let's go eat!"

Chen Dong took Chu Shanshan, the fat man Zhang Xing and the other boys towards the school cafeteria.

This time is the time for lunch, and the cafeteria is crowded with people.After entering the cafeteria, Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai naturally ran to the row of Xi Shitian Meihui in the cafeteria to line up.

But this time, Chen Dong didn't join them, but had dinner with Chu Shanshan at another window.There is no class this afternoon, so he is going to the Chinese Department to find out the whereabouts of his junior sister Lin Wan.

After the meal, Chen Dong didn't wait for Fatty and the others, but was going to send Chu Shanshan back to the dormitory first, and then went to the Chinese Department to familiarize himself with the situation.

And when Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan walked out of the cafeteria, they happened to see a familiar figure preparing to go into the cafeteria.

I saw this tall, thin man with a pair of glasses walking towards the cafeteria with his head sullen, and a few boys followed behind him.

"Vice President..." This tall and thin boy was Wang Hao who hadn't recovered from the series of blows he had suffered in the past few days.

"What's the matter, don't you see that I'm in a bad mood?" Being teased by Chen Dong many times, and now Liu Yashu ignores him, can Wang Hao feel comfortable?

"Front..." the cadres of the medical student unions behind Wang Hao reminded him.

"The cafeteria is ahead, I haven't been fooled yet, so I don't need you to remind me..." Wang Hao raised his head when he said this, and when he saw who was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, he quickly turned around and wanted to run away.

"Vice President Wang, I happen to have something to do with you!" Chen Dong said to Wang Hao who was about to turn around.

"It's so unlucky to meet someone surnamed Chen again!" Wang Hao had a bitter look on his face. The last thing he wants to meet now is Chen Dong. Now he has completely given up on wanting to fight against Chen Dong. Can't hide!I didn't expect to come across it by such a coincidence.

"Behind me are the subordinates of my student union. It would be too embarrassing to run away like this!" Wang Hao gritted his teeth and turned around.

"Hehe, so it's Chen Dong's junior! Is there something wrong with such a coincidence?" Wang Hao said in a dazed manner.

"Huh? Why is Brother Chen's attitude so good today? Didn't he put up an announcement saying that if Brother Chen led our class to win the first place, he would give Brother Chen the position of vice president of the student union? Did he forget? ?” Chu Shanshan said with a puzzled look.

"Ahem, maybe he doesn't have a good memory." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

Although Chu Shanshan's words were not loud, they were heard by Wang Hao and the three student union cadres behind him at such a close distance.

"Isn't the vice president a little deceiving by saying that?"

"Don't mention it, I feel like my face is not closed, I lost too badly!"

Hearing the murmurs of the students from the student union behind him, Wang Hao's face turned livid, but he didn't want to lose his position as the vice president of the student union.This is not only about face and status, but more importantly, this is the only way he can get in touch with Liu Yashu. Now Liu Yashu has ignored him because of the past few days. If he loses the position of vice president, then he will completely No chance!
"It's all because of this surname Chen! Everything went so smoothly without him showing up! Ah!" Wang Hao almost collapsed.

"Hehe, I have something to do with me, and I know what it is if you don't tell me! Isn't it just for a bet? Yes! You won! But it's useless! The appointment and removal of positions in the student union, especially positions like the vice president, must Some school leaders and even school leaders agreed to approve it!"

"Approved by the school leaders?" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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