Special masters on campus

Chapter 153 Lin Wan Was Suspended From School

Chapter 153 Lin Wan Was Suspended From School

"This!" Gao Shi's complexion changed, he only felt that his palm was about to burn, and a powerful force pushed him back!

"Thump!" That Gao Shi took two steps back and looked at Chen Dong in disbelief!

"Chen Dong, what are you doing? He is your leader and your senior!" Although Liu Yashu didn't know why Gao Shi had such an expression, she could guess that it was Chen Dong who made Gao Shi retreat.

"Sorry! I said I have something urgent." I came here today for the matter of my younger sister Lin Wan, and I can only feel sorry for those who obstruct me, whether it is intentional or unintentional.What he wants to do has never been blocked by anyone, but it is the past or the present including the future!

As he said that, Chen Dong stretched out his hand and was about to push open the solid wood door of the conference room.

And just when Chen Dong put his hand on the door and was about to push it, the wooden door of the meeting room suddenly opened from the inside.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, let's make a deal!" First, a middle-aged man with a short and fat body like a wine tank came out of the meeting room.

"Thank you to the leaders of the Education Bureau for your support to Tunghai University, and thank you Director Huang haha!" Then Principal Lin's hearty laughter came.

"Hey! Isn't this Chen Dong! Work hard, I'm optimistic about you young man." This person was Director Huang of the Education Bureau who was watching the ceremony on the rostrum that day. Obviously, he also recognized Chen Dong.

"Hello Director Huang!" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Well, look at how polite you are, this is the mental outlook that an outstanding contemporary college student should have! Haha!" The director Huang saw that the old principal Lin was smiling, and the fat all over his body trembled.

"Haha! Chief Huang praised you! Should a college student look like a college student!" Principal Lin laughed.

"Okay, then I won't bother you. I'll go back to the bureau first. You know that your school is busy and our Education Bureau is not busy at the beginning of school."

"Okay! Then I'll send it off!"

"Mr. Lin, how can I let you, the leader of the education circle in Donghai City, send me off haha!"

Watching Director Huang and a group of Education Bureau personnel go downstairs, Principal Lin looked at Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, you came to the student union to report. This is Gao Shi, the president of the student union. You will be partners in the future, and you must work together well. Do a good job in our school's student affairs, and don't appear like Li Tenglong again. Bad student!"

"Principal Lin, we already know each other. After Chen Dong is very capable, I will learn more from him, help each other, and promote the work of the student union well." Gao Shi said with a smile.

"Yes! Good! I am very optimistic about the student union this year when you two work together. Girl Yashu, you have to learn more from the two of them." Principal Lin looked at his granddaughter Liu Yashu with a kind face.

"Senior Gao Shi indeed has a lot to learn from him, as for him, I'll let it go!" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong and curled his lips.

"What did Ya Shu say...hehe, you young people, you can deal with it yourself, I still have some things to deal with." Principal Lin smiled brightly, and was about to go back to the principal's office.

"Principal, I have something to ask you for." At this moment, Chen Dong said.

"Oh? What's the matter with Chen Dong?" Principal Lin turned around and said.

"I want to find someone, but I found her file bag in the file room, but it was indeed blank." Chen Dong handed the file bag in his hand to Principal Lin with a solemn expression.

"I found the file but it's blank?" Principal Lin frowned slightly.


Principal Lin took a look at the file bag handed over by Chen Dong, and his brows frowned even deeper.

"Is this classmate yours?"

"It's my junior sister."

"Liu Liu."

"Principal Lin." Assistant Liu, who had been unable to intervene just now, came over.

"Go and check this student's file for Chen Dong, go to the electronic information file to check."

"Oh, Principal Lin." Although Assistant Liu was dissatisfied with Chen Dong, he could only do so after Principal Lin spoke.

"Come with me, Vice President Chen." Assistant Liu said with a displeased face and walked downstairs.

"Well, Chen Dong, you can go with Xiao Liu. If you need any help, you can come to the principal."

"Thank you principal!" Chen Dong nodded.

"Well, work hard." Principal Lin turned around Chen Dong's shoulder and walked towards the principal's office.

"Then do I still need to report to the Student Union Department?" Chen Dong said as he walked in front of Liu Yashu.

"You, you..." Liu Yashu felt like the mud wouldn't stick to the wall.

"Hehe, there's no need for Chen Dong, we already know each other." Gao Shi said with a sunny smile.

"Okay, happy cooperation." Chen Dong smiled.

"Eh..." Gao Shi's palm felt scorched in labor pain, but he held on in front of Liu Yashu, "Happy cooperation!"

"President Liu." Chen Dong didn't go to the regular meeting again, feeling that his face was fake Gao Shi, but looked at Liu Yashu.


"Your shoulder straps are exposed, pink ones." Chen Dong whispered in Liu Yashu's ear, and then quickly followed Assistant Liu.

"Chen Dong! You scum!" Liu Yashu was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately and tidied up the clothes on his shoulders.

"What did classmate Chen Dong tell you?" Gao Shi said with a smile.

"No...it's nothing, the president is really embarrassed about what happened today." Liu Yashu blushed, and hurriedly dealt with it.

"Hehe, it's nothing. Besides, classmate Chen Dong didn't hurt me. I believe we will have opportunities to compete in the future."

"Well, that's good. It's nothing. I'll go to class first." Liu Yashu nodded.

"Good Yashu junior."

Watching Liu Yashu's figure go downstairs, the smile on Gao Shi's face suddenly froze.

"No matter who you are, it's fine if you don't interfere with my plan. If it interferes, I don't mind using the power of the sect to kill you!" Gao Shi's eyes were full of cold light as if he was a completely different person at this moment.

The first floor of the office building.

"Lin Wan, there is indeed such a person, a student of the Chinese Department, but she took a leave of absence at the end of last semester." Assistant Liu said angrily while sitting in front of the computer.

"Suspension?" Chen Dong frowned, "Why did my wife not know about my junior sister's suspension of school, and let me come to Donghai University to find my junior sister? The only explanation is that my wife didn't know that my junior sister was suspended!" Chen Dong's heart skipped a beat. The resounding premonition really turned out to be true, and all the signs showed that Junior Sister Lin Wan was in danger now!But now I don't even know who the opponent is, where or even the purpose!

"Thank you!" Chen Dong said flatly, turned and walked out of the office building.

"He actually said thank you to me..." Assistant Liu was taken aback.

Walking out of the office building of Tunghai University, Chen Dong took a deep breath. Since his younger sister had already suspended her studies, it might be difficult to find any clues in Tunghai University.

"By the way, maybe she can help..." At this moment, Chen Dong thought of Situ Xiadan.

Chen Dong quickly ran back to the dormitory, the fat man was watching a movie on the bed, Chen Dong suddenly pushed the door in, so scared that the fat man almost jumped off the bed.

"Boss... almost frightened..."

Chen Dong didn't pay attention to Fatty Bai, but found the envelope that Situ Xiadan gave him that day. He remembered that Situ Xiadan said that there was her phone number inside.

When Chen Dong opened the envelope, he saw a piece of paper inside, with a phone number, a WeChat account and a QQ number on it.

Chen Dong took out his phone and dialed the number above.

"Hello, I'm Situ Xiadan." Chen Dong's familiar voice came from the phone.

"Hi, I'm Chen Dong."

 Cheer yourself up!Goodnight everybody!
(End of this chapter)

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