Special masters on campus

Chapter 159 The Fairy and Tang Monk

Chapter 159 The Fairy and Tang Monk
Seeing Situ Xiadan walking towards the gate of the police station compound with a sweet smile on his face.

Huang Yousheng's uncle had an ugly face, "Hey! My old face!" Then he walked into the police station building.


"Don't call me uncle, don't you think it's embarrassing? Remember to call me the deputy director in the future!" The deputy director didn't have the face to stay any longer, and hurriedly walked into the building, turned around halfway, "Still standing What are you doing there! If you don’t go back to work, you’re all on leave!”

"Let's go!" The police officers who had watched the bustle for a long time hurriedly dispersed.

"Xia Dan...my Xia Dan! No matter who it is! No one can take my Xia Dan!" Only Huang Yousheng was left sitting on the ground with a sinister expression on his face.

The gate of Donghai City Police Station.

Situ Xiadan walked towards Chen Dong's car with a smile on his face.

When I walked to the guard at the gate, I saw a guard standing in front of a bright white Maserati, arguing with the people in the car.

"I'm telling you boy, you don't even have all your hair on your head, and you dare to say that Vice Captain Situ is your girlfriend! If you talk nonsense, if I don't drive you away, you will be chased away by Vice Captain Situ!" the guard said into the car. .

"Hehe!" Chen Dong in the car smiled slightly.

"Hey, you kid can still laugh!"

"What's the matter with Xiao Wu?" At this moment Situ Xiadan's voice came, and Situ Xiadan walked to the door with an ugly face.

"Deputy Captain Situ, you came just in time. A kid here came from somewhere. He thought he was driving a nice car and came here to make trouble. He also said you were his girlfriend. How dare you believe me!" The guard saw Situ Xia Dan came and said quickly.

"Hey, boy, you just wait to die. You may not know that our deputy Situ team is the city's women's Sanda champion in Donghai City!" The guard sneered and waited for a good show. The rich son of the car is gone.

"Okay, I got it, you go back first." Situ Xia Dan forced a smile and said to the little guard.

"Dandan, you are here!" Chen Dong took off his sunglasses and smiled at Situ Xiadan.

"Dandan...you cough cough...you can't be..." Seeing this scene, the guard was completely dumbfounded, thinking that the vice-captain Situ was as tough as a tiger, although he was good-looking and hot, but Compared with this, life is more important. The person in this car looks like a college student. How is this possible?

"I said that there is nothing to do here without you, do you need me to say it again?" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong with a cold and stiff smile.

"Hiss..." Looking at Situ Xiadan's smile, Chen Dong suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, "This woman is clearly an ordinary person, why is there such a strong cold..."

"I know... I know... I'll go back to stand guard right away!" Situ Xiadan's reputation in the Donghai City Police Station is unknown to everyone. Even the captains dare not take a deep breath when they see her. How dare he, a small guard? After provoking him, the guard quickly walked back to his post.

"Cough, Comrade Situ Xiadan, you're here." Chen Dong smiled awkwardly, after all, he had something to ask for.

"Chen Dong." Situ Xiadan's voice turned cold.

"Ah?" Chen Dong was taken aback, he still had a shadow in his heart when he was injured by Situ Xiadan's female self-defense technique before.

"Thank you!" Situ Xiadan said with a smile.

"Uh...hehe, you are polite, that's how I am. As long as it is within my ability, I will lend a helping hand when I encounter it. It's not like you don't know about this!" Situ Xiadan laughed at Chen Dong the more This key part is getting colder.

"Okay, I've finished my thanks, next..." Situ Xiadan's face turned cold.

"Ahem, let's go to dinner next, I'll treat you!" Chen Dong hurriedly chuckled.

Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong in the car with two electric eyes and did not speak, walked over from the front of the car to the side of the co-pilot.

"With this figure and this face and temperament, it's a pity not to be a car model and become a policeman. This is really the nightmare of all nerds, and the fat man must go crazy after seeing it!" Chen Dong kept his eyes on Situ Xiadan.

"Crack!" Situ Xiadan opened the door and sat in the car, then looked at Chen Dong with a smile on his face and didn't speak.

"Ahem, what are you doing looking at me like that? I admit that I'm a bit handsome, but I'll be embarrassed if you look at me like that." Being stared at by this fiery policeman made Chen Dong sweat on his back, a poor generation of masters At this moment, he unconsciously leaned against the window.

And as Chen Dong kept leaning aside, Situ Xiadan also kept leaning towards him, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

"You...what do you want to do? I'm still a college student, and I don't have a girlfriend yet! If you do this again, I'll call you!" Chen Dong's scalp went numb from Situ Xiadan's smiling face. He is like a Tang monk caught by a female goblin, with a face like the goblin sister don't eat me.

"You shout, look at the Donghai City Police Station who dares to take care of it!" Situ Xiadan flicked his short hair and smiled even colder on his face.

"You...you are a people's policeman! What you are doing is intimidating ordinary citizens!" Chen Dong laughed in his heart. He used to face the police. Totally one sided!

"Really? I'm out of the police station and I'm still wearing casual clothes. I'm just an ordinary girl now. Who would believe a girl bullying a big man!" Situ Xiadan looked indifferent.

"Sure enough!" Chen Dong said to himself.

"What did you say!" Situ Xiadan's whole body became colder.

"I mean you are so beautiful today!" I had no choice but to ask others for help with my junior sister's affairs, so now I can only bow my head.

"Hmph! Don't think I'll let you off today if you say a few nice words! Tell me how you want to die!" Situ Xiadan snorted.

"You...you woman, why are you being unreasonable? Just now you asked me to help you out, you girl can't be unreasonable!"

"What did you say just now?" Situ Xiadan tilted his head and looked at Chen Dong with his electric eyes wide open, as if he had suddenly turned into a little girl next door.

"Uh... don't look at me like this... I'm not used to it." Chen Dong almost lost his breath, the more she behaved like this, the scarier she became!
"Hmph, I already said thank you for what happened just now, and you also said that it's okay, you don't have to thank me."

"This... this is fine too! I was being polite just now!" Chen Dong had a black line on his forehead, all kinds of women really can't be reasonable!
"Politeness is not a word in my dictionary! But you still have a chance to save your life temporarily!" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong and smiled.

"I don't have any extravagant hopes, as long as I can die with dignity, my small body can't stand it!" Chen Dongqiang squeezed out a smile.

"That's not enough. As for between now and 12 o'clock in the evening, you have to listen to me! Just do whatever I ask you to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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