Chapter 166
Situ Xiadan let out a scream, no matter how tough she was, she was still a girl after all, she even forgot to react at this moment, tears flowed from her eyes.

"Run!" And those punks around dare not stay here any longer, it's a big deal if someone dies, whoever dares to stay, they disperse in a blink of an eye.

Those policemen and traffic policemen also closed their eyes subconsciously. Shooting at such a close range must be a headshot!
However, the gunfire that should have come a few seconds later did not come.

"This! This!" Huang Yousheng kept pulling the trigger with an expression of disbelief, but no bullets were fired.

But there was a sneer on Chen Dong's face, not to mention Huang Yousheng who became a monk halfway and entered the police station through connections, even a well-trained special soldier, he is confident that he can't shoot bullets!
"Click!" With a crisp sound, I saw that the magazine in Huang Yousheng's pistol had fallen on the road.

"You!" Huang Yousheng's face turned pale. He had noticed that Chen Dong's speed was very fast just now, but he didn't expect Chen Dong's speed to be so fast!Before he pulled the trigger himself, the clip had been removed by him!
"Now it's my turn!" There was a smile on the corner of Chen Dong's mouth. This smile used to be called the smile of death!
"You..." Before Huang Yousheng could react at all, Chen Dong moved again!

This Huang Yousheng only felt a blur in front of his eyes. When he saw it clearly, there was no shadow of Chen Dong?And almost at the next moment, he only felt that his feet were light, his neck was tight, and an iron arm was firmly locked on his throat from behind him!

At this moment, the policemen who had closed their eyes just now suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did they all open their eyes after hearing the gunshot for so long, only to see that Chen Dong was already standing behind Huang Yousheng and locked his throat!

"What are you doing standing there in a daze! Draw your guns! He attacked the police! Shoot quickly!" Huang Yousheng's face was flushed from being strangled, and he was almost out of breath, but his expression became more ferocious.

"Oh! Good!" The policemen hurriedly pulled out their pistols and pointed at Chen Dong.

"Suspect! Please let go of the hostage calmly and squat down with your head in your hands!"

"Haha! Chen Dong! Kill me if you have the ability, do you dare! Do you dare!" Huang Yousheng shouted arrogantly.

At this time, Situ Xiadan, who was completely stunned to the side just now, also reacted.

"Chen Dong don't want it! If you hurt him, you will really become a police assaulter!"

"Haha! He is now violently resisting the law and attacking the police!! Xia Dan, I really don't know what's so good about being so stunned. You just like him! Don't say it's just because of this car, you want ten cars I can afford it! I don’t need money, I only need you!”

"Huang Yousheng!"

"What about Xia Dan, have you repented now? As long as you return to my side, I will forgive you for your sake! Otherwise, you should know what consequences this kid will face!" Huang Yousheng laughed Even more insolent.

"Hehe!" And just as Huang Yousheng was laughing vigorously, Chen Dong's cold smile came from behind him.

"You can still laugh at this time? This kid has been frightened stupid! Haha! Hurt me if you have the ability, even if I lose a hair, you will face prison!" Huang Yousheng's face was cold.

"Really!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Chen Dong, don't be impulsive!" Situ Xiadan knew Chen Dong's personality, and it was very likely that he would make a move at this time.

"Come on!" Huang Yousheng believed that Chen Dong would never dare to make a move, but at this moment, Huang Yousheng's face changed suddenly, a sharp pain came from his wrist, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground all at once.

And this didn't end, I saw Chen Dong put the handcuffs on Huang Yousheng's hands with a smile on his face!

"You dare to torture me!" Huang Yousheng was stunned. Usually, he tortured others. When was he tortured himself?
Chen Dong smiled and ignored him, but took off the handcuffs around his waist.

"You... what are you going to do! Why are you still standing there and shooting! He is attacking the police!"

"But Brother Sheng, he has already let you go..." Those little policemen didn't have Huang Yousheng's background, so they didn't dare to shoot casually. Chen Dong's behavior didn't reach the level where he had to shoot when he hurt someone.

"Shoot him in the leg! The three of you will all increase in value this year, I promise!" Huang Yousheng panicked as he handcuffed his hands.

"Open...or not?" The three little policemen looked at each other and hesitated.

"Go, just scare him, and we can get promoted!" After a while, the three little policemen made up their minds.

"You're crazy, Chen Dong's behavior doesn't constitute a crime at all, and you're breaking the law knowingly by shooting!" Situ Xiadan said hastily.

"Deputy Team Situ, explain this to Brother Sheng!"

"Shame on you!" Chen Dong raised his mouth and kicked Huang Yousheng's knee joint.

"Hey, my god!" Huang Yousheng, who was handcuffed by Chen Dong, knelt down on the hard road.

"Shoot! What the fuck are you waiting for!" Huang Yousheng let out a sharp roar.

The three policemen nodded to each other, and saw three guns aimed at Chen Dong at the same time!



However, before these three people pulled the trigger, Chen Dong's figure disappeared again!
The three of them only felt a black shadow rushing towards them, before they could see what it was!Two of the three felt that their hands were kicked hard, and their bodies were thrown back violently, and the guns in their hands had already flown out!

The policeman under him was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to see that the two people next to him were all sitting on the ground.

"You..." Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a chill down his back, and turned around abruptly, only to see Chen Dongzheng looking at him with a smile on his face.

"It's impossible! How could it be so fast!" The policeman wanted to shoot subconsciously, but he didn't pull the trigger a few times.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Chen Dong held something in his hand and handed it to him.

"A... magazine..." What Chen Dong held in his hand was nothing but the magazine in his gun, and he didn't even notice when Chen Dong unloaded his magazine.

"Plop!" The policeman also sat on the ground with a pale face.

I am not at the same level as others, I don't even have a chance to shoot!
"Hmph!" Chen Dong raised his mouth, lowered his body, and looked at the three people.

"No, no... It's none of my business, Huang Yousheng asked us to do it!" How dare the three of them be tough at this time?

"What about you?" Chen Dong looked at the young traffic policeman who was stunned.

"I...I..." The traffic policeman looked at Huang Yousheng who was handcuffed. He didn't dare to offend Chen Dong because he had noticed Chen Dong's behavior, but he didn't dare to offend Huang Yousheng either.

"Say!" Just as the traffic policeman was hesitating, Chen Dong's tone turned cold, and a strong murderous aura burst out from him.

"Plop!" The traffic policeman suddenly knelt on the ground, an ordinary person couldn't resist Chen Dong's murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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