Special masters on campus

Chapter 170 The Real Situ Xiadan

Chapter 170 The Real Situ Xiadan

"Where are you going?" Chen Dong was taken aback.

"Xiaoya lives away, the environment there is good." Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong.

The smile on Chen Dong's face froze, thinking that this Xiaoya Bieju is a place Su Hong often goes to. If these two sisters meet, one is as gentle as water and the other is as hot as fire. Water and fire must be incompatible. What kind of embarrassment is it to put yourself in the middle, is it two heavens of ice and fire!
"What, Xiaoya doesn't live so far away, I'm afraid you won't be safe if you come back late." Chen Dong chuckled.

"What? If you think it's expensive, just tell me. Then I'll think about what you asked me to do just now." Situ Xiadan pouted.

"No! Am I, Chen Dong, such a picky man? Aren't I afraid that you won't be safe by yourself if you come back late?" Chen Dong hurriedly found an excuse to prevaricate.

"Dangerous? Just kidding me, who would dare to do anything to me as the deputy captain of the criminal police brigade?"

"Uh... that's right, robbing your wealth is killing yourself, and robbing your sex is nothing to rob." Chen Dong smiled wryly.

"Hey! What do you mean by the surname Chen!" Situ Xiadan puffed up his chest, and the perfectly developed body in front of him flashed proudly in front of Chen Dong.

"Pfft!" Looking at it, Chen Dong almost spat out old blood, and the car almost hit the car next to him.

"Hey! How do you drive!" The owner of the car next to him cursed wildly.

"Pfft!" Situ Xiadan covered his mouth and laughed when he saw Chen Dong's embarrassment.

"Ahem, why haven't you driven for a long time? It's a bit unfamiliar. Let's go, Xiaoya, don't live here..." Chen Dong could only pray that he wouldn't run into Su Hong.

The two came to Xiaoya's other residence, but luckily everything went well, at least they haven't bumped into Su Hong so far.

The environment of Xiaoya Bieju is very good and relatively elegant, so some upper-class people in Donghai City prefer to eat and talk here.

"A steak medium rare, and a bottle of red wine." Situ Xiadan said to the waiter.

"what did you eat?"

"Ah? I'm the same as yours." Chen Dong was looking around to see if Su Hong was here today.

"Okay." The waiter took the menu and left.

"Chen Dong, are you looking for someone?" Situ Xiadan asked.

"No! I'm not familiar here, who can I find." Chen Dong chuckled.

"Hmph! You look very guilty, don't you know how many times you've been with that girl?" Situ Xiadan looked disbelieving.

"Is there?" Chen Dong touched his face.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, the meal ordered by the two of you. This is red wine, please take it easy." At this time, the waiter brought the steak and red wine.

"Okay, thank you." Chen Dong smiled slightly, but when he turned around, he found Situ Xiadan looking at him with a gloomy face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Hmph, you still don't know me well, even the waiter knows your surname is Chen!" Situ Xiadan patted the table.

"Ahem, that may be because I'm too famous recently, and I'm always in some newspaper news or something. Besides...why are you so excited?" Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan and smiled.

"Yeah, why am I so excited... Anyway, men don't have a good thing!" Situ Xiadan sensed his gaffe, quickly eased his emotions, and then gave himself a small glass of red wine and drank it down.

"This thing is the devil, drink less." What Chen Dong is most afraid of now is a drunk woman.

"It's up to you! Miss Ben has a good drinker, who are you!" Situ Xiadan drank another half glass of red wine.

Situ Xiadan's drunk Chen Dong looked flustered, but he had no choice but to lower his head and cut the steak. I hope she is really good at drinking as she said.

"Scumbag, let me tell you a story." Situ Xiadan said suddenly after Chen Dong had half eaten.

"Well, tell me." Chen Dong cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth, nodding.

"Once upon a time there was an old policeman. He had a daughter, a very lovely daughter. The daughter's mother passed away when she was very young, and only the two of them were left to live together. Later, the old policeman went undercover for a case, and the case ended Cracked down on the old policeman but sacrificed. The little girl has no other relatives and can only live in an orphanage. In order not to let others bully her, the originally well-behaved little girl became very strong. Finally, no one dared to bully her anymore. She also completed My father's last wish was to become an excellent people's policeman. But her boyfriend who has been in love with her for ten years thinks that her strength is cheating on others. Do you think there is something wrong with this girl?" Situ Xiadan drank again while talking Drinking a glass of red wine, tears rolled down her baby-fat cheeks.

"The girl is right! That guy is a scumbag!" Chen Dong is not stupid. This little girl should be referring to herself. Maybe this is why she wants to help Wu Jiajia. The fate of the two is almost the same.

"Am I wrong? Do you think I want to be stronger and more manly than a man? If I don't, others will come to bully me. I'm afraid I'm really scared... woo woo..." Situ Xiadan cried Getting stronger and stronger, he raised his glass again.

"Okay, you can't drink any more." Chen Dong stood up and snatched the wine glass from her hand.

"Give me another drink! I want to get drunk so that I can forget about these things..." Situ Xiadan also stood up and wanted to snatch the glass from Chen Dong's hand.

"Give it to me! Give it to me!"

"You can't drink any more!" Chen Dong hugged Situ Xiadan in his arms.

"Woooo...give it to me! Let me have another drink, I'm so tired and I'm scared...uuu..." Situ Xiadan tore and beat Chen Dong's arms but couldn't break free from Chen Dong's arms.

When the two of them made such a fuss, the guests at other tables in Xiaoya Bieju also looked at them.

"Women are for pain, you have to know how to be nice to yourself." Chen Dong said in Situ Xiadan's ear.

"Woman? Hehe, am I a woman?"

"You are!" Chen Dong lifted Situ Xiadan in his arms, and looked at her seriously.

"I'm a woman? But in the eyes of others, I'm a man at all! I'm tough, I'm strong, I'm a man!" Situ Xiadan was half drunk, otherwise she would never have said such things.

"In my eyes, you are!" Chen Dong said with a solemn expression.

Situ Xiadan was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into tears, "Woooo!"

Chen Dong pulled her into his arms. He didn't know why this fiery female policeman made him have a strong desire to protect at this moment, which even surpassed Chu Shanshan.

"Papa..." At this moment, the entire Xiaoya Villa burst into applause, and all the guests stood up and watched the two clapping.

"Miss, pay the bill." Chen Dong said calmly.

"Mr. Chen, someone has settled your account." A waiter said.

"Who made it?" Chen Dong frowned slightly.

"This...we respect the privacy of customers." The waiter said in a difficult way.

"Okay, I know, thank her for me." Chen Dong nodded, there was no one else who could settle the bill for him in Xiaoya Bieju except Su Hong, but she didn't want to show up at this time.

"I'll take you home." Chen Dong whispered into Situ Xiadan's ear with a slight smile.

"No! I'm going to have a drink..."

"You are a woman who wants to listen to men." Chen Dong curled up his mouth, lowered his waist and hugged Situ Xiadan's leg, and immediately hugged her as a princess.

"What are you doing? Let me down! I want to drink..." Situ Xiadan patted Chen Dong's chest in Chen Dong's arms.

"In front of me, you are a woman, a woman who needs a sense of security." No matter how Situ Xiadan in his arms slapped Chen Dongquan, he was indifferent, and walked out with Situ Xiadan in his arms.

"Clap clap!"

"Real man!"

The guests in Xiaoya Bieju applauded and watched Chen Dong walk out of Xiaoya Bieju holding Situ Xiadan in his arms.From their point of view, this may not be a heroic fight to save the beauty, but at this moment, Chen Dong looks very domineering!
Men are for women to rely on, sometimes you have to listen to me...

But Chen Dong didn't see, behind him, Su Hong was watching him go out.

At this moment, Su Hong looked at Chen Dong's back and smiled slightly.

 The tenth update!Stop talking about fish bean code words!Please subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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