Special masters on campus

Chapter 180 The dormitory teacher is here

Chapter 180 The dormitory teacher is here
"Trouble your uncle!" When Guan Fei heard Chen Dong say this to himself, he obviously didn't think highly of him!His eyes turned red, and he swung the shining cold iron soft sword towards Chen Dong with a sword in his hand!
"噗!" The sharp soft sword caused a sharp sonic boom in the air, and a silver cold light came towards Chen Dong's arm!

"Boy! This is not a brick, it's a sword, and it's an extraordinary cold iron soft sword!" Guan Fei's face was gloomy. If he didn't completely subdue Chen Dong today, then he would be the first among the first-year medical school boys. His prestige is completely gone. It took him so long to subdue this group of freshmen, and they will all be Chen Dong's wedding dresses!
And at this moment, Chen Dong also moved!But seeing that Chen Dong stretched out his right hand directly, with his index finger and middle finger turned into a sword finger, he headed towards the cold iron soft sword that was stabbing rapidly!

"Hmph! What a joke!" Seeing that Chen Dong didn't hide but came empty-handed, Guan Fei showed a sneer on his face.

"Be careful, old man!"



Almost in the blink of an eye, with a crisp sound and Weng Xiang, the two stopped at the same time.

I saw that Guan Fei's original smile was completely replaced by disbelief!Because he saw that the cold iron soft sword he stabbed with all his strength was clamped tightly by Chen Dong with two fingers!
"You!" No matter how he pulled back, he couldn't pull out half of it!
"Who are you!" This time Guan Fei was really scared, because he knew the speed and power of his sword, even if he was stronger than himself, he would still be at most empty-handed at such a short distance. It is impossible to clamp your own sword with two fingers if you have room to dodge!

"There is only one possibility! That person is stronger than me! I'm just playing a game in front of him!" This Guan Fei's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and it flowed down his face!

"Who am I? You don't know?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Chen...Chen Dong! I know your name is Chen Dong! But you are definitely not an ordinary person! Could it be that you are..." Guan Fei seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyes widened!

"You can't really..."

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up and he didn't answer him, but twisted his fingers!
"Clang!" But a crisp sound of metal breaking echoed throughout the corridor on the second floor.

Everyone present was taken aback.

"Look at that sword!" Someone suddenly shouted at this moment.

Everyone looked at the cold iron soft sword in Guan Fei's hand, the sword broke!

"This... this..." Guan Fei took a few steps back with the broken sword handle, looked at the broken sword in his hand in disbelief, and looked up to see that it was still in Chen Dong's hand. The first half of the soft sword in his hand.

No one knows the quality of this cold iron soft sword passed down by his family better than him!This sword is made of cold iron, a sharp weapon forged by a famous swordsmith, it is by no means comparable to ordinary products!After it was passed to him, it became his trump card in the guard of honor!He knew Chen Dongqiang, but even if he was killed, he would never have imagined that Chen Dong could easily break the cold iron soft sword with just two fingers!
"How strong is he! Could it be that he is stronger than Yu Shao's master? Could it be that he is a direct descendant of that big family of cultivation!" Guan Fei kept shaking his head, the strength Chen Dong showed completely surpassed what he could. Out of reach!

"Can we talk now?" Chen Dong said.

"Say..." Guan Fei thought of the strength of Lin Feiyu and the person behind him. If he said now that he would not get the reward he wanted, he would be punished unexpectedly!Even death!

"I can't say I can't say!" Guan Fei kept shaking his head, even his family couldn't afford to offend that old man, he is a strong man in the realm of cultivation!You can kill yourself or even your whole family with a move of a finger!

"Say!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, and the broken sword in his hand shot out towards Guan Fei!

"Ah! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" The speed of the broken sword was too fast, Guan Fei didn't have time to dodge at all, he could only watch helplessly as a cold light flew towards him!

"噗!" But saw that the broken sword flew past Guan Fei's scalp, and directly stuck in front of his back!The [-]cm sword body is completely submerged into the wall!

"I'm dead! I'm dead!" At this moment, Guan Fei screamed, his face was bloodless, and he seemed to have lost his soul.Indeed, as long as the broken sword was lowered by one millimeter, he would definitely die at this moment!
"Say!" There was an irresistible murderous look in Chen Dong's voice!
"Boom!" This time, Guan Fei actually knelt down directly.

In front of almost all the freshmen in the medical school, this Guan Fei directly knelt down to Chen Dong!

The entire corridor on the second floor of the boys' dormitory building became quiet again. Who would have thought that Guan Fei, who almost conquered all the freshmen in the medical school, would kneel down to Chen Dong!
"Ah! I was conquered by you just like that! All the way back was cut off!" At this moment, Xiao An, the smoker who was still kneeling in bedroom 222, yelled again, and of course the piece on top of his head The bricks are still on the top of the head.Chen Dong didn't let him put it down, he just knelt there and supported it!
And at this time, he suddenly sang Conquer, and it was clear to everyone that he was singing it for Guan Fei.

"Haha! This kid is proficient in singing!" The fat man laughed and his whole face trembled.

"Hmm! The singing is not only in tune but also suitable for the occasion!"

"Conquer..." Guan Fei knelt on the ground as if he had lost his soul. On the left was a master of cultivation realm and on the right was a strong practitioner of cultivation realm. If he was caught in the middle, he would be dead anyway!
"What's going on on the second floor! There was such a big commotion just now that I don't want to read it carefully!" At this moment, an old voice came from the direction of the stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor at the end of the corridor.

"No, it's the voice of the dormitory teacher, Hutou! Someone must have told the dormitory supervisor, Hutou!" Zhang Xing slapped his forehead.

"Then what to do, if the old man is stubborn and ruthless, if he comes up and sees this scene, he will definitely trouble us!" Fatty Bai was also anxious.

"Old Hutou!" Kneeling in front of Chen Dong, Guan Fei, who had a distraught look on his face, suddenly lit up when he heard the dormitory teacher, Laohutou. Like a life-saving straw.

"Teacher Hu!" Guan Fei who was kneeling on the ground suddenly stood up and shouted towards the stairs.

"Oops!" It was too late for Zhang Xing and the others to stop, Guan Fei's voice had already been heard by the old beard.

At this time, I saw a little old man who looked about 60 years old with gray hair, short stature and a pair of glasses standing in the corridor on the second floor near the stairs.

The old man glanced through his reading glasses at the messy boys' dormitory on the second floor, and his old face drooped like a broken door.

"Who can tell me what is going on!"

(End of this chapter)

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